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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name....................Current Weight......Valentine's Goal......To Go Juliegeraci................237.................... ..10................Done! 5lbs Bonus Lapbandit.................235..................... .20..........................8 Libra....................... 251......................20....................... ...6 Indianlight................ 268......................20....................... .9 JulieNYC.................. 215......................215...................... ...0 Elisabethsew............ 283 (-11)...............282........................1 __________________ Forgot to update my weight loss!!
  2. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Congrats Julie!!!!
  3. libra

    ABC '06 ~ February Chat

    Yay roinsmom! Do what you've gotta do. If it's working then good for you! StephM. I'm so sorry. I can relate to what you're going through. You're in my throughts and feel free to vent whenever you need.
  4. Yesterday, I was shopping at the mall. I wanted to get a pair of boots to wear with a denim skirt that I hadn't been able to wear in four years. (Yay!) Typically, with boots, I either need to buy them in a plus-sized store so the calves are wider or buy the kind that slouch down. Well, I saw a pair of boots in JC Penney that I loved, but figured would never fit at they wet to just below he knee in tight leather. For whatever reason, I tried them on. AND THEY FIT!!! I could zip them all the way up my calf!! I couldn't believe it. It's been years and years since I could wear boots like that! I came home and modeled them for my husband and couldn't stop dancing around in them. Have I mentioned that I love my band? LOL!
  5. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Lapbandit, you're so right! And Tann, I'll be thrilled to be where you are after one year! Happy B-day Elizabethsew! And congrats to Shannonh
  6. I've learned that I can't eat breakfast in the morning. I slowly sip on a protein shake. It slowly eases up through the day. By dinner, I can eat pretty normally.
  7. libra

    This is SWEET!!

    Isn't it great? For those just out...it takes time to get there. Don't be discouraged. Make sure you ask for another fill if you don't feel restricted enough.
  8. libra

    Here come my 'after' doubts

    I think most of us went through this. Hang in there, once you start seeing the results, your doubts will pass.
  9. libra

    ABC '06 January Chat

    Just wanted to let y'all know, I've started the February Chat thread.
  10. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name....................Current Weight......Valentine's Goal......To Go Juliegeraci................237.................... ..10................Done! 5lbs Bonus Lapbandit.................235..................... .20..........................8 Libra....................... 253......................20....................... ...8 Indianlight................ 277......................20....................... .14 JulieNYC.................. 218......................215...................... ...3 Elisabethsew............ 283 (-11)...............282........................1 Getting closer... Let's do it everyone!!
  11. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    You need to create an account. There is a small space where you can create a password. (it's next to the box where you type a password.) After you create one, you should be able to go back and create a new ticker which is will save based on your password. Personally, I think it's a pain in the tush, but whatever.:phanvan
  12. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name....................Current Weight......Valentine's Goal......To Go Juliegeraci................237.................. ..10................Done! 5lbs Bonus Lapbandit.................240..................... .20..........................13 Libra....................... 254.......................20...........................9 Indianlight................ 277...................... 20...................... ..18 JulieNYC.................. 218.......................215.................... ....3 Elisabethsew............ 283 (-11)...............282.........................1
  13. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Waterlily, I'm so sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts.
  14. libra

    ABC '06 January Chat

    Faybie's totally right. You've done so well so far! Don't get discouraged. We all have occasional plateaus. It'll start coming off again. Just keep doing what you're doing.:clap2:
  15. Sounds like you need another fill. I was at 2.0 before I felt any restriction. We're all different and your doctor should acknowledge that.
  16. I guess people started to notice, (at least say something about it) at about 30 pounds. But the more I lose, the more comments I get. Give it time, our bodies are all different.
  17. I use a treadmill 6 times a week in the morning for 1/2 hour, then weights about 4 nights a week to tone my arms and chest. I really need to start working on my abs, I'm just avoiding it. The treadmill has been great. I can actually feel my body changing. There are muscles where there used to be flab!:biggrin1:
  18. I pb almost daily since my fourth fill. I guess it's just getting used to more restriction and learning to slow down!!
  19. libra

    ABC '06 January Chat

    I've done the unfill thing once too. Actually, I wouldn't call me overfilled right now I guess, just slightly more restricted than I would want ideally. Some people would be fine with this...I'd want a bit more freedom. But I can deal with it for a little while, I just really have to concentrate on getting in what I need nutritionally, which Im doing. I ordered my bridemaid gown and its an 18. I"m a 22 right now, so I have until June to get to an 18...NO PRESSURE!! LOL!
  20. libra

    ABC '06 January Chat

    I've done the unfill thing once too. Actually, I wouldn't call me overfilled right now I guess, just slightly more restricted than I would want ideally. Some people would be fine with this...I'd want a bit more freedom. But I can deal with it for a little while, I just really have to concentrate on getting in what I need nutritionally, which Im doing. I ordered my bridemaid gown and its an 18. I"m a 22 right now, so I have until June to get to an 18...NO PRESSURE!! LOL!
  21. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name....................Current Weight......Valentine's Goal......To Go Juliegeraci................241.5.................. ..10..........................3.5 Lapbandit.................240..................... .20..........................13 Libra....................... 255.......................20...................... ...10 Indianlight................ 277...................... 20...................... ..18 JulieNYC.................. 221.......................215.................... ....6 Elisabethsew............ 283 (-11)...............282.........................1 Now the question is...can I lose ten more pounds before Valentine's Day? I'm gonna try like hell!!!
  22. libra

    ABC '06 January Chat

    Okay, all you Houston gals, quit hogging the thread!!! LOL!! Just kidding. I'm down 64 pounds and feeling good, although I think I'm slightly overfilled, it's not too bad and it's starting to ease up. So I'll deal with it a little longer.
  23. Just getting ready for tomorrow. This is the place where we can offer support, ask questions and chat about our band, the changes we experience, NSV's, whatever. Please remember to update your information, (weight changes, fills, etc.) in the "August 2006 ~ Running Totals and Updates" thread in the General Lap Band Discussion section. Cheers to the ABC!!! WE ROCK!!!:peace: :rockon:
  24. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Waterlily, hang in there and don't worry about the weight loss right now. You have more importnant things to deal with, like being with your mom. My thoughts are with you. Congrats to Tann!!! Twoterville is a nice place to be.
  25. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Oh Elisabeth, you're only 2 pounds away!! Yay waterlily...we're rooting for you!! I haven't gotten on the scale in a few days so I can't update yet.

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