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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kcweir

  1. kcweir

    9/15/09 Over 18

    Look at how tiny you are! I love your humor and the pictures too. I have done the same thing so many times, I have a shelf just for size 18s, one for 16s, one for 14s, and one for 12s. I resolve to believe in this band and myself by throwing away all the big sizes as I am able to fit in to the smaller ones. I don't even know why I keep the 14s and 12s around anymore, they are all hopelessly out of style!
  2. kcweir

    Time Flies...On the weekend!

    I got approved right away, it took about a week after the paperwork was sent in. Everything has actually moved very fast for me, I hope the same thing happens for you.
  3. kcweir

    Yesterday's pre-op class

    I took the whole day off from work yesterday mainly because I needed to attend the "office day" which was about three hours long. I was the first one there, given MANY forms including a thirty question true/false quiz about the lap band. The class had six people and the PAs went over the same information we were given at the seminar. After that, the doctor came in and rehashed the same stuff again. Honestly, I think I could give the classed myself at this point. I can feel myself getting pretty anxious about all the things that could possibly go wrong. Blood clots, erosion, slippage, vomiting, YIKES! After class we headed down to the waiting room where we were seen individually to go over our labs and ask any more questions of the surgeon. I told him that I'm getting nervous about all the possible bad outcomes and he really made me feel better. He's never had any patient who had band erosion and he told me how that typically happens and how he avoids it. He uses a different technique to place the port that doesn't involve stitching it to muscle so he hasn't had any port problems in the last two years. He did tell me he had one patient die from a blood clot after bypass surgery. It happened three weeks after surgery and he had refused to move around much since the operation. His wife told the doctor that she was concerned about him getting a clot because he just sat in front of the tv all day, and sure enough a week later it happened. Dr. Oliak told me that I was a great candidate and he would be very surprised if I had any complications. I'm basically very healthy, just fat. He did tell me that I was pushing it to think I could go back to work the next day. I was able to get the second surgery of the day (9am), so that works out with DH getting me home and picking up the kids at school but I'll have to drive myself to the hospital at 7am. The next day we'll have to go back to pick up my car, so I've decided that I'm not going to try to go to work until Friday the 25th. The 26th is our annual company picnic, and that should be interesting. So...eight more days, but who's counting?!
  4. kcweir

    Yesterday's pre-op class

    I took the whole day off from work yesterday mainly because I needed to attend the "office day" which was about three hours long. I was the first one there, given MANY forms including a thirty question true/false quiz about the lap band. The class had six people and the PAs went over the same information we were given at the seminar. After that, the doctor came in and rehashed the same stuff again. Honestly, I think I could give the classed myself at this point. I can feel myself getting pretty anxious about all the things that could possibly go wrong. Blood clots, erosion, slippage, vomiting, YIKES! After class we headed down to the waiting room where we were seen individually to go over our labs and ask any more questions of the surgeon. I told him that I'm getting nervous about all the possible bad outcomes and he really made me feel better. He's never had any patient who had band erosion and he told me how that typically happens and how he avoids it. He uses a different technique to place the port that doesn't involve stitching it to muscle so he hasn't had any port problems in the last two years. He did tell me he had one patient die from a blood clot after bypass surgery. It happened three weeks after surgery and he had refused to move around much since the operation. His wife told the doctor that she was concerned about him getting a clot because he just sat in front of the tv all day, and sure enough a week later it happened. Dr. Oliak told me that I was a great candidate and he would be very surprised if I had any complications. I'm basically very healthy, just fat. He did tell me that I was pushing it to think I could go back to work the next day. I was able to get the second surgery of the day (9am), so that works out with DH getting me home and picking up the kids at school but I'll have to drive myself to the hospital at 7am. The next day we'll have to go back to pick up my car, so I've decided that I'm not going to try to go to work until Friday the 25th. The 26th is our annual company picnic, and that should be interesting. So...eight more days, but who's counting?!
  5. kcweir

    The Last Supper

    I scheduled my surgery yesterday for 9/23/09. I'm very excited about it and hope to be one of those girls I see on this site who drops 100+ pounds and keeps it off. The key is really keeping it off, isn't it? I've lost lots of weight many times but have found that keeping it gone has been impossible for me. That's why I need this tool INSTALLED in me so I have no choice but to keep up the work. I had to go to have my blood drawn this morning after fasting and was told I need to drop 10lbs before surgery (in 12 days!) I decided I was going out with a bang. I took my kids out to dinner and had my all time favorite meal at TGI Fridays. Jack Daniels burger with fries, a side salad, two beers and Oreo madness for dessert. I ate so much I didn't really feel hungry again until lunch time today. After the blood draw, I'm sticking to protein shakes until my surgery date. This lap band procedure is a complete secret from everyone except DH. I'm not sure why I don't want anyone to know, it just seems like it's a private matter to me. I told my boss that I was going to have a D&C on that date because he knows I had to have that done about 18 months ago and didn't question that I was having the same problem again. I may be crazy but I'm hoping to go back to work the very next day. I have the most sedentary job in the world so I'm going to give it a try. This morning I weighed 241.4. I plan on weighing myself every day, because I’m weird like that. My first goal is to weigh less than DH (225), then less than 200, then less than my driver’s license states (170), then less than my wedding day (145) and finally to my ultimate goal of 130. It seems almost impossible to me right now, but I’ve seen other blogs here from people who have done it, and I’m determined to join them!
  6. kcweir

    The Last Supper

    I scheduled my surgery yesterday for 9/23/09. I'm very excited about it and hope to be one of those girls I see on this site who drops 100+ pounds and keeps it off. The key is really keeping it off, isn't it? I've lost lots of weight many times but have found that keeping it gone has been impossible for me. That's why I need this tool INSTALLED in me so I have no choice but to keep up the work. I had to go to have my blood drawn this morning after fasting and was told I need to drop 10lbs before surgery (in 12 days!) I decided I was going out with a bang. I took my kids out to dinner and had my all time favorite meal at TGI Fridays. Jack Daniels burger with fries, a side salad, two beers and Oreo madness for dessert. I ate so much I didn't really feel hungry again until lunch time today. After the blood draw, I'm sticking to protein shakes until my surgery date. This lap band procedure is a complete secret from everyone except DH. I'm not sure why I don't want anyone to know, it just seems like it's a private matter to me. I told my boss that I was going to have a D&C on that date because he knows I had to have that done about 18 months ago and didn't question that I was having the same problem again. I may be crazy but I'm hoping to go back to work the very next day. I have the most sedentary job in the world so I'm going to give it a try. This morning I weighed 241.4. I plan on weighing myself every day, because I’m weird like that. My first goal is to weigh less than DH (225), then less than 200, then less than my driver’s license states (170), then less than my wedding day (145) and finally to my ultimate goal of 130. It seems almost impossible to me right now, but I’ve seen other blogs here from people who have done it, and I’m determined to join them!

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