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LAP-BAND Patients
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About GuinevereCA

  • Rank
    Banded July 29th 2009
  • Birthday 12/19/1967
  1. Happy 45th Birthday GuinevereCA!

  2. Happy 44th Birthday GuinevereCA!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary GuinevereCA!

  4. Hi all I have a question for any of you that have had your gallbladder removed post LAP-BAND®. My LB surgeon is no longer affiliated with my Insurance so my GP referred me to a cardio thorasic surgeon. He told me that he won't do the surgery laproscopically (sp?). He needs to do an open incision so that he won't accidentally cut into my band or port etc. Has this been the case for any of you? I saw my LAP-BAND® surgeon today and he is freaking me out saying my band could get infected and that this surgeon doesn't know what he is doing. I am so confused but know that I can't go much longer with the pain I am experiencing. Any advice?
  5. OK peeps here is the sitch. Surgery was 7/29/09 I had my 1st fill almost exactly 4 weeks later. I have a 14cc band and he gave me 5cc...nothin. I was still eating way too much and I knew it. I went back 2 weeks later and Doc gave me 3cc more. Still nothin... well maybe I was full a little sooner but ANYTHING went down with out a problem. So this last Tues I went in for yet another fill. He gave me 1cc more. Now I can barely get anything down! Such a shock! Did liquids the first day and even got a little parched and drank too much at one time because after I took like 3 big drinks I had to throw that up! So second day I move on to mushies and I am really concentrating on chew, chew chewing (scrambled egg) and the first swallow I feel like a rock in my chest! Since then I have had very little food at all. Do you think I need to give it a few more days in case my tummy is swollen or does it sound like I need an un-fill? I appreciate your help! Lisa~
  6. This is SO me! I feel really guilty because I seem to be able to eat anything and everything! I haven't had my first fill yet and while I was on liquids I lost weight (of course!) but now I am not sure if I still am or not? I don't own a scale. I know it will just depress me if I see that I am not losing weight so I decided to put the scale buying off for a bit. However... I know that I am eating more than I should. It's still less than I used to eat but.... If I had any willpower I wouldn't be in this predicament darn it!!! I just hope that I don't have major problems after my first fill. I AM thinking about it everytime I eat. That is a start right? LOL
  7. I was there at 11:00 for 12:00pm surgery. Out by 3:30 and no barium swallow
  8. GuinevereCA

    Shahram Salimitari M.D.

    I just had my surgery on July 29th with Top Surgeons. I know that Dr Sal is who I originally saw for my orientation but he is not the Dr that did my Lapband. My surgeon was Dr Tashjian. Dr T (as he refers to himself) was very nice and spent a good amount of time with me before the surgery making sure I was aware of what was being done and I understood what was expected of me. He also will give out his cell number if you request it. Just don't call him at 3:00am to tell him how cute he is (he says it's happened! ) I have my first follow up appt this Tues with Dr T. I will let you all know a little more then. I'll even ask him what happened to Dr Sal... heck I'm not shy!
  9. Hey everyone I was banded July 29th and (knock on wood) things are going just great! My surgery was a breeze and I have experienced very little pain. The gas has been minimal, and I am peeing all the time! My question is... when will I have a BM? My Dr did not give me a stool softener but his nurse did ask me if he had. Why on earth would I need a stool softener when all I am consuming is liquid? My DH said why would you go if you haven't eaten anything but we all know & have probably been there. You still go.... it's just liquid! (TMI right! ) So... when did you all have your first BM post op? It's not out of fear or pain that I don't go either (like after you have a baby!) It's just not there! I'm not uncomfortable, just used to being VERY regular and I haven't had a BM since before the surgery. Other than that I could not be happier. Ok, maybe a little happier if I could have something besides broth and Jello but I'll live until I get to the mushies! Thanks in advance for all your insight!
  10. GuinevereCA

    Heya from CA

    I just got my surgery date today and it's in 9 days! I'm a little nervous but very excited too! I wish I'd found this place earlier. So much good information :smile:

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