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Princess losealot

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Princess losealot

  1. Princess losealot

    who is starting mushies??

    Just started mushies yesterday! :confused: It was amazing how food can taste after being away from it for 2 weeks. I had tuna salad for my first dish into mushies. IT WAS SOOOO GOOOD! Last night it was a crab cake (very mushy) and mashed potatoes. I just needed a little bit, and I was happy. I had to be careful to follow the guidlines of how much I should have, cause I could have overdone it. I dont feel the weight of the food for a while after I eat. It was good though. Today, who knows... maybe cottage cheese.. maybe refried Beans.. who knows. I am just happy to have FOOD again. (oh, Even though I did lose 17 pounds on the post op liquid diet) lol Thats not too bad, eh~
  2. Shoot, they gave me a shot of something to "take the edge off" in my IV. That was the last I remember. I didnt even make it to the actual anastesia mask. They had all that on me, but I was already gooooooone~ Good stuff! Whew!~:biggrin:
  3. Princess losealot

    im hungry!! :(

    I am at the end of my 2 week post op liquid diet tomorrow. I did it, the whole way without cheeting at all. I feel like I have accomplished a huge feat! I feel like I can do anything now since I have endured these past 2 weeks of torture. I Am wanting way more food than my lil cup o soup. I am ready for a big ol t-bone....LOL I would have to say, I was about a week out when I noticed my desire for more food was increasing. I wasnt staying full that long, and wanted to eat more often. I think its normal. I have to say, lunch after my doc visit in the morning is going to be WONDERFUL.:biggrin: I have NO idea WHAT I am going to get though. HMMMM:bored:
  4. Princess losealot

    Getting Nervous August 18th Date

    I LOVE that you are saying Thursday is last minute. For me. it feels like forever. I was banded on the 5th of this month, and I am at the end of the liquid diet. Be prepared, its a tough time. I get my pass to mushies on Thursday at noon. You better believe we have lunch plans! OH, I can taste the cottage cheese now! Good luck! Thursday will just be a blur b4 you know it~
  5. Princess losealot

    Are they insensitive or am I over-sensitive?

    I just went through this myself. I had a whole household of people visit here this past week while I have been on the liquid post op. It was great when they went out to eat, but then they decided to bring Mcdonalds back here with them on a different day. The smell of french fries was driving me nuts! It was amazing to see how people just dont "get it" what we are going through. This time of liquid dieting has opened my eyes to how much we depend on food and how much I was addicted to it. I mean, sure, I could have had soup if I was hungry. But I wanted the Mcdonalds~ The whole chewing thing.. its all very weird this liquid phase, isnt it?!
  6. Princess losealot

    Can't take anymore protein shakes!

    I am on the liquid post op part of the diet. I got banded a week ago. I am also going through the gag thing from the protein. I have a little easier time with it when I blend it with ice cubes. It has to be super cold or with chopped ice in it. It helps some. Its all the liquids I have to have to get through this time thats driving me crazy. I am also feeling tired and weak from lack of the right food. Its all a learning thing. I would just LOVE some cottage cheese SO BAD! Well, off to heat me up some more soup~:w00t:
  7. Princess losealot

    New to Tricare

    Im sure you will be good to go if you take 3-4 days off from work. I was tired a lot from surgery, but what gets to you if your not careful is you get worn out easier. I guess the protein shakes help with that. But you do have to take it easy for a little while since your still healing. I had surgery this past wednesday, and the first day I was able to go without laying down throughout the day was Sunday. I was wiped when day was done though. Plan it accordingly.
  8. Princess losealot

    New to Tricare

    You said your going to have the surgery when he leaves? I hope you have someone to care for the few days after... You are going to need it. I just had my surgery on the 5th, and boy I am glad my husband wasnt deployed. Not to mention, you cant frive for a few days after it. Just keep that in mind when preparing for all this. Good luck:thumbup:
  9. Princess losealot

    What happens if you eat too much soup?

    Whew, I am so over soup now its not even funny. I am still doing the two week liquid post diet. (on day 6 here) Uhhg, All I want is to munch on something with TEXTURE! I was giving my husband an evil eye just for eating celery... CELERY.. I mean good grief. :thumbup: I must have it bad~ The whole thing last night with the broth was broth only. I just drank WAY too much of it. It just took such a long time to hit bottom... but when it did, it ALL filled up in there. I was VERY uncomfortable.:wub: I have learned my lesson, and am now going to carry a mearuring cup with me as a part of my keychain. This way I dont put myself through that again...
  10. Princess losealot

    Help Needed!

    For the first two weeks after of liquids (which I am currently on) I would say the best things to have are soup like split pea, cream of potato, and bean with bacon.. but dont forget the mesh strainer!.. You cant have the beans, potatoes, or peas in it yet. Just the broth from these soups have been soothing for me right now. I am SO wanting any food I can chew! I also have found that the chewable centrum vitamins are helping me with my energy too! And Crystal light has been my life saver for getting fluids going. I forgot how good that stuff tastes! They have the BEST iced tea now. I was doing the protein powder drink a little, but its been getting to me, so I am taking a little break from that. Its good to have on hand though for streangth. You will probably be weak from all this for a little while. I am on day 5 and I am able to go without a nap in the middle of the day for the first time. Good luck getting your "stash". Its nice to have it ALL ready when you get home. Good luck!:cool:
  11. I didnt realize you were that many days out. I thought we got banded the same day (5TH). Thats funny.. my goof! Im glad to hear that things are getting better for you. I know about the food thing too... oh, look out.. those are gonna be some serious three or four bites of cottage cheese when the day comes:drool:...lol I dont think I will EVER take food for granted again..THATS FOR SURE. Glad to hear you doing better today. Hang in there, your doing great!:cool:
  12. Hey Erin, I know we were banded the same day. How are you today? I readhere your still on your anti-nausia meds... I know it may sound odd, but I was feeling kinda icky in the begining, and when I stopped the anti-nausia meds, I started to feel better. I am a little weak today, but still stronger than yesterday. Each day gets better. Right now, I am fighting the hungry's! I would LOVE food so much right now its not even funny. I try and keep my mind off it. I do have some good news to mention about this day 5 we are on. I dont have the soreness in my chest so bad. I can bend down a little more easier. Are things going about the same for you?
  13. Princess losealot

    selfish mil

    I had my surgery the same day you did. Arent you feeling a lot better yet? I would think you could be up up and around a little more now. Maybe have him take your kid with him when he goes. Then that would give you time to yourself... Makes sence to me~ Do they have, and your husband have other time off at the same time to do this project? Maybe this is the only time to do it. Shoot, my husband had to go to work on Friday. I survived it pretty good. I have two little ones! Hang in there.. it will be OK:thumbup:
  14. About another week and a half, and then....((AHHH)) Angels singing... Cottage cheese! I am having SUCH a rough time smelling the cooking from my familys meals. Oh man, its rough. I was looking at the dishes from last nights meatloaf, and saw all the greese in it. I thought, wow, so THATS what I have been eating on a regular basis~ No wonder I needed help!:thumbup: Oh, the eggs that smell SO good and the pancakes... I have one more Saterday morning to get through with al this. Just keep the focus and we can get through this part.:laugh:
  15. I didnt realize that jello was on the liquid list~ Be careful! I had surgery on the 5th as well. I am finding I need to eat a little more and a little more often. When I started out, it was like 2 tablespoons, and I was done for a while. Now I have something like 1/4 cup of soup at a time and im good for about 4 hours. Its a healing thing. Give it time. I found that straining bean with bacon or split pea soup from the store seems to hold me over real good. Any creamy soups work a little better. Hang in there, you aren't alone with this...
  16. Ok, I just tried split pea soup with bacon. YUM~:tt1: I just had surgery on the 5th, and I needed SOMETHING to satisfy my feeling of wanting "real food". The taste of bacon in it helped so much. It was also thick enough after straining it that it still coated my stomach. Give it a try, you may like it too!:scared2:
  17. I had the same thing happen.. Banded on 8/5 I took some hot steamy showers and it helped to loosen it up. Keep coughing! Thats the key. I would cough a little and nothing... then other times.. whew.. yuck.. there it was~:thumbup: So just keep it up, and clearing the throught helps some too.
  18. Princess losealot

    Can you believe my insensitive sister ??...RANT ALERT

    You would think I would be right there on the band wagon so to speak. BUT.... I think her comment was more out of fear for you. I had a LOT of people who worried about the surgery. It wasnt that they didnt want me to lose the weight, it was the fear of what could happen to me with surgery....and RIGHTFULLY so! I mean, people do have complications with this surgery. Its not a step your going to take lightly, why is she going to? Its a natural fear for people who dont have a weight issue to be uneducated in everything you have studied up on for a while. Give her a little chance to show her love. AFTER the surgery is where you will see where the friends and family are that support you. Hang in there
  19. Princess losealot

    your thoughts on the new slim fast low carb shake?

    OK, so I like the taste of these little guys....BUT~ They give me diahrea:ohmy: I am sad about this as how conveinent they are. Apparently a LOT of the pre-made stuff does that to me. That stinks for convenience, dont it....:thumbup:
  20. Princess losealot

    Found a real good soup to et me through

    Its just regular campbels split pea soup. You just have to pour it through a mesh strainer is all. Keep the liquid and give the dog the solids~:scared2: I wasnt put on CLEAR liquids only, just liquids after my surgery. If you cant have nothing but that, then dont eat this until you can... very simple. But when you can, OH it tastes good for something to warm the tummy. Its helped me a lot to get through this rough part of the journey.
  21. Ok, well I now have a bracelet around my stomach~ Boy, the first day I had such a hard time waking up all day. I went everywhere with my eyes closed. Then on day 2 I was having such a rough time with keeping myself with enough strength from nutrition. I just wanted to lay in bed. I felt hungry, but was too weak to want to eat all that much. Last night I started to perk up a little. Then about 4 AM I told my husband I was hungry and he got me some Yogurt. Thanks hon~:Banane56: This morning.. I have to say I see a big difference in energy. I took my chewable vitamine last night... Maybe that helped some too. The doc had to fix a hernia on me and said he took a boipsy of my liver while in there. It was aparently fatty, and he said that could cause liver failure. I guess I needed this surgery more than I even realized. Thats kinda scary to think about. This is all going to take some time for me. I am having a hard time with the liquid thing. I kinda feel gagy when I think of more liqids to eat.. but I am hungry...but it goes away after a couple tablespoons of soup broth. Oh man.. It is a tough place to be. I keep dreaming of a dish of cottage cheese I can have in a week and a half. Oh the wonderful texture of food again!:nanahump: Well, good luck to all you out there going through this right now. Im hanging in there.. you too!:wink2:
  22. Im preparing for tomorow mornings surgery. I have to be at the hospital at 7 AM! WHEW! I am not a morning person sooooo~ This should be fun. I am doing the liquid diet today and I must say... IT SUCKS!:huh2: I do NOT like it one bit... But, am tollerating it, just the same. Yogurt for breakfast, then a protein shake... strained soup for lunch wth a sf popcycle for snack.... uuuhhgg~ Yea, lets do THIS for the next 2 weeks:thumbdown: Im dealing... forgive:blush:
  23. Princess losealot

    Incision YUCK

    So what evr happened with ya? Did you call or get it taken care of? We all want to know! We care about you!:smile2:
  24. Princess losealot

    I'm desperate - need support/help!

    Abby poo... OUCH! Thats just wrong. I mean to sting you on one side and leave the other looking all lopsided. Thats.. JUST WRONG! JK Ok guys, I am feeling a little better about starting my liquid day before surgery today. I woke up hungry.. and am scambling to figure out what to drink. I have a yogurt in there with no lumps. Thats considered liquid to my doc. I suppose its tomato soup for me tonight for dinner then. In the meantime, I got my 2 year old daughter handing me all the goodies she wants me to open for her to eat~whimper whimper:crying: I can do this.. WE can do this.. just hang in there!:smile2:
  25. Princess losealot

    Does everyone 'slime' and have 'PB's?

    I think your fooling yourself if you think you are only going to be drinking a liquid diet for the rest of your days. You can include it, but theres still going to be food out there that will tempt you. You know.. I have a friend that had the gastric bypass done.... And she like NEVER throws up unless she is sick with the flu or something like that, I never heard that about the gastric people... :huh2:hmm.. I just hear about the dumping thing if she eats too much sugary sweet stuff. Well, whatever you choose, good luck!:smile2:

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