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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kcweir

  1. Talk about regrets! I'm so hungry (banded 9/23) and am having a bad day here at work. So what did I do? I ate seven Starburst Fruit Chews. I chewed them until they were pretty much disolved, so I hope that I didn't damage my new hardware. Now I feel GUILT. Why did I do that?!
  2. kcweir

    Please talk to me like a third grader

    Okay. Go to www.tickerfactory.com and set up your ticker first. Once you finished and it tells you your ticker is done, there are two boxes below the ticker with code for your to copy and paste in to your messages and signature box on this site. I had to try twice but I figured out that you need to copy and paste the code that is in the first (top) box. I was putting mine in each post then I figured out to put it in the signature space instead. For some reason, that only worked a couple of times and now when I post I don't see my signature. Not sure what's up with that. Give it a try over at tickerfactory and let me know if you have any hangups. Kimberly
  3. kcweir

    Please talk to me like a third grader

    Okay, I'll help you though it...and I won't treat you like a third grader. I saw on your previous post that you had a ticker already set up. You were able to cut and paste that code (bunches of characters that make no sense) in to a post already, right? That's the code you need to paste over to the signature area. Let me know if you have the code first, and we'll go from there.
  4. kcweir

    I've had a very, very, very bad week!

    I'm so sorry your secret got out, I don't know if I would get over that very quickly. SB sounds like a great name for her. I also have kept mine a secret, from everyone except DH. I don't even think I would have told him if there was any way to hide it! Loved your underwear story. All's well that ends well. Kimberly Surgery Date 9/23/09
  5. kcweir

    How do you out a ticker?

    Go to User CP in the upper left corner of the page. Update your signature. That's it!
  6. Janaey, I had the surgery on Wednesday and was back in my office on Friday. I have a sedentary job, so it was no problem. The only real pain I had was the gas pains in my left shoulder and that made me very miserable for one night. No pain to speak of in my abdomen, it just felt a little like I'd done a bunch of sit ups, just sore.
  7. Thanks everyone for all the great responses, I really needed to hear it all. This episode has taught me that I need to do something else when I feel stressed or anxious instead of eat. I really didn't realize how I used food as a drug before. Eating those little candies DID make me feel better somehow, but that feeling was very brief and then the aftermath worry and quilt was much worse than the original stress felt. I'm sure that I didn't do any damage to my band because I chewed those things until they practically dissolved in my mouth. I'm treating this as a learning experience and moving on. Kimberly
  8. Glad to know I'm not alone with the Starbursts!
  9. kcweir

    Ok, now I'm getting frustrated.

    The surgeon's office is very specific about the kind of shakes to use during the first two weeks. I don't remember the first option but the more readily available one is the slimfast low carb, that's what I'm on.
  10. kcweir

    Ok, now I'm getting frustrated.

    I'm sick to death of this liquid diet. I feel weak and tired and I want it to stop! I get hungry, but not crazy hungry so that's a plus. I can't wait until my Monday nutritian class, hopefully I can start on mushies then. The thing that's frustrating me is that my weight has barely changed in three days. I can't understand how I can drink slimfast three times a day and not see a difference on the scale every morning. Meanwhile, my "weigh less than hubby" goal got stolen away when he didn't eat much for the past two days and dropped FIVE POUNDS. How wrong is that?! I've been looking through success stories on this site and trying to picture the long term benefits, not just this last few days. I'm still frustrated, and just overall feeling yucky.
  11. kcweir

    Woo Hoo, First Goal Accomplished!

    This morning I weighed 224.6 and DH weighed 226.4, I am officially lighter than my man! Of course, he did eat nearly an entire pizza by himself last night, but I'm still counting it. Maybe he did that to help me out with Goal #1, if so, what a sweetie. Next goal is to be under 200 pounds. When I get there, I'm going to reward myself with a spa day. Manicure, pedicure, one hour massage. I can't wait!
  12. kcweir

    how much time off work?

    Two weeks seems like a long time to me, but everyone is different and it also depends on the job you have. I was banded 9/23/09 and was back to work on 9/25/09, but I basically just have to sit on my butt in front of the computer all day.
  13. kcweir

    Woo Hoo, First Goal Accomplished!

    This morning I weighed 224.6 and DH weighed 226.4, I am officially lighter than my man! Of course, he did eat nearly an entire pizza by himself last night, but I'm still counting it. Maybe he did that to help me out with Goal #1, if so, what a sweetie. Next goal is to be under 200 pounds. When I get there, I'm going to reward myself with a spa day. Manicure, pedicure, one hour massage. I can't wait!
  14. kcweir

    Feeling Human Again

    Friday I left work at 10:30 with a 101 degree fever. I called the surgeon's office and they told me to see my GP. He said I have broncitis and prescribed some magical antibiotics and cough syrup so I don't hurt the new hardware that was installed. Now it's Sunday and I've feeling pretty much back to normal, but I still tire easily. I still haven't really felt hungry yet, but I have had the urge to eat a couple of times. I'm scared of the band, so I didn't dare try anything. Next Monday I have an appt for a transition to mushy and normal foods at my surgeon's office. Today I weighed 226.6, down about 15 pounds from my all time high. Shouldn't be long before I reach my first goal...weigh less than my 6 foot 2 inch tall husband.
  15. kcweir

    Feeling Human Again

    Friday I left work at 10:30 with a 101 degree fever. I called the surgeon's office and they told me to see my GP. He said I have broncitis and prescribed some magical antibiotics and cough syrup so I don't hurt the new hardware that was installed. Now it's Sunday and I've feeling pretty much back to normal, but I still tire easily. I still haven't really felt hungry yet, but I have had the urge to eat a couple of times. I'm scared of the band, so I didn't dare try anything. Next Monday I have an appt for a transition to mushy and normal foods at my surgeon's office. Today I weighed 226.6, down about 15 pounds from my all time high. Shouldn't be long before I reach my first goal...weigh less than my 6 foot 2 inch tall husband.
  16. kcweir

    Surgery Day Story

    Nobody knows I was banded except DH, my boss thought I had a D&C to remove uterine polyps, because I had that a couple of years ago and though he'd buy that I had to have it done again. Looking back, I should have said it was hernia surgery, which isn't a lie and longer to recover from.
  17. kcweir

    Surgery Day Story

    Yesterday’s surgery went very well. I can’t say enough about Dr. Oliak, his PA Ally and the staff at Chapman Medcial Center. The whole thing really was a good experience, but didn’t go off without a hitch. As you may remember, this whole thing is a secret to everyone but DH, even the kids. My kids are only 5 and 7, so I didn’t think it would be too hard to keep them in the dark as long as I got home from the hospital before they came home from school. That didn’t happen so they ended up coming to pick me up with DH after 5pm. I told my son that I had a hernia repaired (not a lie), and that is was private and I didn’t want him talking about it to anyone. I think he’ll forget the whole thing in a couple of weeks. Anyway, back to the actual surgery. I got there at 7 for a 9:30 surgery. I had the beginning of a cold since Monday but I didn’t have a fever so they didn’t even notice. They gave me a breathing treatment for my asthma and took me in right on time. I was surprised to wake up at noon in recovery. They took extra time to fix my hiatal hernia, which I was sure that I had going in because it caused me pain every now and then. They even gave DH before and after pictures. Trippy! I willed myself to wake up quickly and was transferred to my room by 12:45. My nurse told me that DH left to get DD was school I knew that I wasn’t going to make my goal of getting out before school. My nurse was great, she herself had gastric bypass seven months ago and has lost 100 pounds so far! She didn’t think I looked like I needed surgery, probably because we weigh the same right now. Anyway, I had to walk, pee, drink from medicine cups, drink broth, drink shake, see the physical therapist and then go home. They really seemed like they wanted me to stay, and told me that I could stay for 23 hours as an out-patient. I just wanted out of there, besides, the whole family was downstairs waiting for me. I faded in and out all the way home and went to bed when we got there. That’s when the gas pain set in. HOLY MOLY, that hurts! It still does actually. I regretted leaving the hospital because I could have been pressing that pain med button instead of suffering all night. I did find that laying on the shoulder with the pain sent the pain up to the other shoulder. While this transfer was happening, I was able to catch a few winks. I bet that I got up to go to the bathroom 15 times over night. My mouth was so dry I kept sucking on ice chips all night long. This morning I called in sick. I supposed to be there tomorrow and I’m organizing the company BBQ on Saturday but now I find myself with a 101 degree fever. I called the PA Ally and she wants me to come see them tomorrow if I’m not better. I don’t feel too bad, just tired and wishing that the gas pain would be gone for good.
  18. kcweir

    Surgery Day Story

    Yesterday’s surgery went very well. I can’t say enough about Dr. Oliak, his PA Ally and the staff at Chapman Medcial Center. The whole thing really was a good experience, but didn’t go off without a hitch. As you may remember, this whole thing is a secret to everyone but DH, even the kids. My kids are only 5 and 7, so I didn’t think it would be too hard to keep them in the dark as long as I got home from the hospital before they came home from school. That didn’t happen so they ended up coming to pick me up with DH after 5pm. I told my son that I had a hernia repaired (not a lie), and that is was private and I didn’t want him talking about it to anyone. I think he’ll forget the whole thing in a couple of weeks. Anyway, back to the actual surgery. I got there at 7 for a 9:30 surgery. I had the beginning of a cold since Monday but I didn’t have a fever so they didn’t even notice. They gave me a breathing treatment for my asthma and took me in right on time. I was surprised to wake up at noon in recovery. They took extra time to fix my hiatal hernia, which I was sure that I had going in because it caused me pain every now and then. They even gave DH before and after pictures. Trippy! I willed myself to wake up quickly and was transferred to my room by 12:45. My nurse told me that DH left to get DD was school I knew that I wasn’t going to make my goal of getting out before school. My nurse was great, she herself had gastric bypass seven months ago and has lost 100 pounds so far! She didn’t think I looked like I needed surgery, probably because we weigh the same right now. Anyway, I had to walk, pee, drink from medicine cups, drink broth, drink shake, see the physical therapist and then go home. They really seemed like they wanted me to stay, and told me that I could stay for 23 hours as an out-patient. I just wanted out of there, besides, the whole family was downstairs waiting for me. I faded in and out all the way home and went to bed when we got there. That’s when the gas pain set in. HOLY MOLY, that hurts! It still does actually. I regretted leaving the hospital because I could have been pressing that pain med button instead of suffering all night. I did find that laying on the shoulder with the pain sent the pain up to the other shoulder. While this transfer was happening, I was able to catch a few winks. I bet that I got up to go to the bathroom 15 times over night. My mouth was so dry I kept sucking on ice chips all night long. This morning I called in sick. I supposed to be there tomorrow and I’m organizing the company BBQ on Saturday but now I find myself with a 101 degree fever. I called the PA Ally and she wants me to come see them tomorrow if I’m not better. I don’t feel too bad, just tired and wishing that the gas pain would be gone for good.
  19. kcweir

    My Evil Cold

    I took Zicam all day yesterday like it was my religion. I still had some of the old nasal swabs from before they took it off the market. Love that stuff! I already feel better today, but my throat is a bit scratchy. I'll continue with the Zicam and get a good night's sleep, and I'm sure I will feel pretty good by tomorrow morning. One good thing about this cold, I haven't been hungry so it's been easy to stick to protein shakes. This weekend my sister was over and saw all my protein shakes and diet food. I told her I was going on a diet again, so it won't be a big surprise when I start to drop some weight. What will be a big surprise is that it won't come back! They still haven't called me to tell me what time to be at the hospital, but I was given a rough estimate of 9am. Less than 24 hours!
  20. kcweir

    My Evil Cold

    I took Zicam all day yesterday like it was my religion. I still had some of the old nasal swabs from before they took it off the market. Love that stuff! I already feel better today, but my throat is a bit scratchy. I'll continue with the Zicam and get a good night's sleep, and I'm sure I will feel pretty good by tomorrow morning. One good thing about this cold, I haven't been hungry so it's been easy to stick to protein shakes. This weekend my sister was over and saw all my protein shakes and diet food. I told her I was going on a diet again, so it won't be a big surprise when I start to drop some weight. What will be a big surprise is that it won't come back! They still haven't called me to tell me what time to be at the hospital, but I was given a rough estimate of 9am. Less than 24 hours!
  21. I was up a good part of the night obsessing about this tickle feeling in my throat. I know what it is but I'm going to just ignore it and hope it goes away. I really don't want to reschedule this, my husband took the day off work to transport me, my work is all caught up, and I'm ready to go! Wish me luck.
  22. kcweir

    I feel a cold coming on, two days before surgery!

    I was up a good part of the night obsessing about this tickle feeling in my throat. I know what it is but I'm going to just ignore it and hope it goes away. I really don't want to reschedule this, my husband took the day off work to transport me, my work is all caught up, and I'm ready to go! Wish me luck.
  23. kcweir

    Pre-op Diet Failure

    My doctor was not specific about the preop diet, he just told me to lose weight before the surgery. I was down 7 pounds and feeling great about it, but then the weekend came. Saturday we had a family BBQ during the day, and then my husband brought home ice cream sandwiches at night. I got back on the wagon in the morning and did pretty well, but then got so hungry by dinner that I ate a chicken nuggets meal from McDonalds! I'm dreading the scale in the morning! Now I've only got Monday and Tuesday to undo the damage, surgery is set for Wednesday. I can't wait to finally be free from incessant hunger.
  24. kcweir

    Pre-op Diet Failure

    My doctor was not specific about the preop diet, he just told me to lose weight before the surgery. I was down 7 pounds and feeling great about it, but then the weekend came. Saturday we had a family BBQ during the day, and then my husband brought home ice cream sandwiches at night. I got back on the wagon in the morning and did pretty well, but then got so hungry by dinner that I ate a chicken nuggets meal from McDonalds! I'm dreading the scale in the morning! Now I've only got Monday and Tuesday to undo the damage, surgery is set for Wednesday. I can't wait to finally be free from incessant hunger.
  25. kcweir

    3 days till surgery

    I'm having my surgery on the same day. My doctor was not terribly specific about the preop diet and I can safely say I failed this weekend. I can't wait to not be a slave to my hunger. Just a few more days!

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