I was banded in Dec 06. A year ago my dr said I stretched out my pouch. I was on liqiuds for almost 3 months and then had a small fill when my pouch went back down.
My mom died and I have had a very hard time and have not been a good pt. I have been eating too much too quickly. I was so miserable that my dr removed all of the fliud in my band. Well nothing has changed. I can eat for a day or two. Then when I go to bed and lay down it all comes back p. I literally wake up every hour throwing up. I throw up soo much that I wonder if it is food from a day or two ago. Right now I have back pain, and I feel like I have acid comming up my esophagus. I am so thirsty but I am afraid to drink anything. I am honestly afraid to go to sleep. I wake up with vomit comming out my nose. It is so disgusting!!!! I have lost just about 100lbs and that is important, stupid huh?
I know I should call my dr office, but the staff is so mean and it is almost impossible to get an appointment with my dr. She only sees pts 2 days a week and they are 1/2 days.
Just wonderring if anyone has experienced anything like this and what was it.
Thanks for reading!!!