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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Robin, so glad to hear your little one is better. I have a son with severe asthma. We've spend many a night in the hospital. The last was a week in the pediatric ICU. it's so hard when you little one is suffering.
  2. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Yay JulieNYC!! You did it girl!!!!
  3. libra

    Question for the ladies...

    So far, I'm in the same cup size but they're less full. Actually, they've gotten droopy. I told my hubby that once I get to my goal weight, after all the exercise I can do to "pump them up" LOL!, I may consider a breast lift. I don't wanna work this hard and have droopy boobs!
  4. libra

    An NSV in NYC

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to post something that happened to me while shopping in NYC. I was with my best friend and we were walking down 5th Avenue. We're stopped at a crosswalk and a man taps me on the shoulder and says... "Excuse me miss. I don't typically do this but I really feel I need to tell you something." Of course, I'm thinking something terrible...food in teeth, split my pants...whatever. He says, "I've walked the streets in Manhattan my entire life and I have to tell you that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" HELLO!!??? I haven't had a compliment from other than my husband in years! My friend said I was smiling so wide she thought my face would crack! I LOVE NEW YORK!!:grouphug:
  5. I don't measure either. I thought about it but decided that I didn't want to think of this as a diet as I tend to fail at "diets" I take a small amount and if I'm still hungry, I'll take a bit more. It probably ends up at around the correct amount of food.
  6. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    congrats Juliegeraci! That's my next little milestone, can't wait!!! JulieNYC.....drink extra water!!! You'll be there by Monday, I'm sure!
  7. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Diane, Faybie is right. Fills are tricky. When you find you're spot, you"ll start seeing a major difference. Exercise really makes a difference as well. Try to get as much activity in you day as possible. I noticed that my body has started to change shape as well. I haven't taken measurements but I see muscle where there used to be fat, so that's a good thing. It's not all gonna show on the scale, so hang in there.
  8. libra

    minor set back

    Stay positive. I'm sure it will work out for you.
  9. libra

    An NSV in NYC

    That just gave me a chuckle. LOL!!! Yeah, being from the NY/NJ area, it's just natural to be wary of people. I just said thank you and kept walking. But heck, I'll take a compliment...even if it comes from a whacko!!!:welldone2:
  10. libra

    I need ur advice please

    Gabi, this is the best place to go for advice. You've gotten some fantastic advice here. No need for me to repeat it. It's so important for you to be honest with yourself and try to stay motivated. Keep your eyes on the prize. My mother was having a similar problem. She kept saying food was getting stuck and she wasn't eating much. When I had lunch with her one day, I noticed that she was taking the same size bites she was pre-surgery. Once I made her aware of it, she's been concentrating more on her eating habits and feeling much better. Best of luck to you...you've done a wonderful job so far.
  11. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    go Julie! go Julie! go Julie!!
  12. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Oooh panty NSV's rock!!! I left my big'uns in the drawer for inspiration!! I'm wearing pretty lacy new ones that were a treat for when I eventually could fit into them. Now theyre the only ones not sagging! LOL!! Don't see myself jumping into a thong any time soon though! LMAO!! Faybie, 16's eh? That's got to feel good. Congrats!!!
  13. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Josette, hang in there hon. The holidays can be rough. I'm guessing you should get another fill. I know I need one. Something I learned...getting stuck doesn't mean you have enough restriction. It usually means you're eating too fast and not chewing well enough. (Unless, of course, you're overfilled in which it doesn't matter how well you chew. LOL!) I'm waiting till the new year to get another fill. After they did the partial unfill, I've lose quite a bit of restriction. I'm just trying to maintain my weight until I can get that fill.
  14. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congrats on the milestone Lapbandit! And Happy Belated B-day too!!! I'm in PMS hell right now. I don't even want to get on the scale till it's all over!
  15. libra

    ABC - December chat

    I eat three meals and usually two snack a day as well. My Snacks are usually low fat cheese, nuts, or some sort of fruit. (no apples or pears, they get stuck!) I'm averaging about 1000 calories a day. I'm also exercising 6 days a week for 1/2 hour on the treadmill in the am, and about 1/2 hour with some hand weights at night.
  16. I think the 18 year old me would probably be disgusted with me for letting my body control me instead of the other way around. However, I think she'd be impressed with my strength and perserverence. As a teen I was always concerned what people thought of me and did what I thought people wanted me to do. I've finally started listening to my own voice and recognising it's value.
  17. libra

    Anybody Used Xenical?

    My doc said it loses its effectiveness after a few months, and you end up needing higher doses to maintain. I stopped after a few months and never went back on.
  18. libra

    Anybody Used Xenical?

    Xenical is sooo disgusting! I had to stop taking it! Meridia did nothing for me either. Phentermine was fantastic. It really curbed my appetite. The only trouble with Phentermine is that you build a tolerence to it. It can only be taken for a few months, then you need to stay off for a few, then back on. That was too tough for me.
  19. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congrats Mariquita!!! Welcome to twoterville!! Ericsmom!!! You can do it!!!
  20. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Well, to keep it going...what I've learned. I've learned that I don't have to panic if I have a setback (ie: overfill etc.) I can still succeed. I've learned that my defeatest attitude doesn't help.
  21. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Thanks everyone! The dr's office called and said to call back on Thursday to see if there are any cancellations for a fill on Friday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! If not, I'll just have to be careful. I really need to learn not to stress too much about these things. I immediated start to panic and I shouldn't do that.
  22. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Indianlight, I'd love to but I'm a little afraid it's not gonna happen. I had to have an unfill and they took too much out. They can't get me in for another fill until 12-22. But who wants to be on liquids for Christmas. So I may not be getting another fill till after the New Year. I'm really afraid of gaining it all back!
  23. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Okay, now I'm in a really bad mood. I had to have an unfill because I couldn't keep down liquids. Well, they took too much out and I'm gaining weight like crazy. 3 pounds in 3 days!!! I called to have another fill and he's booked until 12-22. Hello!!! That's 3 days before Christmas!! Who wants a fill 3 days before Christmas!!!??? The next available date is after the New Year. I'm an absolute panic about going through the holiday feeling little restriction. I'm afraid of gaining back what took so much effort to lose. If I can gain three pounds in three days, I'm in trouble.
  24. libra

    Pain in my side?

    I have the same thing. Sometimes the pain is mild, sometimes it's pretty bad.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
