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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 123crod

  1. 123crod

    Fruits and veggies

    Who said you can't have bananas? Your doctor? I have eaten them since the very beginning. Did you decide to keep your band? I think I read once you were wanting it removed. I hope it all works out for you. I know since you are younger it might make life a little harder for you. I hope you decide to keep it. I think you will be happy you did later on. But what I read sound like you have had touch times. Hope they get better for you!!
  2. 123crod

    Fruits and veggies

    I eat bananas, apples, watermelon and and pretty much all fruits so far.
  3. I work Monday - Friday but can meet anytime after five and anytime om the weekends
  4. Congratulations on getting approved!!!
  5. I agree I think that is an excellent book and you can learn a lot about yourself and your husband. Also I want to say something that I have noticed about some people including myself once when I lost a lot of weight. Sometimes we become full of ourselves and think that maybe we settled or stayed because no one else would want us. I say that as nicely as possible because I am not trying to judge you. Like I said it happened to me when I lost a large amount of weight in the past. I love my husband so much but was not sure what to do with myself or how to handle the weight lost and it just played with all aspects of my life.:biggrin:
  6. Keep a bottle of water by your bed at night. I drink a bottle a night and that helps.
  7. 123crod

    Major Sweet Tooth--Any Suggestions?

    Try chewing sugarfree gum or mints. Or just have one or two bites every couple of weeks of something you love, unless it will become a trigger for you to continue. I have heard of someone buying Semi-sweet chocolate chips and keeping them in the freezer and only eating two or three a day. Frozen grapes or watermelon might help with the sweetness factor.
  8. I don't think people do it to be rude. But it is like talking to a friend then you think of something else off topic and the subject just changes. Don't let it bug you I don't think people mean any harm.
  9. 123crod

    Slow losing

    I think you should try to eat protein for breakfast instead of drinking it. My Dr. say only eat portein and not drink it that the band was designed for eating solid food, not drinking your meals. I do not know if that will help you or not just a thought. I know a lot of people here drink protein shakes but my Dr. say not to, maybe try it for a week and see if it works, can't hurt. Hope it speeds up for you!
  10. 123crod

    Newly Banded!

    Sorry you had a bad start!! Maybe from this point on it will be better. I have been banded for 10 weeks and so far have not vomited or felt the need to. I hope it stays that way. I go tomorrow for my second fill. Welcome to the Boards! keep in touch. If you ever need to just private message me.
  11. Sorry you are going through this. I hope the changing up your food for a couple of weeks helps. Don't hate yourself, just start over and get going. Even when I did not have restriction I still measured out my food and only eat that much whether I could eat more or not. Maybe you are relying on the band too much. If you measure and only eat what you know you are suppose to you should lose. Hope all works out for you. Keep in touch!!
  12. How are you doing? I have not heard from you since before you had your surgery? Are you doing good? I am fine going in for my 2nd fill tomorrow.

  13. 123crod

    Here I go......

    Welcome!! I read these posts for about a week before I was sure I wanted the surgery. Now at 10 weeks post op I can't stay off of them. There is a lot of good information to learn, but no matter what people say listen to your Doctor first. keep in touch
  14. Wow that is a lot of liquids. I did not have to do that long of liquids, but when I was on mushies I was hungry all the time. After I had my first fill all hunger stopped. So the only thing I can offer you is drink lots and lots of water and know soon a time will come and the hunger will stop. It will be hard but you can do it!!! Hang in there!!
  15. 123crod

    Where is everyone?

    I am still doing good and hanging in there!
  16. I was hungry after the first week day and night until I got on solids and had my first fill at 4 weeks post op. Since then I have had no hunger at all. The head hunger is getting better too.
  17. I think if I had done 2 weeks of liquids I would have lost faster. I only lost 13 from surgery to 4 weeks when I went in for fill. But Dr. Spivak told me 48 hours on liquids, then mushies for 4 weeks so that is what I did. But I did enjoy the mash potatoes during the mushies stage. I go Tuesday for my 2nd fill. Right now I am at 25 lbs lost at 9½ weeks post op. I might be a slow loser. But Dr. Spivak said it was good.
  18. You can e-mail me anytime or private message me if you need some support. I was banded July 13, 2009. My e-mail is crodriguez17@comcast.net

  19. 123crod

    Your "Support" person

    I still have my support person(s) but if I lost them I would find a buddy on these boards and e-mail everyday. That is what I do know. I just found someone and we became buddies. It has helps so much. I can e-mail you also if you want to stay in contact with me. Just let me know
  20. Yeah someone else!! I know there are alot in this area maybe we will find some more this week and can set up a time and meet. I am excited!! Kristik99 hope you recover good. I did 48 hours on liquids and then 3 weeks of mushies.
  21. 123crod

    Texans Bandsters

    Wow that will make it a very special day indeed!!
  22. 123crod


    I started out close to the same size but add 28 years on top of it, I am 48. I also have a slight blood pressure problem and have had no problems. I have extreme anxiety that I take meds for. So I know about being scared. I wanted this so bad that I would have gone to the hospital by myself to get it done and rode the bus home if I had to. I wanted it!! When I was in the prep room before surgery I had to wait about 30 minutes and thought I was going to have a panic attack. I did my breathing techniques and prayed to try to relax myself. I had not drank anything since midnight the night before and I had to get out of bed 3 times in that 30 minutes and have a nurse carry my IV to the restroom. I was pretty scared. So when the Dr. came in to check on me I told him my anxiety was really high so they gave me a litlle something in my IV to help and it did. Then I was fine when they wheeled me into the Surgery room and then with in a minute I was out and woke up in the recovery room realized what I had just been through and started having a panic attack so they instantly gave me something and it calmed me right down. I did not say all this to scare you, but so you can see even if you are very, very scared and full of anxiety that they will take care of you. I would do it again in a minute. I think it is one of the best things I ever did, wish I would have done it when I was your age.
  23. 123crod

    Texans Bandsters

    I am from Hitchcock Texas 14 miles from Galveston.
  24. You only have a few more days to go. You can do it! It is so worth it in the end. I'm cheering for you to make it til surgery day!!!
  25. Just pop a couple of TicTacs after you take them that is what I did for the 6 weeks I crushed everything.

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