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About currysusan123

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/27/1970

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  1. Happy 43rd Birthday currysusan123!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday currysusan123!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary currysusan123!

  4. 1 years has passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary currysusan123!

  5. currysusan123

    *Always Cold*

    I am COLD!!! I am a believer that it is the loss of Grehlin (SP?). I still have over 120 lbs to lose so I know I still have adequate fat insulation. I was one of those always extra hot people. Never using a jacket in winter, only sleeping with a sheet, A/C temp kept at 68 degrees, sweating all the time. One other explanation to no longer being hot is that my blood pressure is now normal after losing these 87 lbs. But that dont explain the extreme coldness I feel. I now sit with a heating pad, wear a sweater, use throw blankets, and sleep with an electric blanket. That being said, I would not trade this for not having surgery.
  6. currysusan123

    Ghrelin and sleep and heat regulation

    I have lost 84 lbs so far. At 281 I still have 130 lbs to lose. I have been REALLY been having problems keeping warm. I knew this would be an issue when I was thin, but I still have a lot of weight to lose. Before my VGS my body temp. was excessively hotter than anyone else. I was always hot when everyone else was comfortable. I just figured it was because my blood pressure was high then and it is normal now. It is interesting to find out about the effects of Ghrelin. Thanks for the info. As far as sleep patterns thus far. Before surgery, I had undiagnosed apnea. I snored horribly. I never got deep rest, waking every hour or so to adjust sleeping position. Now I don't snore. I tend to only need 6-7 hrs sleep. I no longer need a 3pm nap. I never have remembered dreams, so I dont know about REM sleep before and after.
  7. currysusan123

    Diet Carbonated Drink

    I was instructed to never drink carbonated stuff. I'm sure taken in moderation they would be fine, but I am all or nothing when it comes to diet coke. If I started drinking it, that would be all I ever drank. I've given it up for over 6 months now so why go back to the addiction. So, I would say if you can consume in moderation, go for it. But I can't do the moderation thing.
  8. currysusan123

    Is it me or ….

    Yep! When I am full, my nose runs and I sometimes get chills. Also, I am COLD all the time which was not normal before surgery. I am 5 months post op. I've lost 79 lbs. but I still weigh 286 lbs. I new my temperature guage would change, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I thought when I get to 150, but not yet...Before surgery, I would sweat constantly, and NEVER used a jacket, even in the coldest of winter. NOW I sleep with electric blanket and sit with a heating pad to keep me warm. Weird huh.
  9. currysusan123

    How many calories per day?

    I am so happy with the weight I have lost. The 41 is since surgery on July 16th. If I add in the weight I lost on my preop diet, I am at 58lbs since July 1st! I am never sure whether I should count that in my weight loss ticker or just the weight I have lost since surgery lol. I got tired of saying pre-op weight and surgery weight. 365 in June (1 month before surgery) 355 July 7 (Surgery date) I separated them for a while. When I lost 50 lbs total I decided it didnt matter anymore so I add pre surgery weight loss in my total...
  10. currysusan123

    How many calories per day?

    Im 3 months out. I average 800-950 cals /day. My fat grams and carbs are somewhat higher than others. My Protein is around 40-60/day...(Not quite enough) and Water consumption is about 1/2 of what it should be. I'm averaging about 3 lbs a week loss. My exercise is sporatic and not strenuous (slow treadmeal, Swimming, shopping). But I have lost 65 lbs in 3 months :biggrin0:
  11. currysusan123

    NSV shout outs

    I fit in the booth at Red Lobster!!! Goodbye to requesting table only for everyone just because I couldn't fit in a booth.
  12. currysusan123

    On to pureed foods, need recommendations.

    I fell in love with mashed cauliflower. Boiled cauliflower until soft, drain Water off, add a small amount of skim milk, smart balance butter, salt, pepper, & onion powder. Blend until creamy. It may sound gross, but it is yummy. Its a good substitute for mashed potatoes without the carbs.
  13. I wish I had taken the Pre-op low fat diet more seriously. I allowed myself several high fat meals the week before surgery (including a fish fry, wedding cake & many party foods). As a result, my liver was fatty and my surgery and recovery time was twice as long. The dr had a hard time lifting my liver to perform the sleeve. So...STICK TO YOUR LOWFAT PRE-OP DIET. You will be happy in the long run. Unlike the previous posts, I already had my gallbladder removed years earlier. I am thankful that I dont have to worry about gallstones now. Some surgeons take out the gallbladder at the same time. It may be something to discuss with surgeon.
  14. currysusan123

    got the munchies

    Yes it is that time of the month. I didn't even put 2 & 2 together. I guess that explains the ravenous cravings.
  15. currysusan123

    got the munchies

    UGGGG... Its a good thing there is nothing bad to eat in my house....all I can find to brainlessly munch is pickle juice, Protein bars:eek:, & sf pudding:mad0: Oh yea tums i guess i could munch on tums:drool:. I soooo want ice cream and candy bars....GRRRRR:drool5:. Its 11:00 watching Big Brother on dvr and wanting to munch..... OK this too shall pass.....I know there are things that I can munch on its just that they aren't here now. Even if they were, they aren't what I want. Feeling better now, I guess I just needed to write my feelings down..Thanks for listening to my scattered thoughts....

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