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LAP-BAND Patients
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About mandie175lbs

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/25/1972

About Me

  • Biography
    Lapband Surgery... Revision Lapband Surgery... Current Garstric Sleeve Surgery
  • Gender
  • Interests
    dogs, sewing, interior design, flipping homes, make-up, hair
  • Occupation
    administrative assistant
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  1. We will all make so wrong choices along the way, but we have to take control and listen to our bodies and band. I really don't know if I am at my sweet spot or not, but it takes very little to give me a feeling of being full. I have an appointment tomorrow and I really don't want to give up an opportunity to get a fill. If my food isn't chewed very fine and eaten slowly I feel like everything gets stuck in the center of my chest area. There is an awful pain that lingers for several minutes then it past. I still want my doctor to give me a fill tomorrow. My weight lost is very slow; I really want things to speed up. I do work out about 3 hours a week. I should do more but that is all I can work in at this time. PAGE 1

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
