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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Tax Day Challenge! (April 15th) Week Six of Eight Name..........................Starting…...…..Current….…..Goal…....To Go Juliegeraci.......................238............. .........233.................228..............5 Lapbandit.......................231............... ........210………….199.............11 Waterlily........................300.............. . .........276.................264.............12 Roiansmom....................299.................. . .....299.................270.............29 Libra..............................248............ ............234.................228.............6 JulieNYC.......................212................ .......199..................185.............14 Elisabethsew..................282................. . ......274..................264 ............10 PeaCeJ..........................338............... ........333..................318.............15 RidinMyHDDream.........297........................ 281 .................281..............0 Babygirl1234.................260.................. . .....244..................240..............4 Leecelove70..................228................. .......228.................200.............28 Josette...........................351............. ...........342.................335...............7 Lizrbit............................289............ . ...........286.................279..............7 losingjusme....................315............. ...........315.................302.5........12.5
  2. libra

    ABC 06~April Chat

    I seem to be stalled a bit right now too. It's been a few weeks since I've seen any real weight loss. I think I'm just plateauing right now. Trying to keep the positivity about it. If I don't lose something soon, I'm gonna snap! LOL!
  3. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm still stalled so deciding my next goal is frusterating. I'm hoping that 25 lbs would be do-able.
  4. libra

    Nsv (jeans!!)

    Woo Hoo! Congrats!
  5. libra

    Cookie Coma

    Wow, never happened to me either. Although, sugar and carbs never seem to have any effect on me, aside from making me gain weight!
  6. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Glad you decided to come back Mariquita! The support and guidance here is the best!
  7. libra

    ABC 06~April Chat

    Thanks for starting the new thread ladydi. Best of luck to everyone this month!
  8. libra

    I want my cake....

    Molly, We're just anxious. I feel the same way sometimes. But RNY...and its side effects, scare the bejesus out of me too. I think we made the right choice, we just need a little patience.
  9. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Molly, If you haven't already done it. Try sipping on warm liquids. It seems to help me when I'm hopelessly stuck.
  10. libra

    just home from surgery

    I had a reaction to the morphine drip. I was dry heaving and couldn't keep water down at all. I needed to go back to the hospital and get an IV. That's why I said to make sure you keep hydrated. I don't think there's much you can do for nausea until the anesthesia is completely out of your system.
  11. libra

    Courtney Love weight Loss!

    Supposedly, she used a macrobiotic diet. (I'm sure I spelled that wrong! LOL!) She said she's lost 40 pounds. I'm glad she's getting herself back on track for the sake of Frances Bean.
  12. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Lapbandit, Maybe cater their lunch for the day? Possibly a sandwich platter with a large bowl of salad? We have this great deli near me that does gourmet sandwiches and wraps and makes awesome salads with walnuts and blue cheese and cranberries. It shouldn't be too expensive and they'd probably love it.
  13. libra

    just home from surgery

    Congrats! Be careful with the nausea..make sure you take your liquids.
  14. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Molly, I'm sure you can make your goal (or at least close) for your bandiversary! I'll be rooting for you!!!!
  15. libra

    Invitation to dinner?

    You don't want to try and eat something too soon, and deal with the consequences. I'd say pass also.
  16. libra

    ABC 2006~March Chat

    Robin, you look awesome!!! I looked at my "before" pic for the first time since my surgery and almost passed out! YIKES! I had no idea I looked like that! I'll post them after I get back from my cousin's baby shower Sunday. We'll be taking pictures, I'm sure!
  17. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Independence Day challenge sounds good to me. Still struggling through this one though. I think I still have a chance of making goal, but I've got to jump start this weight loss.
  18. Well, I'm still on my third fill and am now down 84 pounds, and 10 sizes! I did the happy dance in the fitting room when I tried on a size 20 skirt.
  19. libra

    Realisations to share?

    I realized that I have a great personality. I've always been too shy to really open up in front of people. Now, I really enjoy being in social situations and laughing and joking with people. Oh...and I realized there's actually a pretty hot bod hiding in here! (still working it's way out!)
  20. libra

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    Personally, I feel that if she's happy, that's all that matters.
  21. libra

    ABC 2006~March Chat

    Don't be discouraged Jo Ann. Not that you haven't heard this a million times, but we all lose at different rates. We're here for support, don't disappear. Faybie....check in girl!
  22. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Ipod's are the best! Good luck!!! You can do it!
  23. libra


    Wow! My surgeon would never have done it unless there were some other serious health factors involved.
  24. libra

    ABC 2006~March Chat

    Clarityseeker. Congrats of breaking 50! You go girl!!!
  25. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm with ya Molly. My body goes through phases.

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