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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sfchick

  1. sfchick

    Excess mucus/sliming

    Wow, I actually had an "unfill" and now I vomit the slimes....even when I drink water....not sure what is going on.....but glad to know, I'm not alone...
  2. I'm so glad to hear this...I had an "un-fill" last week...after being banded for 2 years....and the day of the unfill, I ate soup...chicken that night...it was great. A couple days later, I ate one meatball, and it got stuck. I vomited. Ever since then, I can't even keep water down...I don't want to go in for another "unfill", but I can't throw up all day long and have acid reflux all night. Has this happened to anyone? Did you just let your stomach cool down and relax? If so, how did you do it? Eating ice chips?
  3. sfchick

    Throwing Up every Night..Please Help

    Wow, this is exactly what is happening to me. I had an "un-fill" last week, and everything was great. Until I had chicken meat balls (2 of them) for dinner one night. I ate them too fast and suddenly I was vomiting, and I haven't been the same since. I have been banded for 2 years, and lost 81 lbs. and this by far has been the WORST time. I'm so tired of vomiting in my sleep. My boyfriend is getting sick of worrying about me choking, and I'm tired of not even able to drink water...my stomach must be inflamed. I can't even feel the food in my stomach "drop" anymore. It's been about 6 days and my doctor told me to "ride it out"...I can't afford another band, and I can't get this removed....but it's so horrible having to go vomit during dinner or waking up with a stomach full of bile...
  4. Yikes...this isn't good... Has this happened to anyone else? In September 2010...I was banded. Lots of up and downs...fills that were tight...too loose, finding my sweet spots... I fly a LOT for work...so my band gets tight at times because the elevation kills me. I recently had some trouble, had 4 cc taken out and put on 20 lbs... I went back and forth getting fills, getting unfilled, and I was at the doctor all the time....FINALLY I found a happy medium. I'm at 8 cc with an 11 cc band. I was doing GREAT. I had excellent restriction. I was eating well. Drinking lots of Protein. One day, a couple days after my WONDERFUL fill, I ate a couple chicken meatballs for dinner, and ate them too fast. Lots of vomiting, and I haven't been able to keep anything solid down since. It's been 3 days. Massive amount of extra bile, choking at night, coughing. I try to eat, and 20 minutes later, I'm full of bile, and I can't drink anything, and I can't feel my good "drop" like I usually do. I was able to keep a couple Protein shakes down and a yogurt shake down, but nothing solid.... I tried again, and I had a TON of bile, and ended up vomiting at the restaurant... On my last fill, my doctor said "wait it out until 4 weeks even if you have problems" Give your stomach a chance to acclimate to your new fill". Has anyone have anything similar happen to them? Will my stomach calm down so I could feel good, and eat and feel the food "drop" like I used to? I'm freaking out...wondering if I have gallstones, or if I just ate something too fast and now my stomach needs a break...
  5. Thank you for the advice....I'll try both....I tried to have a protein icee this morning...and that didn't stay down....I think I'm drinking too fast....I just can't believe this. After my fill I was eating soup...chicken...rice...and after having ONE meal which didn't sit well, and made me vomit, my stomach is inflamed, and I can't keep ANYTHING down..I wonder if I should just fast with water for a couple days....this is horrible.
  6. Hello...where are the location specific threads? I'm in SF and need a support online group..thanks!
  7. sfchick

    realize banded!!

    Wow, I have the Realize band too. I was banded Sept 22 and started out at 239. Now I'm at 227 but have lost inches galore. I have been hitting the gym really hard. 45 minutes of cardio, and weights. I try to burn about 500-600 calories. I don't really have any restriction yet, and I have an 11 cc band, and it's filled to 7 cc. I know EXACTLY what you mean about taking a few bites, being full and then going back to eating or not losing weight at all. I am trying to "keep the faith". It's a struggle, but hang in there. I have a "buddy" on this forum, and so thankful for her. The last two weeks have been a struggle, and I think I put on a couple lbs. I cut out alcohol almost entirely. Maybe a couple glasses of wine in the last few months. No coffee, caffiene free....and looking for things that are "ok" to eat, and good for us. I've found when I keep up with my vitmans, and Calcium I feel like a million bucks.. I was am weighing myself every other day, which I hear is horrible. Don't forget to incorporate PMS weight, and so forth. I didn't realize that personally I put on about 5 lbs of Water weight, so cutting down on sodium is key for me. The best advice (which I need to follow better) has been GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, and keep moving...and keep talking to your friends on this website. People are here to help and it's fantastic!
  8. I could use a friend. I was banded 6 weeks ago, and going in for a fill in 2 days. Anyone??
  9. Hi there.... Since I've last posted to you I've had two fills. I'm at 7 cc right now. I seem to have some restriction, but not much. I'm not losing, and have put on maybe two pounds because of poor choices. I know I need to work on those. For some reason, I am craving sweets, which I have never craved before. I'm filling up fast, but grazing. Partially because I'm unemployed, and depressed about it. Seeking a job for 8 months has made things really tough. I know about making better choices, and I think going back on carbs makes me depressed, so I plan on going off carbs again. It's been a tough journey... Any words of advice?
  10. sfchick

    Second fill blues??

    Wow, I just had 7 cc of a fill put in, and I don't feel any difference. It's my second fill. It hurts if I eat too fast, but I don't see or feel any restriction. I do get full, but I'm also really careful. This is really good information to know. Does anyone know how to put the weight loss ticker on their profile? Is it a signature? I can't figure out it..
  11. Teryn, I am having the same problem. Just had my first fill and it feel like nothing. Its .5 cc. I am going back for another one on the 20, so it should help. I'm hitting the gym really hard but I did put back carbs in my diet so maybe that is it. First 2 weeks I lost 13 pounds and now that I am back at the gym and lifting weights again, I have put back on 2. What a strange cycle we go through. Thank the stars for support groups...its so nice to know I am not the only one going through this.
  12. Wow, what a welcome home mat this post is! I am so in the same boat. I was banded on 9/22 and I have only lost 16 pounds but I have lost inches. I am eating a lot for a band, but not nearly was I was eating and way less carbs. This last week, my hunger has gone WAY up because I have been hitting the weights really hard and getting back to a 3O-45 minute cardio and 30 minute heavy weight work out. No sodas, no booze and lots of chicken. I have .5 cc of a fill and it doesn't feel like ANYTHING so I am going in for another fill. What is strange is I feel so normal. Nothing getting stuck, not feeling of full uncomfortableness, no vomiting, and just total comfort. I started out at 242 and now I am at 228. Its such a long drawn out battle you know? Sorry for the long post, but I feel amongst friends and this helps so much!
  13. Sounds like it might be the stuff you had to drink. How did you add the Weight Loss ticker to your window? I can't figure it out...
  14. Hi there...I was banded on September 22, 2009 and had my first fill today. I had 5 cc. So far, I haven't had the symptoms you experienced. I was asked to drink a cup of water in the office today, and I could "feel" something different, but I sipped SUPER SLOW. My doctor filled everything in, by feeling it. No x-rays. I did a "half sit up", he put his finger on it, and then I laid back down. Did you drink your water too fast? When I got home, I went back to eating the protein soups from the first week of surgery. I'm going to continue with liquids...what are you eating?
  15. I am 5 weeks out of surgery. I've lost 10 pounds, and I haven't had a fill yet. The minute I could eat regular food, I did. I'm not exercising enough, and Im eating too many carbs. I'm eating far less than what I used to. I'm trying not to graze, but it is hard to break a lifttime of bad habits in a few weeks. I'm doing it though. I am just not as disciplined, and I'm going over the 70 grams of carbs mark. Still not drinking, no sodas, and not a lot of really anything that I used to. I'm getting my first fill in 4 days, and I don't know what to expect. I'm HOPING it's going to help me lose weight. I don't understand what "restriction" and finding my band "sweet spot" is. Could someone explain? Does the fill help?
  16. Really??? I would be SO THANKFUL for your support. Any words of wisdom, your experience...would be wonderful. I go through the site and notice that everything has been covered but sometimes I have a hard time digging it up and finding the answer I need. Sometimes just having a friend in the same boat would be great.. I am going to my first support group in a few weeks. Can't wait! So thank you for your offer!
  17. Has anyone ever felt depressed after their surgery? I'm almomst 6 weeks post op. The surgery was beautiful, no complaints. In fact, I had two surgeries, because I had a hernia as well. Week 4 everything was great. I started losing, and felt wonderful. Lots of energy, low appetite, feeling wonderful, lots of walking. Now, I'm so blue, that I can't event exercise, and I am eating lots of carbs which I don't need. The last two days, I'm been laying around, unmotivated, and I feel disgusted with myself, and wondering what happened. Everything hurts too. Knees, joints, I feel sluggish. I haven't been drinking any Water, which is terrible, and I'm sorta in a rut. Not losing, not eating well, eating more than what I need, and WANTING to get out of this rut. Maybe it's because the position I have been interviewing for went to someone else, and I've been a contender for the position for 3 months. Unemployed and surgery, just don't mix sometimes. I find having a work routine sometimes is great to keep the momentum going. Sorry to be a downer, I guess it's just this moment in time. Has this happened to anyone else?
  18. Hi there..I am 5.5 weeks out and only lost about 15 lbs. I haven't had a fill and starting to eat more. I need to get back on track badly! I too had a hard time with exercise and taking in water. I have make a GREAT protein shake. Its by Nectar, Lemon Razzy. Mix it in a blender with ice and lemonade crystal light (already made) one serving is 23 grams of protein. Its so hard to be so raw and be honest about weight loss. I know I am slightly cheating and I hate myself for it. Don't forget some weight is better then none at all. Keep up the good work!!
  19. You are NOT alone. I just high the 5.5 mark and I am eating regular and not understanding what is going on. I didn't realize that a fill is going to effect me so much. I actually don't have one yet, but I can't wait to get one. Get back on track. I am not eating fast food, but I am starting to eat bread, rice and more carbs. Man, pizza is something that I have not had in months! I am down 14 pounds and trust me, people watch me daily. I mean, I get asked how much I weigh every day! Its horrible. Keep posting, be true to yourself....
  20. Does this apply to sushi also? I have been on the road for a while, and there hasn't been anything to eat. I am 28 days post op, so I eat about 5 mini rolls. So far so good. Is this bad? I haven't had a fill yet. I am one week away from eating "solids", but I didn't want to blow it by eating fast food. Thoughts?
  21. Sometimes sugar free products have that side effect. I think it could be the artificial sugar in it. Even before I was banded, it used to have that effect on me. But, I know what you're going through. The positive it, at least your digestive system is working! I've heard horror stories of people being backed up from lack of food, pain pills, etc. Things will get better....promise.
  22. I'm 27 days post op, and I've blown it over the last several days. I have started eating a little thicker Soups like won ton Soup, and low sodium chicken vegatable soup. I had a steamed potsticker the other day, and I'm not having any problems. Typically I Water down cartons of soups with low sodium broth. Then I put in a tablespoon of Greek yogurt to get the Protein and make the soup a little thicker, with less calories. I find that if I eat it with a soup, I slow down... I haven't had a soda, or alcohol for 6 weeks, and feel great about it. The great thing about the band, is I eat so much slower...and I'm so aware of what I eat... Over the last two weeks, I have been "cheating". I was recently somewhere, where there was no food, except fast food. I ate a childs hamburger, without dressing, no lettuce, and seemed to do ok. But, today, I had 3 pieces of wheat toast, with two pieces (each piece 3 inches long) soy protein chicken. I feel HORRIBLE, and the guilt is overwhelming. This was in one sitting. Sometimes I forget to eat, and then it dawns on me that I'm starving. I am also taking a perscription twice a day to prevent kidney and gallstones, which must be taken with food. I can't seem to get it together right now. I've been on clears for 3 weeks, and recently started "mushies". eggs, tofu, soy soft hotdogs, etc. Can I stretch out my stomach by cheating over the last few days? I haven't had a fill yet, and I'm concerned. This is gross, but I actually tried to make myself sick to get rid of the food, but I found it IMPOSSIBLE to be sick. Guess I just needed to post, to write down, what the head is going on in my head. I've only lost about 10 pounds, and it's so super slow. I go in for my first fill right before Thanksgiving.... Sorry to ramble, but I recently found this site, and it really makes a person feel not so lonely....
  23. Wow, it feels so good to know that sometimes people mess up, as weird as that sounds. I have been doing EVERYTHING correct from pre-op to post op. I'm 27 days after surgery, and I feel like the last week, I have been blowing it big time. I haven't been eating steak or anything like that, or drinking carbonated drinks, or even having alcohol. But, today, I had 3 pieces of wheat toast, and two small pieces of soy Protein chicken breasts in one sitting. I feel uncomfortable, and like the biggest loser. I feel so stressed out about everything. My hair thinning out, getting laid off, to the surgery. I've dropped 10 pounds, and I feel like I should be further along. In regards to the soup, I have been wanting to drink a lot of it, but have been putting 4 oz in a cup, and putting 6 oz of low sodium broth in it, to cut the thickness down. Trader Joes has some great Soups which curb your appetite. Sometimes, I put a tablespoon of Greek yogurt in the hot soup for protein. Hang in there. I just found this site, and now I don't feel so alone!

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