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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Humming Bird last won the day on October 3 2011

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About Humming Bird

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    Normal BMI !!
  • Birthday 12/18/1964

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    Small town USA
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  1. Humming Bird

    Happy lapbanders only!

    I am still a Happy Lap-bander. I rarely talk about online anymore. I was unfilled in March and it has been a slow process of small fills to get restriction back. I am thinking the next fill will get me back where I want to be. I will have some time this weekend and want to check out the forums to refresh my mind on the basics as I have put back on a few pounds while unfilled. Where do the lapbanders post most?
  2. Several people have commented recently, so I thought I would pop on and post. I am now over 9 years post-op (Lap-band). The shoulder pain was bad. I found that the cheap Walmart brand pain patches helped the best. The shoulder pain did go away for me, but every once in awhile I get a tiny shoulder twinge as a reminder if I have overeaten a bit. It is nothing like in the beginning...just a reminder twinge.
  3. I haven't been on the site for a very long time, so I figured I would at least check in with this topic. I was banded in July 2009 and have lost a total of 118 pounds. No complications! Love my band
  4. Some of the fill can disapate over time. It's not a leak. It's just osmosis or something and is normal as far as I've been told. I'm not sure how much of a role dehydration plays. I may notice the tiny change in fill level more as I rely on my band much more than exercise.
  5. I have stayed the same weight, within 1-2 pounds for about 2 years now without counting calories or really even watching what I eat much. I think the key for me has been getting a tiny fill about once a year. I can feel when it's time and don't wait for a big weight gain before I go get that tiny "maintenance fill." Of course it may not be that easy for everyone......I don't have hormone issues (hysterectomy at young age). As far as things being back to normal...... it's is a new normal. Life in general is back to normal, but my eating will never be the way it was before the band. I have not eaten a full plate of food since July of 2009. This is my normal now.
  6. I don't pop on here at LBT as much as I used to because I figured out how the band works with my own body. I'm still working it. I have been busy living life and loving every moment. The band has been the best thing I have done for myself in a very long time. Believe me, this is the first place I will come if I start having any sort of problem. It's a great place to learn and a great place to find out how other bandsters deal with any problem that may happen. I believe the band works differently for different people. We all have to figure it out on our own somewhat. I posted my thoughts on many topics over the first couple years and hope I helped many after me in some way. There have been bad attitudes and people who don't agree with my methods..... oh well....... that ignore list can come in very handy
  7. Banded July 2009 and no complications so far..... knock on wood. I'm still loving my band and keeping the weight off !
  8. Humming Bird

    Colorado Springs

    I'm still in the area. To be honest, LBT was my best support. You sure are welcome to send me a message or an email......... maybe we could meet sometime.
  9. Happy 48th Birthday Humming Bird!

  10. I hope you get it all figured out with whatever is causing your issue...... As for the dumb Dr.'s band comment......... Maybe you should have said, "Why in the world would I go through a major surgery for weightloss only to go through another surgery to put the weight back on.?"
  11. Humming Bird

    Length Of Hospital Stay

    I searched for a surgeon that did no extra/excess pre-op testing/hoops and no hospital stay. Since I was footing the bill I could not afford all that. I had surgery at 1pm and was out of there by 4;30.
  12. I was banded right here in the USA and at my first fill my surgeon told me he had put in 2.7cc during surgery. It worked well for me and I didn't question his reasoning. He is the surgeon and has done many many successful surgeries. The weight melted off me and I reached my sweet spot with fill number 2.
  13. Humming Bird

    Hair Loss And Biotin

    I started getting very tiny thin little re-growth around 12 months. It wasn't all back and to the original length and thickness until about 2 years post op. I tried everything including keeping my Protein intake high, Biotin, Nioxin vits., Nioxin shampoo/conditioner, even Rogain. I really do not think any of it helped. I think it depends on what type of hair you have also. Mine is thin, straight, and baby fine.
  14. Humming Bird

    Hair Loss And Biotin

    You can find sublingual (melts under tongue) biotin at vit./health food stores (not GNC). I started taking mega doses of biotin before I had surgery because hairloss was my biggest fear. I don't know if it helped or not because I still lost about 40% of my hair. Who knows, maybe I would have lost more if I had not taken the biotin. The good news is my hair grew back.
  15. Humming Bird

    Am I A Liar?

    BigDennis, Well said. You are right. a house would be in bad shape without the continued use of the tools. The "hard work" part has not been there for me though. I have been one of the lucky ones and have put in very little effort. Dropping this weight and keeping it off has been the easiest thing I ever tried to win this weightloss battle. I do understand that many others do have to work at it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
