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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    is it normal?

    My post-op fatigue lasted for months. The kidney pain is not normal. It does sound like a kidney infection or something. I hope you called your Doc for that. I wish you the best on this journey...... this sounds like a little bump in the long road to thin.
  2. Humming Bird

    Heard/Felt a "Pop"

    I agree with Betsy. A call or visit to the doc would at least ease your mind about it. After this "pop" does everything still feel the same? Is eating and restriction still the same?
  3. Humming Bird

    Think Ive ruined my band....

    They include some fat between the band and the stomach to help prevent erosion. As you shrink some of that fat the band will loosen up and you will need a little fill. The best thing you can do is see your Dr. and do your best to stick to the food he/she tells you is OK to eat. I hope you feel better about the situation soon.
  4. Humming Bird

    Gross Question about PBing

    In my opinion, what you described is not PBing (productive burping). What you described is throwing up. For me PBing is like having an air bubble trapped and when I finally do burp a tiny bit of food can be felt coming up, but then it goes back down. I have done the throwing up foamy slime thing when I have been stuck or ate the wrong thing. It's no fun. I think throwing up post-band is so different because the food that has already made it past the band does not come up. Even if you do not taste acid, once something makes it all the way down to the stomach, it is acidic and can cause damage to the esophagus and to the teeth if it happen frequently.
  5. Ewwww...... I hate the slime! I have not done it in awhile, knock on wood.
  6. Humming Bird


    That is GREAT! I am happy for you!
  7. We have hot water! Glorious, Slendid, beautiful HOT WATER!!! The part would have been $85, but we just finished building this house in June 2006 and the water heater has a 6yr warranty! , so the part was free! Wooo Hooo!! Hot bath tonight and Hot shower in the morning!!
  8. Hi all, and good Monday morning! (I'm trying to convince myself It's good) The weekend went too fast and the hot water heater went out. I had a cold shower yesterday, but ended up washing my hair in the sink this morning. Christie, You are on your way to Onderland!!! Wooo Hooo! Your son sounds like a joy. I like hearing about him :thumbup: Bob, I don't do facebook or anything like it. I don't know much about it and only take the time for email, LBT, craigslist and sometimes e-bay. It's nice to hear from you here every once in awhile here. How is everything going with the new band? Leigha, The yardwork sounds kinda fun in a strange way. (the word "work" throws it off) In my last house, that I lived in for 17 years, I had a double lot with lots of grass, many flower beds, a pond and gazebo. It was like having my own little park and I miss working in it. I always felt like it was therapeutic. I do work outside in the summer now that I moved up to the mountains, but not much will grow with the elevation, poor soil quality and the shade. I miss all my flowers at the other house, but wouldn't trade the mountain living to have them back. I hate going to a gym, so will always look for other ways to be active. Bobbie, I hope the job situation works out for you soon. Maybe something will come along that is your "dream job!" Wouldn't that be great!? I'm sure others will do a better job of responding to the calorie/food intake question than I can. How could you eat 2000 cals in one sitting? lol, I think it matters what and when you eat, but for me I just have to get in my own groove and go with it without obcessing too much. Anne, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. It sounds like you did well with the diet and the walking. I would love to go someplace for a little trip, but have to pay off this band first. At this point it is my biggest complaint..... the pain to my bank account. Denise, I hope you get all the issues figured out soon. I think your attitude is helping. Everyone, HI, I hope you all have a great week!
  9. Humming Bird

    Reasons I'm Thankful for my Band (add yours)

    I would have never taken off this much weight without the band. I would have given up by now and just tried to accept being overweight. I look and feel better. I can wear the smaller sizes that have been collecting dust in my closet. I can shop in the normal sizes section! No more ample duds for me!
  10. Humming Bird


    I was chewing centrum chewables day 2 post-op. Just chew them up well.
  11. Humming Bird

    No BM for 13 days

    I'm glad you got the problem solved. Constipation is common with bansters. I found that keeping a calendar in the bathroom and making a mark on the days I go helps keep track. I eat a vita fusion fiber gummie (from Target) daily and have not had to use stool softeners or laxitives since I started eating the gummies.
  12. Don't beat yourself up. I have had icecream and sherbert over the months. Just don't do it often and don't eat large amounts. For example, If I am at a birthday party I skip the cake and have a little bit of icecream. That way I join in the celebration and have a little treat. I make healthy choices most of the time and avoid that deprived feeling by a tiny treat now and then. There are many healthier choices to choose from as well. Read the lables in the freezer isle.......fat free, frozen yogurt, sugar free ..........
  13. I don't measure anything. My pouch does it for me. That is one of the great things about this band! (after restriction) When I eat salad I like spinach instead of lettuce. It has more flavor and more nutrition. I do have to cut it up and chew it well.
  14. Humming Bird

    I give up

    awww..... don't give up totally. You can still be supportive without being the "food police." She is an adult and has to take responsibility for her own actions, but needs some support from you.
  15. Humming Bird

    Swimwear to cover thigh sag!

    I have always had issues with my thighs. Even when I am thin I have thigh issues. You can make a little skirt out of a sarong and cover as much or as little as you want. Or you can make a little sundress type cover-up out of them. I have several that I just love.
  16. Humming Bird

    Swimwear to cover thigh sag!

    what about wearing a sarong while not in the Water? check out this link:
  17. Humming Bird

    Need Advice Re: Co-workers

    Only you know your co-workers. As for me, I am an open book. I find that lies catch up with you and then you have to exlain why you lied. I told everyone and they are all very supportive. A couple gals I work with are even checking in to getting banded now.
  18. Humming Bird

    Just did a self fill wow feel awesome

    I have a feeling it will be gone soon......I hope
  19. Leigha, Congrats on being normal!!! My scale is moving snail slow still, but I have a good NSV to keep my spirits up ........... I now fit in my Medium scrubs!!! I have been ironing a good part of the day. I iron more than anyone I know. I guess I am a little more OCD about wrinkles than most. I just ate a piece of fish and am on my way to a little lake not far from here for a walk. It is a little chilly, but not too bad, so I guess I better do something to get the scale moving.
  20. Humming Bird


    Dizzy, lightheadedness are not the symptoms of dumping syndrome that I have ever heard of. Dumping is a diarrhea thing. Search dumping syndrome and you find much info like this. Diet Dos and Don'ts After Weight-Loss Surgery To increase your chances of success, new eating habits and dietary choices are essential after weight-loss surgery. By Krisha McCoy, MS Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH Print Email After you have bariatric surgery, or surgery for weight loss, you’ll need to change your diet — a lot. You will need to learn new eating habits, and there are some foods you may no longer be able to eat. Recovery Diet After Weight-Loss Surgery Weight-loss surgeries (WLS) work by making changes to your digestive system to limit the amount of food you can eat and perhaps change the way foods are digested in your body. So after bariatric surgery, you will need to gradually progress from a liquid to a solid diet as your body adjusts to these changes. It usually takes 9 to 11 weeks before you are eating solid food again, and the nutritional phases you will go through include: A clear liquid diet. The first meal plan you will follow after having surgery will be a clear liquid diet, which means you will consume only sugar-free, "clear" liquids such as Water, Gelatin, and popsicles. pureed foods. For the next few weeks after your bariatric surgery, you will eat small, frequent meals consisting of only pureed or mushy foods, including pureed meat and vegetables, and liquid Protein supplements. Soft foods. As your digestive system begins to accept pureed foods, you will begin to introduce soft foods, like ground beef, fish, egg whites, and Soups. During this time, you will need to: Eat and drink slowly. Take the time to eat meals and drink your beverages very slowly. Chew thoroughly. As you begin to eat pureed and soft foods, chew them very thoroughly before swallowing. Consume enough protein. Talk with your medical team about how much protein you need, since it is important to get enough protein to stay healthy and heal from bariatric surgery. This will involve drinking protein supplements and eating protein food sources. Drink plenty of liquids between meals. You should drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water or other calorie-free, caffeine-free, and uncarbonated liquids each day between meals. It's also recommended that you drink only between meals. One problem with drinking and eating at the same time is that fluids can flush out foods too quickly, so you won’t feel full — and will want to eat more. There's more content below this advertisement. Jump to the content. Long-Term Diet After Weight-Loss Surgeries As your digestive system adjusts to eating soft solid foods, you will slowly be able to reintroduce most foods back into your diet, while keeping your portions small. You will work with a dietitian who will teach you about the types and amounts of foods you should be eating to maximize healthy weight loss and manage uncomfortable symptoms after bariatric surgery. Since you may not be able to consume and perhaps absorb all the Vitamins and minerals you need, follow your medical team's instructions regarding what supplements you need to take. It's important to eat foods that are low in fat and sugar to prevent regaining the weight you lost and reduce your risk of dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome occurs when foods exit your stomach too quickly, become "dumped" into your intestine, and lead to diarrhea. This is another reason why you shouldn’t drink when you eat: You can help avoid dumping syndrome by waiting at least 30 minutes after eating before drinking liquids. As you experiment with your diet, you will learn that certain foods may lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as vomiting. Some foods that you may need to avoid, depending on how your body reacts to them, include: Tough red meats Dairy products Carbonated beverages Certain grains, like bread, Pasta, and rice Fried or other fatty foods It will take some time, but eventually you should be able to eat most foods — just not as much of them as you once did. Last Updated: 02/18/2010 This section created and produced exclusively by the editorial staff of EverydayHealth.com. © 2010 EverydayHealth.com; all rights reserved
  21. This was a post from a LAP-BAND® Dr. and I just wanted to copy and save it because I like the way he explains. The thread it came from is: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/i-dont-understand-110373/ All weight loss comes from calorie deficit (burning more calories than you consume). Burning more and consuming less is what causes weight loss. The band will not force you to burn calories. The band helps with the consuming less part. It helps with this in three major ways: 1. Reduced appetite - some surgeons argue that the band is an appetite reduction operation. It has been shown to reduce appetite hormones. Patients say they don't feel hungry - they don't feel like they are on a diet. The band reduces true physical hunger. Some of us struggle with emotional hunger, phantom hunger which is not cured by the band but reducing physical hunger is very helpful at combatting head hunger. Emotional hunger comes from deep rooted emotional pain causing negative emotion that is unfortunately temporarily cured by food. 2. Fullness on small portions - the amount of stomach above the band is small. You will feel full on a much smaller portion of food if the band is properly adjusted. The fullness feeling is not a "pat your lower belly" kind of fullness. Band fullness is a very high sensation - in the chest - the feeling that the last bite of food is somewhere near the base of the tongue and another crumb will not be physically allowed. 3. The impossible nature of overeating - let's say you feel full and not hungry but you decide that you will overeat anyway. A properly adjusted band simply will not allow this. A point will be reached where the system will reject anything more. The esophagus (swallowing tube) is a transport organ; not a storage organ. The esophagus has two buttons: down and up. It will try down first. If that doesn't work, it switches to up and you get to see the food again. We've been banding for eight years and we see three groups of patients in our practice: Group 1 - gold medal superstar patients who lose easily and steadily after band surgery and send us Christmas cards that will bring tears to your eyes. Group 2 - patients who acheive the same ultimate results as Group 1 but it takes longer with more office visits and more education and slower weight loss but we still get there. The race car crosses the finish line but it's on fire and badly damaged. Group 3 - patients that will be three years out from band surgery and only down 20 or 30 pounds. The three biggest reasons patients are in this group are: 1.) unsolved emotional eating 2.) zero calorie burning 3.) Quit, give up, stop coming to the practice for band adjustments, education, etc One of the best books I've seen on emotional eating is: "Shrink Yourself" by Dr. Gould. Many patients have told me this helps. The secret to curing emotional eating is to identify the root cause of this negative emotional pain and work through it. This is the most difficult aspect of successful weight loss.
  22. Just with the work Patty has done over the years with children and foster care alone shows me the lovely person she is. :thumbup: I could care less if she is right or left wing, Rep. or Dem. Yes, she is much more religious than I am. Yes she reads the Bible more. I don't agree with her views all the time. But, lovely person? Yes, I see her.
  23. :thumbup: I agree I have been banded for nine months (this Friday) and have ONLY lost 82 pounds! :mad:
  24. I just got an email from my boss with a new exercise routine. I'm getting started on this one ASAP! LOL, it's a funny one I thought y'all might enjoy. Here's a link: YouTube - Ross sisters - Solid Potato Salad (VHS quality)
  25. Humming Bird

    Sex with a New Man

    Pam, this little bit in the Denver Post today made me think of you. This guy is engaged and has not told anyone including the gal he is going to marry. let's see if I can make a link work: It's time to divulge weight-loss success secret to fiance' - The Denver Post

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
