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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Josette, I'm so glad to hear it's not cancer. That's the big issue. You're hubby's job situation is minor in comparision. Try telling hubby that since he decided to stay home for three months, you'll be giving him some work to be done around the house. It will save money instead of hiring people to paint, replace faucets, etc. He'll probably start looking for a job immediately!!!
  2. libra

    ABC September Chat

    I was about 6 days too then all heck broke loose, if you know what I mean!!! Ooooh embarrassing moment.... I'm at the diner with my parents and my son for lunch today and I ordered a 1/2 of turkey on rye with mayo and a cup of soup. I ate about three bites of the soup then took a bite of my sandwich. After about two bites, I got a terrible pain in my chest (I was thinking "Oh yeah, here we go") I coughed and SLIMED IN MY HAND!!! I quickly grabbed a napkin and ran to the bathroom. I was so embarrassed. Oh, and most of the slime slipped out of my hand and on to my turkey sandwich, YUCK!! When I got back from the bathroom, I kept asking my mom if anyone saw me, and she said she didn't know. The waitress kept asking if anything was wrong with my sandwich. I didn't want to tell her that I slimed all over it.
  3. libra

    ABC September Chat

    You know, I'm feeling completely clueless when it comes to the band. Everytime I anticipate that I'm going to lose, I end up either staying the same or even gaining a 1/2 a pound to a pound. I haven't eaten more than a cup per meal with maybe one snack a day of either yogurt, or lowfat cheese, or pudding. And I've started working on the treadmill this week. Yet, I'm stuck again. I had a fill a week ago today and I assumed I would see a jump on weight loss. I dropped 3 pounds over the weekend and then...nothing. I can't tell if I need another fill or not. I'm totally lost here. I guess we are going to be dealing with a lot of trial and error here until we're used to this band. I'm just so anxious to get some of this weight off so I can start feeling good again.
  4. libra

    ABC September Chat

    Meme, I was wondering about that. I'll have had my first fill a week Friday. Sometimes I feel restricted, sometimes I don't. I was wondering if I needed more restriction. But maybe I should wait a week or so to see what happens. :couch2:
  5. libra

    ABC September Chat

    Whimsicalclay, My doctor recommended stages were a little shorter than yours, I think. But once I went into mushies, I stalled until I had my fill. Within 2 days of my fill, I dropped 3 pounds. I guess the transition may be a bit of a shock to the system. I had my fill rather early so I didn't get to see whether or not I'd start losing on my own again.
  6. My surgeon does that type of banding as well. From what Ive read, its a malabsorbative (sp?) procedure. Kind of like a combination of RNY and Banding. Your body will not be getting enough nutrients from food and will need supplements, etc. Do a google search on it, I'm sure you'll find out a lot more.
  7. libra


    I was four pounds heavier after surgery. It's most likely the swelling and the gas. You'll see it drop off once the swelling goes down a bit. Don't worry.
  8. libra

    Surgeon Experience

    I wouldn't say you should be concerned, but as with any surgery, you need to do your research and be comfortable with the surgeon. Best of luck to you.
  9. I'm recently banded to I don't really have a qualified answer like the others here do. But I have been dieting my whole life. I've also tried my share of "fad" exercise machines, (Anyone remember the abdominizer or the thigh master?) I finally decided on the band after 20 plus years of yo-yo dieting which ultimately brought me to my highest weight ever and the potential for a host of health problems. I don't want to live like that any more. I don't want to have my closet divided into the fat clothes, the skinny clothes and the in-between clothes. Not to mention the emotional toll it takes on a person to constantly gain after trying so hard to lose. My therapist/nutritionist said "No one fails at dieting, dieting fails you." I see that now.
  10. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Oh Josette, I'm so sorry. You take care of yourself and your family. Best wishes to you.
  11. You know, I find that really interesting. Those people who are the most severely overweight and truly need the help, are the one's that are least likely to get the procedure. My mom had a BMI of 50 and heart problems, she's going to my surgeon for banding. The surgeon said she wouldn't qualify for bypass but could for banding. If it weren't for the band, what would people like my mom do?
  12. libra

    Scared to death of relationships?

    Don't stress so much about it, just take things as they come. You'll be so much happier if you don't overanalyse things. Just enjoy yourself.
  13. I'd have to agree with most of the people here. The band doesn't "actually" help with emotional eating. Every day, when I'm stressed or whatever, I have to remind myself that I went through this surgery and I can't screw it up by eating something when I shouldn't. I'm still a newbie at this but I've noticed that the band, in itself is not going to "fix" everything. You need to work on your inner self and be committed to this life change. Not just your eating habits but how you deal with life and all its pitfalls. Like I said, it's a daily challenge but one I'm ready for. Good luck to you.
  14. libra

    ABC September Chat

    Yesterday was my first real day of exercise since my surgery. Prior to that, I was just taking walks with my son in the mall or weather permitting in the neighorhood. Well, Sunday we picked up a treadmill. So yesterday was my first workout. I did 1/2 hour on the treadmill, at about 2 to 2.5 mph. I did really well except I decided I'm not ready to join a gym. OMG, do I sweat!!! I had sweat dripping down my face, my hair was soaked. I don't get it, I wasn't that tired or feel I worked that hard but apparently, I'm a sweater.:eek: I wonder if I'll sweat less as I lose weight. Hope so.:phanvan Losin' it, It sounds like you did okay with your meal. Just take it slow. I found that once I incorporated some solids in my diet, my hunger waned a bit. I guess at some point the liquids didn't cut it any more. I made penne bolognese last night. Yum, I love pasta. I added a ton of ground beef to the sauce and took mostly beef and sauce and just a little pasta. I had a total of about a cup which took about 1/2 hour to eat. My husband commented that before surgery I would have taken two huge servings. I'm a huge pasta addict. He was laughing that I could have downed that cup of pasta in 30 seconds. Sad part is...he's right!!! And if you would have asked me, I would have said, "I really don't eat much, I don't understand how I gained so much weight.":p Welcome to the newbies to the ABC!!! The more the merrier. Keep up the great work ABC!! We're all doing great!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  15. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Ericsmom, I was just looking at your ticker. You lost 51 pounds since July? Wow, that's great!! Good for you.:clap2:
  16. libra

    Longevity Game

    Hey, I'm gonna live to 85!!! It said I'm living a healthy lifestyle. Imagine that!!:welldoneclap: Thanks for this.
  17. libra

    ABC September Chat

    Chrissie, The toddler plate sounds like a great idea. It should really help with portion sizes. I've found that I need to put all I'm allowed on my plate and get the rest of the food away from me, otherwise I'll keep picking. Sweet Caroline, Let us know how your fill goes. I'm particularly interested in your restriction after your fill. I'm not sure if I'm restricted enough. It's so hard to tell. I was just asked to be a bridesmaid for my brother's wedding in June. Now that should be some serious motivation. I don't wanna be a fat bridesmaid. I told my mother, "I'd better lose enough weight, what if Patti (my future sis-in-law) picks out a gown that doesn't come in my size?" Could you imagine?? Got my treadmill yesterday, I'm gonna try it out later this morning!!! All I keep thinking about is those comedy sketches where the treadmill is going so fast and the person's feet are flying in the air. That would be me... well add dripping sweat and windedness. LOL!!! Ahhh, I hate exercise!!! Lovin' the ABC!!!!!:biggrin1:
  18. libra

    ABC September Chat

    Chrissie, How did you manage to eat a bagel without it getting stuck? I would love me some bagel but I've noticed crusty breads don't work for me. Don't worry about the mess up though. We'll all have them. I think we need to try and fill up on the good things, (proteins, veggies, etc.) and try and stay away from the carbs though. That advice should be taken with a grain of salt as it comes from a HUGE carb addict.:welldoneclap: Happy2BMe, everyone's body is different so don't beat yourself up. I'm not sure what you're eating but I guess the main thing would be to try and avoid carbs and make sure you're drinking enough liquids throughout the day. Faybie, one of my pills got stuck this morning too. Dang that hurts!!! It took a few hours and a lot of liquids but it finally went down. Best of luck to the ABC!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  19. libra

    PRE-FILL Blues??

    Thanks for reposting that. I think so many of us newly banded are a little afraid of what's happening with our bodies at the moment. These should ease a lot of worried minds.
  20. libra

    What A Croc: Croc Hunter Killed!!

    I have to agree with you diva. The title of the thread seems a little harsh to me. Who are we to judge a man upon his passing? My thoughts are with his family and especially to his children who, regardless of your personal feelings of the man, just lost their daddy.
  21. libra

    ABC September Chat

    I've lost 3 1/2 pounds since my fill on Friday!! Yay!!!
  22. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

  23. libra

    ABC September Chat

    I had my first fill this past Friday. Before that...I probably could have eaten the whole pizza. LOL!!!
  24. Best of luck to you....I'll keep you in my thoughts.
  25. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hey LapBandit, can you add me to the list? Libra, 303 275 Thanks, I'm up for the challenge.

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