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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Katie2

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/12/1948
  1. Happy 64th Birthday Katie2!

  2. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Katie2!

  3. Katie2

    CIBO Clinic (toronto)

    Just a note, I hope in the right place here. I was banded by CIBO, Dr. Misra on August 24th, 2009. I cannot say enough about the support and precision with which my surgery day was carried out. Even though I am 4 hours from Toronto, I have had any question answered within minutes or an hour via email or telephone. The weight is melting off; I am following the rules cited in the patient handbook and looking forward to my first fill on Oct 5th. To anyone who reads this, please consider the post op care and attention provided by any clinic before you sign your name. At CIBO, the truth seems to what they are building their business on; and the truth is what we patients require both pre and post op. K
  4. Katie2


    I am in Canada and with the government health care system WE have, I was denied because I am toooo healthy. Go figger. You surely don't want government run health care in the US....just ask a Canadian. However, I am being banded on Monday the 24th at a private clinic here in Toronto; I paid out of pocket. But I understand that for those who need to finance, there are several options available. For me, it is a dandy tax deduction on my tax return for 2009. I truly hope someone "listens" to you. It is a sad world when we are told we need to gain MORE weight to qualify (my BMI is 42) or develop morbities such as congestive heart failure or diabetes. My very best to you in your pursuit.......and prayers. Katie
  5. Hi Melissa....perhaps you should check with your physician regarding the pre-op diet. Mine has been a breeze but did not do Optifast....did it with natural foods, cottage cheese, yogurt, leafy greens and 4 oz chicken per day with lots of Water. Just wondering if it is something in optifast that is not agreeing with you. Five times a day sounds like a lot. Just a thought, Katie
  6. Hi there!! My day is August 24th.....two days to go. Can't say that I am anxious, but the surgery and what I need to do is occupying every minute right now. Not sure that is a GOOD thing, as professionally I would encourage others to try to keep life as "normal" as possible at times like this! Pre-op has gone exceptionally well....I started early - 3 weeks ago so am well adjusted to lack of coffee, breads and carbs. My best to all of you.....and looking forward to "life" after banding. Katie
  7. Katie2

    HELP - Preop Diet

    Thanks so much for your support and suggestions. I have had two clean days and feel really great about it. Have stocked up on Water, Protein powder, veggies, yogurt and cottage cheese (these are what is allowed on my pre op). I think I might have to do this one day at a time; as I have done so often during my lifetime of dieting. Tomorrow is another day. Katie2
  8. Katie2

    HELP - Preop Diet

    Hiiiiiiiii My surgery is booked for Aug 24th and I must start the pre op diet on Monday. So for the past two weeks I have been experimenting and as time has progressed, I am wanting to eat everything in site. Not a day has gone by that I haven't totally bombed :ohmy: Anyone else with this experience? I know that on Monday, my whole life changes forever and I really want to do this..........but the horrendous feelings of failure are almost too much to handle. Katie2
  9. Katie2

    CIBO Clinic (toronto)

    My Lapband is scheduled for August 24th, 2009 at CIBO in Toronto. This clinic is tops in my book for its integrity, honesty and acceptance. Of course, since I have worked in the public health care system, utilizing private care is for me, a treat. Looking forward to finally finding a tool that will help me with a life long battle. CIBO you are here to stay!!
  10. So glad to have found a site that is dedicated to those who have chosen the Lapband for weight loss, for one reason or another. I am pre-op right now, surgery is scheduled for August 24th and I cannot wait. After a lifetime of gaining and losing, tears and frustration and continued travail, I have finally found a tool that I know will help me gain control. Reading your posts is most supportive and I look forward to participating on a regular basis. Katie2

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
