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About oneweekend

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/24/1963

About Me

  • Biography
    my name is susan. i have 2 beautiful adult children my son is in sales and he is very sucessfull he is 29, my daughter is a rn and she is 25 rn school is hard on everyone. i have been overweigh all of my adult life.
  • Interests
    fishing, watching movies, visiting with family
  • Occupation
    disable, was an insurance agent asso.
  • City
  • State
    north carolina
  • Zip Code

Single Status Update

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  1. I am doing good. I am hungry but I am fixing to start mushies so I am just waiting. How are you doing. I am down 10 lbs in a week which I think is good but I am afraid b/c when I start mushies I am afraid it will go up. Good Luck to you and I hope things go well.

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