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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 123crod

  1. december 30 my brother (40 years old) overdosed on vicoden. Last night he died. Too much vicoden put him in complete liver failure and made him bleed internally faster than they could put blood in him. He was an organ donor but every organ was too damage from the drugs they could only take his tissue and bones. He went from fine to coma and death. Please pray for his family he had a wife and a 20 year old son. His death was gory and hard to watch he would have never wanted to die that way or have anyone see him like that. Take prescription drugs and anything with acetaminophen only as directed. Cheri
  2. Wanted to add to my post. One Dr. told me that sometimes people mostly young girls who want to pretend to overdose by taking pain relievers (maybe for needed attention or other reasons) do not realize that there is a short window of time to save yourself from this drug or anything that contains acetaminophen. According to this Dr it is terrible when the Dr has to tell the parents it is too late the liver is gone. So please, please take meds only as you should. It is not worth your life.
  3. Well that is the date we all agreed on for February. If anyone finds anything interesting worth reading you can make us copies and bring. I am going to try to find something good.
  4. Not for me just some pain till it goes down or comes up. But you can breath just fine. I can usually just cough and it pops up and I spit it out. Only happens when i do not chew good
  5. You ca talk to me I am only 6 months post op, lost 50 lbs, but I an listen, pray and anything else i can do, You can e-mail me at crodriguez17@comcast.net. If you want someone more experience someone will come along. Cheri
  6. 123crod

    stress and a band...should I remove it

    I would suggest see a counselor to see if it might be a mental thing knowing the band is in there. I was supprised some people are just bugged about something stange being in their body. I go to counseling and it has help me some much. I go to a Christian counseler my Pastor found through my Church assocation (Baptist) Maybe it would help you not be so stressed out with the band. It is worth a try before you have it taken out. Maybe speak to anther sugeon, maybe they can help you with whatever problem you are having. Let me know if i can help anyway Cheri
  7. I enjoyed the meeting so much today!! Everyone was so nice. I could have sit there all day. We had five people in all different stages of being banded. Met some new people too they were so nice and I hope everyone will come to the next one. I also enjoyed hearing someone in the group say how much she depends on God to help her get through this because I totally agree and also do. Anyone who wants to come join us like Andrew hopefully that is not the superbowl or something. Is it? I just thought about that Cheri Just checked it is not the Superbowl. Come if you can!! 2:00 pm
  8. The headaches will only lasy 3 days. I have always drank caffeine free diet coke because I take anxiety meds and the caffeine is not good for the anxiety. I have been banded 6 months and the last diet coke I had my husband had to pry the bottle out of my hands at midnight before my surgey. I really miss diet coke. You can drink a cup of coffee for the caffeine. I drink coffee decaf. I have never found anthing as good a my diet coke1 Cheri
  9. Kristi99 (thread starter) and I both have the same surgeon and he is very nice and very slow with the fills. He wants people to learn new way of eating not just get filled as fast as you can. I have been banded for 6 months and only have 3cc's. I am glad he goes slow so I can get use to everything slowly. When I am ready to leave after my 3 fills I always ask when should I come back and he usually says lose 15 lbs and then come back. I have only lost 50 lbs so far, but I happy that he has done this slow. Hang in there Kristi99 it will get better for you. Cheri
  10. 123crod

    nervous about starting to exercise - help please

    In the beginning walking is the best. Walk outside when pretty and at the mall when bad weather. I am 6 month post op and work out pretty hard but started out with alot of walking. You can get the video “Walk away the Pounds” and walk in your home. I have that tape, I like it! Good luck!!
  11. Sorry Andrew, maybe you can come to the next one. I don't know much about sports but we will check with you next time to see if any games planned. Cheri
  12. This post makes me sick! Everytime I check the new post and see this listed it makes me sick. some thing you should just not talk about whether you are doing them or not. Just my opinion!
  13. Anyone who would like to meet we are meeting at Starbucks in Friendswood this Sunday, January 24 at 2:00 pm. Anyone is welcome to come in any stage, banded or not yet banded, Or any other WLS feel free to come. This is very informal and just people getting together to talk, We have no leader or guest speaker just people, Come if you can. STAR BUCKS FM 518 & FM 528 107 E Parkwood Ave. Friendswood, TX 77546 281-648-2590 Cheri
  14. I also had a small amount of shoulder pain, but it went away. This past week my mother who has not had lapband surgery started to have the same type of pain 3 days later we rushed her to the emergency room she thought she was having a heart attack, form the pain. She had really bad shoulder pain and it hurt when she breathed sometimes and under her arm and down her arm hurt too. Well she had some call flursy(sp) I have no idea how to spell it but it is when a a little sac under your lung gets infected sometimes it gets liquid in it also. They gave her antibodics (sp) and some pain pills. It might be worth a trip to the Dr. and it can bee gone in 3 or 4 days.
  15. 123crod

    What do you all do?

    Graphic Designer for Printing Company. Mother Grandmother and wife 29 years
  16. 123crod

    50 Pounds

    I am 2 lbs away for being fifty lost but I was banded 3 months before you. You did great I started at 250 and now 202. waiting for those 2 lbs to leave. again congratulations!
  17. Fire&spice: I drink coffe everyday, no problems
  18. 123crod

    Book for Bandsters???

    Look at amazon.com, I bought about 6 different ones from there. Cheri
  19. I believe that all life is a gift from God and he loves all children no matter how they made it into the world. He has a plan for every baby. I think abortion is a sin, not a unforgivable sin but a sin. God gives life and is the only one who should take one. Just my belief.
  20. Momof4monkeys: got your private message not sure if I anwered you are not. But my brother passed away a few days ago and so next week will try to get with Janice and see when she can meet. We do need to meet. Also i am so sorry about your slippage i will be praying it returns to normal. Cheri
  21. A couple of us are still meeting. We try to just get in touch with everyone and see when we can work it all out. My brother just passed away on the 30th so I have not tried to get together with everyone so far this month. Will try to next week. Try to set something up towards the end of the month. I will get in touch with anyone who showed interest.
  22. You just have to stop eating more than you should even if you can. Measure your food out until you start losing again. I can eat more than I should be we just have to stop even if the band does not stop us until we hit the right spot. Sometimes we just have to go on will power
  23. 123crod

    Anyone tried bender ball?

    Don't waste your money go to walmart or target and get the bigger ball to exercise on. I was very dissappointed when I ordered mine.
  24. 123crod

    My mind wants my body to stay fat

    I would suggest to you to get some counseling. It has helped me so much. Although I still struggle with things I learned alot about myself . . . things that I was carrying around and had no idea. I went through my church association. But there are a lot of places that offer a sliding scale for counseling. We spent a lot of money to fix our outsides . . . what could be more important than our mental health. Trust me it is good to talk it out and learn coping skills to help you. Good luck!!

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