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About softbubbles

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/23/1968
  1. Happy 45th Birthday softbubbles!

  2. Happy 44th Birthday softbubbles!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary softbubbles!

  4. softbubbles

    I did it!!!!

    YES!!! today was the end of my three weeks. So onto my pushbike and off to the labband nurse to get those dreaded scales and yes I did it, I'm proud of myself not only did I loose the 3kg (6.6lbs) but I lost another 2kg (4.4lbs) a total of 5kg (11lbs) So I'm over the moon, To others that may not sound much of a weight loss but to me after still fighting the battle to lose my weight even with the band its a mile stone for me, and every kilo I loose gets me that little bit further to my goal, It may take me longer than most to do it but I know I'll get there in the end.:sad::biggrin:
  5. softbubbles

    I did it!!!!

    YES!!! today was the end of my three weeks. So onto my pushbike and off to the labband nurse to get those dreaded scales and yes I did it, I'm proud of myself not only did I loose the 3kg (6.6lbs) but I lost another 2kg (4.4lbs) a total of 5kg (11lbs) So I'm over the moon, To others that may not sound much of a weight loss but to me after still fighting the battle to lose my weight even with the band its a mile stone for me, and every kilo I loose gets me that little bit further to my goal, It may take me longer than most to do it but I know I'll get there in the end.:thumbdown:
  6. softbubbles

    I can do it!!!

    Ok, today will be a new start for me, It's Monday the 27th of July at 5:35am. I'm going to get that motavated mood back, enough is enough.... I'm going to win this weight battle of mine. I have 3 weeks till my next appointment with my banding nurse to be weighed. Im setting a goal to loose 3kg about 6.6 lbs, in that 3 weeks. I will do it!!!....:confused:
  7. softbubbles

    I can do it!!!

    Ok, today will be a new start for me, It's Monday the 27th of July at 5:35am. I'm going to get that motavated mood back, enough is enough.... I'm going to win this weight battle of mine. I have 3 weeks till my next appointment with my banding nurse to be weighed. Im setting a goal to loose 3kg about 6.6 lbs, in that 3 weeks. I will do it!!!....
  8. Hi I really know how you feel, I feel I'm A BIG FAILURE, I get so depressed with my slow slow weight loss that I seem to eat everything I'm not supposed to eat, I was banded back in Feb 2006 and have only 2.5CC in my band and so far have only lost 20kg around 44lbs this is so depressing, I don't know what to do. I also take thyroid medication due to having my thyroid removed so I don't know whether this is part of my problem. I think we both need to stop calling ourselves a FAILURE this isnt helping us mentally at all.
  9. Hi I just came ac cross your thread I'm new here to and also live in The Netherlands but originally from Australia Ive had the band now for 21/2 years but I'm a very slow at loosing my weight currently Ive only lost 20kg in that period I wish you well with your banding, maybe we can contact each other and be supports for each other, I find it hard as I only have my husband for support as I dont speak Dutch.
  10. Hi all, just introducing myself. My names Anne I'm 41 and live in the Netherlands I'm originally from Australia, I was searching for support groups on the net when I came across this one, I had my banding operation back in February 2006. The only support I have here is my husband. He comes with me to every appointment as I don't speak Dutch .Any way moving on to my banding I haven't done very well when I had surgery My weight was at the highest Id ever been at 313lbs and a BMI of 49, since my banding I've only lost 44lbs and MT BMI is now 42.1 not much at all considering my surgery was 2 1/2 years ago. I read so many success stories here and get very depressed and feel I've been a BIG FAILURE. My mother had The banding done back in Australia and she has been a big success starting out at 330lbs in after 5 years has got down and stayed at 154lbs. Things are done so differently here than in the States and Australia I read that most people on the forum had to drink clear liquid for the first 2 weeks after their surgery In Australia mum had to be on liquids for 6 weeks after operation I guess that gives time to heal, Here in The Netherlands I was put on solid food 2 days after the operation, I don't understand why the big difference. I think may be that's why I haven't lost much. In the 2 1/2 years of my banding I have only had 2 1/2CC put into band. Am I the only BIG FAILURE with my banding.:thumbup::frown::laugh::frown:

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