This is a great group of women! Thanks for making me feel welcome.
Today I met with my GP and because I'm at 38 BMI he is trying really hard to get me approved-LOVE HIM! He's at the Petaluma Kaiser, Dr. Gonzales. He had me get some x-rays (knees and hips) and if there is arthritis then no questions asked I should get approval, if not well, I don't want to go there.
I'm hopeful at this point. He scheduled my orientation for mid August in Sacramento. He also said the Richmond center is not doing surgery anymore? Would that make the center for me in SF? I live in Cotati.
A little bio on me: been dieting since I was 12, up and down weight, treated for Binge Eating Disorder 3 years ago and have dieted very little since because I binge if I feel deprived. If not dieting I'm not binging. Go figure.
I have lots of questions for real people like you ladies but won't ask them all at once as to overwhelm you.
First question: when you drink liquid does it just go down into the lower pouch or do you fill up on liquid? I drink a lot of water.
Thanks again for making me feel welcome,