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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    ABC 06~April Chat

    Jamie, you look awesome!
  2. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Thanks Lapbandit, I'll try it!
  3. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name..........................Starting…...…..Current….…..Goal…....To Go Juliegeraci.......................238............. .........231.5..............228...........3.5 Lapbandit.......................231............... .........208………….199............9 Waterlily........................300.............. ..........276.................264...........12 Roiansmom....................299.................. ......299.................270...........29 Libra..............................248............ ............231.................228.............3 JulieNYC.......................212................ .......185..................185.............0 Elisabethsew..................282................. .......274..................264 ..........10 PeaCeJ..........................338............... ..........333..................318...........15 RidinMyHDDream.........297.......................2 79 .................281............-2 Babygirl1234.................260.................. ......243..................240............3 Leecelove70..................228.................. .......228.................200............28 Josette...........................351............. ............340.................335..............5 Lizrbit............................289............ ............290.................279.............11 losingjusme....................315................ ........313.................302.5.........10.5 __________________ Okay, so is it possible to lose 3 pounds by the end of this challenge? If I don't make it, at least I came really close, right? LOL!! Now in all seriousness, my weight loss has slowed down quite a bit and I haven't changed my eating or exercise habits. Any ideas on how to jump start the process?
  4. I guess mentrual cramps kind of describes what the gas pains may feel like. Nothing horrible, that's for sure.
  5. libra

    ABC 06~April Chat

    Yeah, I'm actually looking online for a bathing suit! I'm actually not dreading it for the first time in years!!!
  6. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Lapbandit, you look awesome! Such an inspiration...congrats!!!
  7. libra

    I hit 230 this a.m.

    Congrats Julie!!!!
  8. libra

    dam im big

    congrats on taking the right step... As for your diet thusfar...you're doing fine, just watch your carbs and try to replace them with healthy Proteins as you'll stay full longer. For example, instead of the crackers, try a handful of almonds or walnuts. They provide more nutritionally and are more satisfying.
  9. libra

    1 year Bandiversary!!!

    Yay Molly! Keep up the good work honey! All of those NSV's add up!!! And I love the one about the steering wheel. I had to readjust my seat since I lost...woohoo!
  10. libra

    Last straw stories

    For me, it was when my then 2 year old son fell asleep in the car and I had to carry him upstairs to bed. That trip up the stairs was the most painful journey for me. My knees were hurting so badly that they were burning. I was breathing heavily and almost dropped my son a few times because I couldn't keep my balance. Prior to that I was in denial. I had hit over 300 pounds but refused to believe that I was unhealthy. That incident was my wake up call. I knew that if I didn't do something, I wasn't going to be able to be there for my son.
  11. libra

    ABC 06~April Chat

    Robin, I noticed the same thing when I go for dr. visits or fills. Those who don't go to forums like this seem to be completely clueless about what to do. It's such a gift sharing these experiences. It really helps us through the process. Steph, glad to see the unfill helped. And doesn't that barium taste delicious? LMAO!
  12. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Oh jeez, hope I can remember all I wanted to say....here goes.. Lapbandit...you're awesome! Look what you've accomplished in one year! Absolutely incredible...and I can't wait to be "overweight" LOL!! Chris, welcome to the club...new challenge on the way! Good luck everyone!
  13. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    JulieNYC, you're amazing! Such an inspiration to us all! Elisabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. Best wishes to you.
  14. libra

    MSNBC Article

    Well my first reaction is "it must be from RNY" as there are malabsorbtion issues with it. All surgeries come with risks however, but I don't think this applies to the band.
  15. libra

    JulieNYC's bandiversary

    Julie...congratulations! You're an incredible person and deserve this. Your post is so inspiring and giving to the rest of us! Thank you so much. BTW, you're a "cool person" too!
  16. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm here. I didn't gain over Easter weekend so I'm right on track. Just need to stay away from the chocolate. LOL!
  17. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Dear God, keep me away from the Easter Candy!!! Jeez, I forgot how much I love chocolate! I keep going..."oh a little hershey kiss won't hurt" and five or six of them later! LOL!!! I can't wait until all of this junk is out of the house!
  18. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Name..........................Starting…...…..Current….…..Goal…....To Go Juliegeraci.......................238............. .........231.5.................228...........3.5 Lapbandit.......................231............... ........210………….199.............11 Waterlily........................300.............. . .........276.................264.............12 Roiansmom....................299.................. . .....299.................270.............29 Libra..............................248............ ............232.................228.............4 JulieNYC.......................212................ .......186..................185.............1 Elisabethsew..................282................. . ......274..................264 ............10 PeaCeJ..........................338............... ........333..................318.............15 RidinMyHDDream.........297........................ 281 .................281..............0 Babygirl1234.................260.................. . .....244..................240..............4 Leecelove70..................228................. .......228.................200.............28 Josette...........................351............. ...........342.................335...............7 Lizrbit............................289............ . ...........286.................279..............7 losingjusme....................315............. ...........315.................302.5........12.5
  19. libra

    Information on Thyroid

    Thanks for all of the advice. I had been diagnosed with hypothyroid years ago and didn't know all of that.
  20. libra

    EASTER DINNER--what's your plan?

    Welp, that picture just did it for me! I'm not hungry any more!!! LOL!!! We're having the huge family thing at my mom's. I always help with the cooking, which I enjoy. I could care less about eating, I'm happy with the time with the family, although I might indulge in some cheescake! Heh heh!
  21. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm still in mourning for my favorite foods. I guess it'll take a while to get over it. My husband bought chocolate frosted entenmann's doughnuts for the kids last night. I almost started to cry. Then I read the nutrition label and got over it pretty quickly. LOL!! You can still pull into the McDonalds...just get a fruit and yogurt parfait instead!
  22. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    KFC is major sodium...don't worry. It's just water weight. Drink extra water to flush it out.
  23. libra

    ABC 06~April Chat

    I'm not able to eat any starches. No rice, Pasta, or breads for me. Potatoes are usually okay as long as its in small bites. I usually eat a lot of fish. Cant eat chicken at all. As for red meat, it's ground sirloin or filet mignon or prime rib, cut really tiny and cooked rare. I eat a lot of low fat cheese and snack on almonds or cheese sticks. I can eat salad in the evening but not during the day. This band is so weird. I think my eating habits now are stranger than before I was banded. LOL!
  24. libra

    just banded and regretful

    My surgeon also said that the band was for life. You'll feel better soon, it's a scary experience because it's so life changing
  25. libra

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I suppose we can start the new challenge the day after this one ends, right? JulieNYC...pictures girl! We want pictures once your swelling goes down!

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