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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Happy Holidays ABC!!! I've gained 2 pounds back after my unfill. So needless to say, I'm calling for another fill, hopefully this Friday. I feel like a human yoyo here! Sheesh!
  2. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Lapbandit, you look beautiful!!:guess
  3. This is the chat thread for the August 2006 Band Crew!!! Don't forget to update your totals, fills, etc in the August Updates thread in the main forum!!! Chat away!!!!!:biggrin1:
  4. Haven't felt the choking feeling either. I have pb'd and it's not the most pleasant thing to do. But hey the results are worth an occasional pb.
  5. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Woo Hoo! Congrats!!! Make yourself at home!!:welcomeB: :banana :cheer2: :waytogo: :Banane52: :Banane09:
  6. libra

    ABC ~ November Chat

    GE Mom, I'd guess that you need a fill, especially since your activity is temporarily limited. I've noticed that food gets stuck because I don't chew well enough but it has nothing to do with how much I eat. I think a fill will help you until you can start moving again. I had to go to the ER for my unfill. I wonder if everyone's doctors do this? He said he only does fills and unfills on Fridays. I couldn't wait until Friday. That would have been a week with no food and hardly any water. So needless to say, 6 hours in the Emergency room for a 5 minute procedure. They took out 1/3 of my total amount. Apparently I had 3.3 cc's. My last fill he had added 1 cc. So I'm pretty much where I started before my fill. I'm so nervous about gaining back what I lost now that I can eat solid food again. I'm down 51 pounds but I'm not updating my ticker in case things change. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get another fill next week. But I'll have to remind him to give me less than this last time!!
  7. I also feel your daughter's pain. I was teased in school for my weight and always felt the outcast. I have to say though that it sounds like your daughter is suffering from severe depression and that needs to be dealt with before you even consider a weight loss procedure. If she's not in the right headspace to handle what is needed to do for success, she'll end up failing at this as well, which could cause more harm than good. My suggestion is to find a good child psychiatrist to help her understand her value and worth before focusing on the weight. She needs to know that her size is not what defines her.
  8. libra

    ABC ~ November Chat

    I just called my doctor for an unfill. He's supposed to call me back to see when he can fit me in. I can't even drink water, it comes right back up.
  9. You should be so proud of yourself! Awesome job! BTW, your manicurist is sooooooo small! LOL!
  10. libra


    That's great!!! Good for you!
  11. I had my third fill this past Friday. I'm really restricted. I'm hoping it loosens up a bit as I can't even drink all of my water for the day. I'm down 49.5 pounds....grrr, fighting for that last .5 of a pound!
  12. libra

    So what do you think the Democrats will do?

    Amen to that!!!
  13. libra

    ABC ~ November Chat

    I'm starting to wonder if I'm overfilled. I had my fill on Friday and I'm still struggling. I have to take small sips of water and am pretty much stuck with liquids. Is that normal? I'm not sure since my previous fills didn't really do much.
  14. libra

    Desperate/Considering diet pills

    I'm sure you weren't actually physically hungry enough to eat all of that food. Don't let your mental hunger control you! You're stronger than that. Make the right food choices and keep reminding yourself of your goal and why you went through this. And start exercising! I've found that if I keep busy, I don't have time to think about food!
  15. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Mariquita, Saying goodbye to 300 was awesome, especially knowing that I'll never see that number on my scale again!!! I've never felt so positive about that before! Good luck to you!!! BTW, thanks ericsmom!!
  16. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

  17. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Christmas Goals A1ikou...............240...............XX Aza....................299...............XX BPM..................230...............37 candy444...........299.................09 Elisabeth.............275.................16 Ericsmom...........250................12 Indianlight...........280.................5 Josette................340.................25 JulieNYC............235...................9 Koala.................275..................24 Ladydi................270 .................33 LapBandit...........250..................7 Libra...................270................0 (woohoo!) Mariguita.............290.................XX NatesMommy.....275.................XX Waterlily1072.....275..................23 WooHoo!! I made my Christmas goal!!! Now I'm 1/2 pound away from losing 50 pounds!! I'm so excited, I can't contain myself. Lapbandit, I'm just gonna try and stay as active as possible during the holiday festivities. I'll play with the kids, clear the table, make coffee, whatever it takes to not just sit and pick on food. Other than that, I have no idea how I'll make it through! (I might cross my fingers as well!)
  18. libra

    ABC ~ November Chat

    It's not always this severe. I just had my third fill and you're supposed to stay on liquids for three days. I wasn't following directions by putting the noodles in my Soup. It was my own fault really. If you stick around, you'll learn from our mistakes too. Josette, are you chewing well? I noticed that sometimes when I'm hungry, I don't chew the way we're supposed to. I too am more restricted in the morning and it eases during the day. I drink no sugar added Carnation Instant Breakfast in the morning for breakfast. It fills me up pretty well and doesn't get stuck. Also, sipping on a warm liquid in the am helps to open you up a bit. Hang in there.
  19. libra

    ABC ~ November Chat

    Roinsmom, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I was there by 8am. I didn't know what you looked like to look for you. I was in the main waiting room for almost 2 hours before I was moved to the back, so I may have missed you. Hang in there. I know it's not easy. I just spent an hour hanging over the toilet because I put a few noodles in my chicken broth.:girl_hug: So yeah, it's not easy, but we can do this. You have my support and can contact me at any time.
  20. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was good. And no one did too much damage!! LOL!! We go out for Thanksgiving so I had lobster tail....YUM!!! I ate a little more than half and then went for my third fill the following morning. Trying to get to that 50 pound mark!!!!
  21. libra

    ABC ~ November Chat

    I've only bought a couple of shirts....and something to wear to hubby's company Christmas party. I've been wearing pants I haven't seen since before I had my son. I just had my third fill yesterday...and HOLY RESTRICTION!!! I'm having a hard time with my Water. I'm used to gulping it, now I have to take tiny sips. I'm hoping to hit the 50 pound mark with this fill.
  22. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Christmas Goals A1ikou...............240...............XX Aza....................299...............XX BPM..................230...............37 candy444...........299.................09 Elisabeth.............275.................16 Ericsmom...........250................12 Indianlight...........280.................5 Josette................340.................25 JulieNYC............235...................9 Koala.................275..................24 Ladydi................270 .................33 LapBandit...........250..................7 Libra...................270................6 Mariguita.............290.................XX NatesMommy.....275.................XX Waterlily1072.....275..................23 Indianlight. I think Easter would be too far away a goal. I'm good for Valentines Day. We'll just have to adjust our goals accordingly.
  23. libra

    ABC ~ November Chat

    I was at my highest weight ever right before my surgery. I was wearing 28's and most were tight. Some pants were a 30. (I really telling anyone that:angry ) Now, I'm down to a 24 in anything, some pants are actually loose at a 24 but 22's are still a little too tight. This is the thinnest I've been since I've had my son, so I'm really happy.
  24. I'm down 43 pounds and will be getting a third fill the day after Thanksgiving.
  25. libra

    Nichole Richie--Band? Bypass?

    I don't believe for a second that she had the band or bypass. Personally, I feel we're all in the same boat. Those of us who are overweight and those who are underweight are all struggling with some form of eating disorder. She deserves support, not rumor and speculation.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
