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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    New and loving it.

    Hello and welcome to LBT. Great support and info here. Stick around and good luck to you on your weightloss journey.
  2. TJ ! Great to hear from you again. You are doing so good! Keep up the great work and attitude. Pop in on us here when you can. Bree, Restriction is partly personal choice, but if you are not hungry (true hunger) between meals I would say that is pretty good restriction and where you should be. If you are hungry between meals and find that you can eat too much, then I would say you need more restriction.
  3. Humming Bird

    Sex with a New Man

    If you tell him about the surgery that will explain the rest. If he has a problem with it, he will stop talking so much with you. You may get your feelings hurt, but at least you will know. I don't have much problem with my belly or legs. I still have some weight to take off, but after an 80 lb loss, my arms and boobs are the things that are saggin'. I have been with the same man for 24 years, so he has seen me all sizes from a 7 to a 24.
  4. I admit it...... I do have a pair of black Crocs. I wear them when I wear black scrubs. They are so worn smooth on the soles I really have to watch it if the floor is wet or I will end up on my "banded butt." Bob! You know I love all the brushing! (hope you floss too) Denise, so glad you stayed normal ! Christie, glad you had a little break and sorry you have to return to work. ( I'm not too thrilled about going in tomorrow either) Jacki, Hi, welcome Geez, all this pet talk almost makes me want to go get one..... almost. I'm still enjoying being petless for now.
  5. Humming Bird

    Sex with a New Man

    Well, here's my 2 cents worth. I say tell him about the surgery. Once it's out, it's out and you can move forward (what ever forward may be). After you have told him about the surgery, at some point I think you should tell him how you feel a little skittish about intimacy. If things are already heating up, but not gotten phyiscal yet, this will get it all out in the open. It will also give him a chance to think about it a little. If things go farther after all that and you start seeing him in person ....... go out a few times .......Then have sex! I have not had any port discomfort personally when I have sex.
  6. Humming Bird

    Greek Yogurt YUCK!

    I have seen in many posts that many of my fellow bansters love greek yogurt. This morning I read that someone loves greek yogurt with sugar free preserves in it. Today I am really feeling true malnutrition, so when I was out and about I got some. It tastes so very bad. What am I doing wrong? Now I have a big container of greek yogurt that is going to be thrown away like much of the food I try lately. :tt1:
  7. Humming Bird

    So Upset

    Ginger, stop fighting with your husband about it. It is not worth fighting about and only makes things worse. What's done is done and you can not go back and change it. Didn't you say it was your own mother who let the cat out of the bag anyway? You married your husband, so you must have a great deal of love there. You should focus on that. Kiss and make up and move on. Look to the future and how great you're going to feel when the pounds start flying off!
  8. Chili yogurt fish scallops crab cottage cheese oatmeal & cream of wheat Protein cereals
  9. Humming Bird

    Goal Size vs Goal Weight

    I do weigh every morning, but I am more about size and how I look in my clothes. (well, out of them too) I would LOVE to be below a size 12, but size 12 would do.
  10. Humming Bird

    So Upset

    Wear your band like a badge of honor! Take pride in it! If there are snarky comments made, just turn it around to something positive. If someone says something about what you are eating, just say, ( with the biggest smile on your face) "Isn't it amazing!, I've lost XX pounds already! I love my band! It's the best thing I could have ever done for myself! I wish more people could be as lucky as I am!"
  11. Humming Bird

    Fiber Question

    I have been eating one vitafusion fiber gummie each day and it works like a charm ! (Sold at Target )
  12. We have been getting nothing but SNOW!!!! Went down the mountain to Colorado Springs and they have no snow! It is like a winter wonderland here. Elevation makes all the difference I guess. Went bowling again. Had a glass of wine. It makes me bowl better. (hehe ) Betsy, I am 5' 7" and very long in the waist and legs. People always think I'm taller, so the lanky feeling comes a little easier I guess. (I buy "tall" jeans and scrubs)
  13. Humming Bird

    I'm too tight

    I ate chilli for months ! LOL ..... it was the most solid thing I could eat. I'm sure I was a tiny bit too tight. I am just now able to eat a little bit of chicken. Some of the things I eat without slime, Pb, or throw up: *Broc/ cheese Soup. I use chedar cheese soup and add cut up frozen broc. (really any kind of soup that does not have noodles or rice) * Yogurt (not greek/yucky) *oatmeal / cream of wheat * Fish, scallops, crab, tuna * Cheese *cottage cheese *any veggie that is well cooked * fruit cups * sherbert (treat) *Many Protein shakes *Skinny Lattes from starbucks :tt1: * hmmmmm...... I know I eat more than that list, but nothing more comes to mind right now A typical day for me: coffee Protein shake on the way to work Sometimes a yogurt (snack) Soup from the Deli ( or chilli from Wendy's) Fish or soup for dinner Another day might be: Coffee Protein shake cottage cheese & fruit cup for lunch Chilli for dinner Sherbert for snack sometimes Boring, I know, but it works for me
  14. Laughing !! OMG, you all make my day!! Congrats Bob on the projectile slime!
  15. Do you see what I mean? How does the avg. person know what to believe? I guess we just fasten our seatbelts and hope for the best.
  16. I enjoy this thread daily. I have trouble responding to every post, so I just jump in here and there. :tt1: I do read every post. Anne said I have wisdom! :eek: hehe.... Thanks Anne! To all who feel down sometimes. I feel it too, but try to focus on some positive stuff to get me out of a funk. I do feel much better now that I have dropped major poundage, but some days I still feel fat and it brings me down a little. I also have those "mid-life crisis moments." Focus on NSVs helps me sometimes. Here are a few of mine that have helped in the past few days: There were a few times this week I felt kinda "lanky". It has been a long time since I had that "lanky" feeling! I got some positive comments from patients this week. One young gal looked at me after I took her x-rays and said "you look so different!" I told her I have lost 80 lbs since the last time she was in. She said, "omg! that's it! you look great!" Another patient kept looking and finally said, "have you lost a bunch of weight or something?" It's really a good feeling. I went closet shopping again today! I found several more things that fit!!! I am wearing a pair of jeans right now that I could not get zipped a couple weeks ago! They fit great today! woot! I pulled the next pair of jeans to the front of the closet. They will be the next I shrink in to!
  17. Spartan, are you a physician? are you a lap-band Dr.? Have you been banded? I'm just curious, nothing more.
  18. I get a few emails from friends about this stuff and when I hear details about the healthcare package it freaks me out sometimes. I do think something needs to be done with healthcare. I wish they could simplify and keep the government's nose out of my personal business. I got this link in an email. It quotes lines from the healthcare package. (I undersatnd there is some drama added, but real quotes)
  19. If the food is solid at all I can not eat 1 cup. It is more like 1/2 cup. If I eat something like soup or chilli I can eat 1 cup. (that is lunch or dinner)
  20. Bob! you're back! We missed you! (sorry you are headed in to banster hell though) Welcome Bobbie! My snow is melting again and the road is a muddy mess..... just in time for more snow friday night or saturday....... it sucks. My head cold is going away! S.H.I.T (sure happy it's Thursday! because it is my Friday!) I have not thought about the no hands thing much, but will start paying attention.
  21. I've loved it from day one. The band is doing the trick for me. I would have never taken off this much weight without it and that was the point of getting banded. Now I am confident I will take off the rest of my excess weight and keep it off. ........Love the band!
  22. Humming Bird

    Health Care

    I personally don't know enough to agree or disagree with all this healthcare debate ............but, have you watched this: YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural rights Patriot Act - Part 3 of 3 interesting....
  23. Humming Bird

    I'll be glad when I can........

    I'll be glad when I can...... -Tuck a shirt in my jeans and not have a "muffin top" -No longer have back fat buldging around the back strap of my bra - Look in the mirror and like what I see

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
