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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm adding my current weight... Valentine's Day 2007 Challenge!! Week Zero of Six Name....................Current Weight......Valentine's Goal......To Go Juliegeraci................248.................... ...10..........................10 Lapbandit.................247..................... ..20..........................20 Libra.......................265................... .....20..........................20 Indianlight................279.................... ...20..........................20
  2. I agree with Boo, I've found that I'm ultra sensitive after a pb. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best.
  3. libra

    Pain in my side?

    My best to you! I'm sure it'll be okay. Be thankful you went to the doctor.
  4. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm up for 20 pounds by Valentine's Day!! Okay, who's gonna be the brave one and compile all of our goals onto a list?
  5. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Happy New Year everyone!!!! Four days till my fill. I'm being bad and eating all the things I know I can't eat once I'm filled.
  6. libra

    For Women only...sorry guys!

    No breast discomfort here either. My breasts are getting smaller and drooping a bit (which does not make me happy) I bought some hand weight to try and tighten and firm everything up. Sorry I couldn't be of any help.
  7. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Candy, so sorry to hear about your sister. She will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.
  8. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congrats lapbandster!!! Don't worry about the pace of your weight loss. You're doing great!
  9. libra

    What pushed you to commit?

    I think realizing that I couldn't play with my then 2 year old the way a mother should. I had difficulty getting up off the floor. I had trouble keeping up with him in general. I finally realized that at the rate I was going, my son was going to lose his mother too soon. He deserves a healthy, happy role model.
  10. libra


    Salads are good for me too. I do add tuna or chicken for Protein. I tend to throw some cheese and chick peas for added protein as well. Can't do cucumbers, raw carrots, and the like anymore though, they get stuck. My salads now consist of a protein (tuna, chicken, shrimp, egg) cheese, chick peas, spring mix salad, grape tomatoes and maybe an olive or two. That's pretty much it though.
  11. libra

    What was that??

    Jack, thank you for being so descriptive. I'm going to re-read this post every time I have a craving for a Big Mac!!!:bananapartyhat:
  12. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I had a rough holiday too. The food is just too good. LOL!! Thank goodness I pb'd my dinner on Christmas Day. It made me stop eating before I did some serious damage. Somehow, and I'm telling ya, I don't know how, I managed to lose a pound and a half!
  13. libra

    ABC - December chat

    LMAO!!! I think we have the same mother!!!!:biggrin1: Thanks for the clothes offer. I'm not working at the moment as my 3 year old has had severe asthma and I'm not able to get back to work yet because of it. I pretty much live in jeans.:bananapartyhat:
  14. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Faybie, I can't believe your mom didn't notice!! My mom is watching me like a hawk. Of course, she had the band 1 1/2 months after me so she keeps saying..."That's gonna be me too!!" I just got down to a size 22. I was originally a 30 (EEEEK!) Can't wait to be a 16 too!! The clothing choices are so much nicer...and younger looking!!!
  15. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Pat, they're going to notice at some point. My family was laughing because everything I tried to wear for Christmas was too big. I ended up in jeans and a sweater (that was also a bit too big) As strange as it may sound, aside from that kids, all of my family has struggled with weight. I'm actually glad about that as they were extremely supportive. For the record, I'm avoiding the scale for a few days. I didn't eat a lot, but it was all the wrong thing. I fear the scale right now. BTW, I'm scheduled for a fill on 1-5...just in time!
  16. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    We're rooting for you Tann!!!!
  17. libra

    ABC - December chat

    I do it every day too. It's an addiction! I really have to at least go to every other day. It really stresses you out when you see the scale go up a bit.
  18. libra

    I,m so clean

    ***cues up some cheesy porn music..*** bow, chicka bow chicka boom boom boom:D
  19. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Wow Mom, you're loss is incredible!!! Good for you!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  20. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Good for you Josette!! I didn't want to let any of my family know I had the surgery, but unfortunately, mom and dad and hubby spilled the Beans. Pretty much everyone I've even known is now aware that I have the band. LOL!! I feel like a walking billboard for lapband surgery. Just today I saw my Uncle and cousing for the first time in a couple months. The first thing they said is, "So how much?" I told them and they were so happy for me. At least my family is really supportive. They aren't looking at me like, "is that it?" I did notice that, although they don't say anything, they do watch everything that goes into my mouth. I had coffee and put a teaspoon of sugar in it and my uncle asked why I didn't use sweet n low. I told him I don't like sweet n low, I like splenda and there isn't any here. I had to explain that a teaspoon of sugar isn't gonna ruin everything. Oh and I had a really good NSV today. I finally fit into my favorite pre-baby jeans! I started out at a size 30 and these are a 22! A 22!!! I almost died when I buttoned and zippered them without a problem!!:clap2:
  21. libra

    NSV **grin**

    Gotta love that!!
  22. libra

    I,m so clean

    Oh that's horrible Jachut! 10 years?!! Wow! I'm going to Sydney for a week in August to spend time with friends. Guess I should get used to short showers.
  23. I'm a member of several messageboards and actually run one myself and I've never seen so many people posting porn links before! What's with that?
  24. libra

    I,m so clean

    Coming clean on a guilty pleasure eh? I much prefer baths, now that I can fit in the tub without all the water pouring out! LOL!!!
  25. libra

    ABC - December chat

    Trizzy, Look forward to reading of your successes! Happy Holidays!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
