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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    so is this an NSV??

    Amen to that! LOL!!! Good for you for handling the stress and not turning to food!
  2. I have occasional stalls every 20 pounds or so. But I notice my body changing shape during those times. I guess our bodies need time to catch up to the changes.
  3. libra

    Should I get a fill?

    The solid proteins should curb your hunger longer. Good luck.
  4. libra

    The pull of the moon

    Yeah, fickle is definately the word to describe it. Just go with the flow. And on those days when you can eat a lot...you need to use some willpower.
  5. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    babygrl, You're doing great. Don't stress about it. I'm anxious too and wish I'd done this sooner, but let's just be glad we finally did it and took the right step. Lapbandit, I'm with ya. I'll go by the 15th unless I don't make my goal yet. LOL! I'm going to be cutting it close.
  6. Personally, I think if you read a little more, you'll find more positive posts than negative. Everyone's experience is different. But, I for one, am thrilled with my progress. Granted, I work my arse off to get there, but I know it wouldn't have happened without the band. Two major points...you need to follow the band diet...and you really need to exercise! We all have times when we stop losing for a while, just don't give up. Oh, and if you need a fill....get a fill! Don't think the band will work without proper restriction. That's all the pearls of wisdom I have! LOL!! Good luck!
  7. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Forgot to update! Name..........................Starting…...…..Current….…..Goal…....To Go Juliegeraci.......................238............. .........236.................228..............8 Lapbandit.......................231............... .......220………….199.............21 Waterlily........................300.............. .........280.................264.............16 Roiansmom....................299.................. .....299.................270.............29 Libra..............................248............ ...........235.................228.............7 JulieNYC.......................212................ .......199.................185.............14 Elisabethsew................. 282.......................274..................264 .............10 PeaCeJ..........................338............... ........333..................318.............15 RidinMyHDDream.........297.......................2 84 .................281...............3 Babygirl1234.................260.................. ......250................240.............10 eecelove70..................228.................. ......228.................200.............28 Josette...........................351............. ...........344.................335.............9 Oh, and I think I solved my constipation issue. Every morning I have a small bowl of a high fiber cereal. Right now I have Fiber One with honey clusters. (It tastes pretty good too.) And then I drink one glass of water with benefiber in it. That seems to do the trick.
  8. Ha! I used to do this funny sidestep thing to fix my shorts that would run up to the crotch! My mother used to laugh at me for it. Then she started doing it too. I have't worn shorts in years because of that. (Capris in summer.) I can't wait to have legs that look good in shorts again...that won't ride up!
  9. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Oh yes! A skinny chick shopping spree sounds good to me! LOL!! Molly, I like you take on those times when I don't lose anything....I'm redistributing! Works for me!
  10. I always figured I just had really high self esteem as usually thought I looked better than I actually did! LOL!! Then I would see a photograph of myself and....YIKES!
  11. libra

    48 Hours!

    Rocko! Good luck and welcome to the losers club!
  12. libra

    Two weeks of what??

    The liquids is not easy but it's worth it.
  13. libra

    Definitely need encouragement

    phatphill, you're still healing. Give it some time, and eat and drink slowly with small bites and sips. You should look into getting a Protein based drink in you. Many recommend Isopure, usually found in health food stores. Good luck.
  14. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'd have to agree. I see such a great change in my body and I'd have to attribute that to the exercise as much as the weight loss. My surgeon really stressed to me how important the exercise is and, as much as I dislike it, I'm sticking with it. I just got rid of almost all of my clothes that are now too big for me. Now I seriously need to do some shopping! In a size 20! Woo HOO!
  15. libra

    How many meals a day?

    That's what my doctor said to do. My snacks are small, maybe a cheese stick or a few nuts. It works for me. I work out 6 days a week and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day also.
  16. libra

    Did your shoe size change?

    I went from a 9 1/2 wide to a 9 M. I'm happy, there is no nice youthful selection of wide width shoes.
  17. libra

    How many meals a day?

    I have 3 small meals with 2 healthy snacks in between. It seems to keep my satisfied all day.
  18. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Woo Hoo! I'm down another pound! This makes up for the last two weeks of losing nothing! LOL!! Name..........................Starting…...…..Current….…..Goal…....To Go Juliegeraci.......................238............. .........236.................228..............8 Lapbandit.......................231............... .......220………….199.............21 Waterlily........................300.............. .........280.................264.............16 Roiansmom....................299.................. .....299.................270.............29 Libra..............................248............ ...........236.................228.............8 JulieNYC.......................212................ .......199.................185.............14 Elisabethsew................. 282.......................274..................264 .............10 PeaCeJ..........................338............... ........333..................318.............15 RidinMyHDDream.........297.......................2 84 .................281...............3 Babygirl1234.................260.................. ......250................240.............10 eecelove70..................228.................. ......228.................200.............28 Josette...........................351............. ...........347.................335.............12
  19. Woo Hoo! congrats to you!!! I love being able to actually SEE my legs past my belly when I'm shaving them!
  20. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I wish I was that concerned when I only had 40 pounds to lose. I give people credit for being conscious of their weight before it barrels out of control like I did. No one should have to feel the way I have, uncomfortable, unhealthy, embarrassed. It's a sucky way to live. I wish I was the type to do something about it when I was 20 pounds overweight.
  21. libra

    eat normal ever AGAIN??

    Your version of normal is what got you here in the first place. It will feel perfectly normal in time and you'll stop focusing on the food as much.
  22. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name..........................Starting…...…..Current….…..Goal…....To Go Juliegeraci.......................238............. .........236.................228..............8 Lapbandit.......................231............... .......220………….199.............21 Waterlily........................300.............. .........281.................264.............17 Roiansmom....................299.................. .....299.................270.............29 Libra..............................248............ ...........237.................228.............9 JulieNYC.......................212................ .......199.................185.............14 Elisabethsew................. 282.......................274..................264 .............10 PeaCeJ..........................338............... ........333..................318.............15 RidinMyHDDream.........297.......................2 84 .................281...............3 Babygirl1234.................260.................. ......250................240.............10 eecelove70..................228.................. ......228.................200.............28 Josette...........................351............. ...........347.................335.............12
  23. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    It's a major problem for me too. I take benefiber in all of my water for the day. I also eat a high fiber cereal in the morning and when I don't "go" for two days, I take a stool softener or drink this herbal tea that's supposed to help. It still doesn't always work. I"m getting really frusterated with this too. I have a hard time eating vegetables unless they're cooked to mush, and most fruit gives me problems as well.
  24. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hang in there everyone. I don't have much patience either. I'm ready to be a size 10....waiting, waiting, waiting...LOL!!!
  25. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Go lapbandit!!! Funny, I checked mine today too. I have to get to 196 pounds to get to "overweight" I've got a bit to go yet. Good luck!

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