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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    going for first fill

    I'm getting my first fill on Friday. I was wondering how it would feel as well.
  2. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Welp, I had my first PB last night. Bad Libra!! Bad, bad Libra!!! I had been doing so well on mushies that I thought. "Hey, I can handle a hamburger" So I had 1/2 a hamburger on a plate and some mashed potatoes. I made some brown gravy to help get it down. :hungry: I was a good girl, chewed and chewed and chewed. I managed to eat the hamburger and about a tablespoon of potatoes. Needless to say, ten minutes later I stated getting a pain in my chest. Kind of like a knife into my breast bone, then a sudden feeling of nausea. Actually it felt like the food was stuck in my throat. And then...all hell broke loose!!!! I was at my parents house and my dad was panicking. He kept yelling to me in the bathroom, "Are you okay?" (Sorry Dad, too busy puking my guts out to answer!!!) If you can picture this...(or maybe you don't want to :phanvan ) I'm leaning over the toilet making these horrible loud sounds. I was trying to be quiet about it but I couldn't. Can you imagine I was trying to be polite? LOL!!! Anyway, I don't think I'm ready for solids yet, LOL!!!! I think after experiencing my first PB, I am going to be VERY careful not to overeat. That was an experience I really don't want to repeat...EVER! Cheers to all the August Bandsters!!!!!!! We Rock!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  3. libra

    Question about Moderators

    I just wanted to touch on the multiple account thing. If the accounts were both set up from the same computer, moderators can track that through the ip address. You ip addresses are all listed as when you register. They are made available to moderators and admin only. Also, when you are banned, you are banned with your IP address as the key meaning you can't re-register from the same computer. (unless you know how to alter your IP address.)
  4. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Best of luck WhimsicalClay!!!! Sounds like all our bandsters are doing well. Keep up the good work!!!:clap2:
  5. libra

    Question about Moderators

    I'm a moderator on another message board and I can tell you that no one can read your pm's. They are personal between those sending and receiving them. I've never witnessed an issue with a moderator not following the rules but if that were to happen, you can pm another moderator with a complaint and they would deal with it accordingly. For the record, being a moderator on a message board is not an easy job. You're dealing with such diverse personalities and cultures and somehow trying to maintain a peaceful balance.
  6. libra

    The first few weeks....

    I had a mild complication after surgery. I had a reaction to the anesthesia and was vomiting and nauseous. I ended up deyhydrated and back in the hospital. Luckily, my mother was watching my 2 year old because I could not have done it. All people are different though. I think it's smart to plan for the worst that way you're prepared.
  7. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I'm frusterated!!! I was down 13 pounds and feeling pretty good. But this morning I weighed myself and I gained a pound!!! My husband said not to panic because I might be retaining some water or something, not a big deal. But honestly, I never want to see the scale go in that direction ever again. I've been watching myself but I did find out that what I was using as a protein drink was too high in calories...(for the record, don't drink Ensure High Protein, it has 230 calories!!!) My doctor said Carnation Instant Breakfast is the best, (no sugar added) I'm not feeling any restriction at all right now, thank god I'm getting my first fill on Friday. I've been pretty much limited to Instant Breakfast for breakfast, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese for lunch, and soup for dinner (and 1 or 2 bites of hubby's protein if it's soft. Then water, crystal light, and juice to drink. My treadmill should be coming this week to I can start exercising. Maybe that will help. Hey the month is almost over!!! Congrats everyone this month!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: We need to continue to stick together throughout this process for support and encouragement. If any of you need to talk, or vent...I'm here!!!:biggrin1:
  8. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Faybie....you rock!!!! I saw my doctor today and I'm getting my first fill next Friday. Good thing too because I'm starting to feel hungry again....
  9. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Bug, Don't get discouraged. It hasn't even been two weeks yet. You may still have swelling and need to heal more. I understand what you're saying though. What happens when we encorporate regular foods into our diets? I guess an increase in activity would be beneficial. I have my first post op appointment with my doctor today. I'll let you all know what he says.
  10. I just want to clear up a few things here. First of all, the Muslim religion does not advocate killing. It's certain groups' interpretations that justify killing. Second, I have quite a few Aussie friends and I agree that overall, Australia seems to be a much more liberal place than the United States. Personally, I like the idea of "live and let live" that many of my Aussie friends have adopted. Talking to them has mellowed me out quite a bit.:biggrin1: I think that "statement" was taken out of context. It doesn't seem very "Australian" to me. My husband and I actually considered moving and checked into real estate in the Sydney suburbs but job relocation didn't work out. Ahhh some day you'll find me soaking up the sun on the Gold Coast!!!
  11. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Welcome to the party!!!
  12. libra

    What's in your Ipod? MP3?

    Oh now my true colors will be showing... I'm a huge INXS fan so I have tons of their songs. Michael Hutchence's solo stuff (secret crush on him since I was 13, RIP) Max Q The Cure Concrete Blonde Depeche Mode (big depechie too) Duran Duran The Killers Blue October And then to show my age...some 90's Rave stuff like the Happy Mondays.
  13. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Good luck Trizzy!!! Whimsicalclay....dang! I'm impressed. I don't think I'd be nearly as diligent with such things!! Good for you!!!!
  14. I didn't stop the pill either. My doctor certainly knew about it, as did the nurses in the hospital and no one seemed concerned. Just make sure your doctor knows about it. My doctor also did a veinous doppler scan of my legs to make sure I didn't have any clots prior to surgery, maybe that's why he let me stay on it.
  15. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I was just complaining about the same thing!! I'm wearing elastic waist knit capris, every day so far. Before the surgery, I lived in jeans but when I put them on, I'm okay standing and then I sit down and the button and seam end up iritating one of my incisions. I'm sick of dressing like a slob. I refuse to buy any clothes for a while. I have so many clothes from my various weight stages that I can use as long as I reach those weights during the right season!!! LOL!!! I see a couple people getting banded this week. Best of luck to you!!! Cheers to the August Bandsters!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  16. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    904cathe, welcome, and yeah, sounds like gas to me. Aside from gas medications, when that happens, I found that a deep breath with a slow exhale gets me through until its gone. Serendipity, just make sure you keep sipping liquids and don't dehydrate. I moved off clear liquids yesterday and had some cream of mushroom soup for dinner!!! OMG, heaven. LOL!!! Good luck future August Bandsters!!!! And YAY to those already banded!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  17. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Good luck Jamie and welcome Lisa!!! Lisa, everyone's pre-op diet has been different. Some were more strict, some (like me) did not have one. It all depends on the doctor. OMG I had hiccups last night too...and it was soooo painful!!! What's up with that?? My doctor gave me a prescription for Prevacid for gas. It's that dissolvable kind and seems to work pretty well. I occasionally get a gas pain and basically take a deep exhale to work through it. I'm so curious to see what foods I'm going to be able to handle. You would think a really moist tuna would be okay. I guess this will be trial and error for us until we all get a handle on our "new" systems. I have a really weird question. Today has been one week post op for me. For some reason, my teeth hurt. My husband thinks it might just be from not chewing, I didn't think that made sense. Anyone else's teeth feel sore the first week after surgery? (Maybe it's not related at all, I don't know)
  18. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I like that!!! Now I'm going to imagine a sack of potatoes for every 10 pounds!!! Hey, I've already lost a sack!!! LOL!!!:mad:
  19. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I'm Back!!!!! You were all right, I did call the doctor for the nausea and vomiting...and ended up back in the hospital. I was dehydrated and needed to be put on IV for two days. They also gave me medication for nausea until it subsided. He said it was most likely a reaction to the anesthesia. My husband said he knew I was feeling better when I started complaining about the woman I shared a room with. She kept turning off the air conditioning and opening the windows and it was 95 degrees!!! There was sweat dripping down my face for 2 days!!! Grrrr!!!:cool: I am feeling soooooo much better now. I slept on my side last night for the first time with no discomfort. And I had my 2 year old home with me for the first night since before my surgery. (My mom was watching him) Just cuddling with him made me feel better.:bounce: Good to see all our August Bandsters feeling okay and doing well. :clap2: Good luck to those getting banded!!! Silly question...has any of your families said they didn't want to eat in front of you? I've had to ensure my family that it was okay for them to eat. As if I'd attack the kitchen table or something! LOL!!!
  20. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I'm still vomiting, which is really painful. It's weird, my mouth fills with saliva, which I can't swallow,then I get nauseous, then I start heaving. I need to suck on ice chips to make it stop. And other than being really tired and the occasional gas pain, I'm not feeling badly. I just really want this nausea to go.
  21. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I'm back too. In a bit of pain but not unbearable. My biggest issue is that I had an allergic reaction to the morphine they gave me right after surgery. I've had a severe migraine and dry heaves. The dry heaves hurt like crazy!!! The only thing I've been able to eat or drink has been ice chips due to the nausea. The doctor said it should wear off soon. (I can't wait!!!) And I'm extremely tired!
  22. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Yup, I think it's the three of us tomorrow!!! I'll be thinking of you both!!! I just found out my surgery is at 7:30 am and I have to be at the hospital at 5:45....and the hospital is an hour and a half away!! Not like I would be sleeping tonight anyway, but my poor hubby. Also found out I will be spending the night, so I have to pack a bag. I won't be here to wish you luck tomorrow Diva Girl, so I'll do it now!!! GOOD LUCK!!!! P.S. Have I mentioned that I really want Italian Bread right now?? LOL!!! Keep it up August Bandsters!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  23. libra

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Good to hear from you TerryB. Sounds like you're doing well. Thanks for filling us in. Josette, thanks for the well wishes. I'm sure we'll be fine and we have such a supportive group here to turn to. Hey, did anyone's doctors say not to eat red or orange jello before surgery? In some of the info my doctor sent, it said that because it looks like blood. I'm thinking it was meant for his bypass patients since we're not cutting into my stomach, right? (Some of the info he gives out if for banding and bypass patients)
  24. libra

    Selling a house HELL

    I'm selling my house too!!! We just had an open house yesterday. Our agent suggested a lot of changes as well. My beautiful olive kitchen is now a pale yellow, (She said white, but I just couldn't) And all the bedrooms are now "antique white" It is depressing because I love color. We bought an old restored victorian...very colorful.
  25. libra

    One Year and At Goal


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
