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About Chapau01

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 04/12/1980

About Me

  • Biography
    Married Mother of 3 ready for my metamorphasis!!
  • Interests
    I love Music, spending time with the fam and having a good time!
  • Occupation
    Admin Assistant
  • City
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  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 33rd Birthday Chapau01!

  2. Happy 32nd Birthday Chapau01!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Chapau01!

  4. Chapau01

    Before and After Surgery

    Here are a few pics 2 days after surgery, and a few 2 months after!
  5. Awwwwwe! Did you just get a fill? Maybe you should do liquids for a little bit and then try again? *hugs* I hope it gets better for you!

  6. Chapau01

    Baad daaayy!

    I am having a bad lapband day today! EVERYTHING is getting stcuk!! Things I usally have no problem with are getting stuck and it's so aggravating and painful!! UGGGHHHH I am having one of those what the hell was I thinking days!! On the brigt side I have lost 6 lbs since my fill 3 weeks ago! lol........gosh this is really a catch 22 sometimes I just wanna be like everyone else around me and eat what I want when I want without having to think about how it's going to go down and if I will get stuck!! OMG.....I know I know stop complaining and deal with it I have a lapband for a reason.....just let a sista vent for a minute geeshhh! lol:cursing:
  7. Hey! I am really good! I see you are doing GREAT you look AWESOME!! I am having a bad lapband day where EVERYTHING is getting stuck so I am sicking to my shake for dinner! lol Keep up the good work!

  8. How are ya, how are ya, how are yaaaaaaaaaa?!?!

  9. Chapau01

    I am so freaking happy!!

    So I haven't posted in a while so I have alot to share!! I am not longer in the 300!! Thank you JESUS, and I am now down to a size 18!! From a 24 to an 18 is AWESOME!! This journey is slower than I thought it would be but it is so worth it. People who have not seen me for a while are always like WOW you look awsome what is your secret and I just smile and tell them I have been watching what I eat and workng out...wich is the truth! My husband has been so super suppportive and has encouraged me to work out with him whcih I HATE WORKING OUT but I love the results so I am still working on it!! :w00t: The biggest thing for me was being able to fly on an airpaline withough having to ask for a seat belt exstintion!! I would always be soooo embarrased to have to admit that my behind was too fat to buckle a regular airplaine seat belt. But not only could I buckle it this time I had about 6 inches to spare and was able to move around and sit comfortably!! We did ALOT of walking on our trip, and it was a breeze for me I know that before the surgery I would not have been able to enjoy myself to the extent that I did and I would not have been able to walk around as much as I did and I was jsut so full of energy and life. My husband was even soooo impressed he told me that he has always loved me and that he really is excited about this new person that is emegrging!! I AM SO FREKAING HAPPY!!! :thumbup:
  10. Chapau01

    I am so freaking happy!!

    So I haven't posted in a while so I have alot to share!! I am not longer in the 300!! Thank you JESUS, and I am now down to a size 18!! From a 24 to an 18 is AWESOME!! This journey is slower than I thought it would be but it is so worth it. People who have not seen me for a while are always like WOW you look awsome what is your secret and I just smile and tell them I have been watching what I eat and workng out...wich is the truth! My husband has been so super suppportive and has encouraged me to work out with him whcih I HATE WORKING OUT but I love the results so I am still working on it!! :tongue_smilie: The biggest thing for me was being able to fly on an airpaline withough having to ask for a seat belt exstintion!! I would always be soooo embarrased to have to admit that my behind was too fat to buckle a regular airplaine seat belt. But not only could I buckle it this time I had about 6 inches to spare and was able to move around and sit comfortably!! We did ALOT of walking on our trip, and it was a breeze for me I know that before the surgery I would not have been able to enjoy myself to the extent that I did and I would not have been able to walk around as much as I did and I was jsut so full of energy and life. My husband was even soooo impressed he told me that he has always loved me and that he really is excited about this new person that is emegrging!! I AM SO FREKAING HAPPY!!! :thumbup:
  11. The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind and motivation you have to convince. You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be. Let that person who is inside come out and see the world. Take it one day at a time. Happy Holidays. PS: Update me on your progress and visit my web page As My World Turns

  12. Chapau01

    Another 5lbs GONE!!

    Went in for my 2nd fill today, dropped another 5 pounds YEAHHHHH!!! That is a total of 26 pounds in 2.5 months that is awesome!! I am on my way!!
  13. Chapau01

    Another 5lbs GONE!!

    Went in for my 2nd fill today, dropped another 5 pounds YEAHHHHH!!! That is a total of 26 pounds in 2.5 months that is awesome!! I am on my way!!
  14. Chapau01

    I'm on a mission

    So it's been a while since my last post...I have lost a total of 21 pounds and I had my first fill on Tuesday....still havent lost as much as I thought I would at this point but I think my progress is pretty good. I have fallen off the whole work out train becuase I am just so darn tired when I get home from work, but tonigh I mad a consious effort to gt back into the swing of things. MY husband and I are going to the MArine Corps ball on the 4th so I am really trying to get down another 15 lbs before then wich should be easy if I do the full liquids and work out like I am supposed to soooooo wish me luck friends!!! lol
  15. Chapau01

    I'm on a mission

    So it's been a while since my last post...I have lost a total of 21 pounds and I had my first fill on Tuesday....still havent lost as much as I thought I would at this point but I think my progress is pretty good. I have fallen off the whole work out train becuase I am just so darn tired when I get home from work, but tonigh I mad a consious effort to gt back into the swing of things. MY husband and I are going to the MArine Corps ball on the 4th so I am really trying to get down another 15 lbs before then wich should be easy if I do the full liquids and work out like I am supposed to soooooo wish me luck friends!!! lol :thumbup:

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