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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Yawns, burps and nose blowing, OH MY!

    If my nose starts to run I have taken one bite too much. If I have a sneezing fit I have taken more than one bite too much. The hiccup comes way too late for me. There is another thread out there about these "soft signs". Here's a link to that thread : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/ever-hear-soft-signs-111250/
  2. I am with y'all being hungry between meals. I am tossing around the idea of another tiny fill, but just don't know what to do. I threw up my dinner last night. It was such a drag. I have not done that in a very long time. I just had a few scallops. I thought I had chewed them well, but I guess I didn't.
  3. Humming Bird

    messed up band surgery

    I am so sorry you have had so many problems with this. Are you going to get gastric bypass or something in the future? As for my experience with the band, I love it. I have not had complications. I would, and have, recommended this procedure to other obese people. The complications you had are rare as are complications with other surgeries. I have not had health insurance for years, so the cost of complications would be very expensive. I hope things start getting better for you.
  4. Humming Bird

    non-supportive family

    Some of the people close to you may come around with a little time. LBT is a good place to get some support. I agree with the poster who said attend support group in your area. I found that any group will let you attend. I had my surgery in a different city, but a closer support group lets anyone attend.
  5. Humming Bird

    public vomit.....SMH

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! Public slime!!! :biggrin: LOl, been there, done that! I usually go for the soup or chili in those situations.
  6. Humming Bird

    Death is imminent

    I don't think anyone on this site thinks you sit around eating bon bons all day. Almost 100% of the people here have been or still are morbidly obese. We hear your frustration and have empathy for your situation. Please take the suggestions you get here as a helping hand. Maybe someone will come up with an idea that will help you. I was self-pay and the payments are about $100 a month. ($9,950) Maybe you could find a way to make some extra money to at least pay off one of the cars.
  7. Humming Bird

    Which is better???

    Of course both are great when they are a smaller size! I have been doing quite a bit of "closet shopping" and I'm loving it! There are a couple brands of jeans that fit my body type well. I have many pairs of those jeans in smaller sizes that I kept thinking, "oh, I'll get bank in those someday." Now I am slowly but surely getting back in them. I'm glad I hung on to so many clothes over the last few years as I gained weight out of them. I know it is a style I like and they fit me well. I don't have to go spend time trying on clothes and it has saved me a ton of money as the weight comes off.
  8. Whooo Hoooo !! I bet you feel great! Reward time! What's the plan? Shopping? New clothes?
  9. That is such great news Anne! I am so happy for you! Snow update...... we already have more than 12" of snow and it is still snowing
  10. Humming Bird

    Fears of Scarring

    I had my surgery in July 09. My scars are almost nonexistant. The largest one is only about 1 inch and it looks like a little scratch. When I run my finger over it I can't even feel a change in the skin.
  11. Well, T.G.I.F , but We woke up to about 8" of snow and it will snow more today and tomorrow. My grandson's school is closed, so he will be spending the day with me. I hope this is the last snow. I am so done with it! Oh geez, the news just said my area is going to get 12".
  12. Humming Bird

    Recliner, or Bed?

    I am a stomach sleeper. There is no way I could have slept well in a recliner after surgery. Not being able to sleep on my stomach was a real drag the week after surgery, but I was able to use pillows and kind of prop myself on my side for the second week. After that I was back to stomach sleeping. Catherine, you are so young. You have youth on your side. Don't overthink everything. You will do great and May 5 will be here very soon!
  13. Humming Bird

    new to forum, need a bit of support

    Maybe you should start over from day one. Do a few days of liquids, then a few days of soft foods, then on to solids. Start paying attention to what the newly banded people are doing and start over. Stay away from carbs/cakes/sweets ......... It doesn't sound like it is too late to just start a new. You still have your band, you think you have restriction. Maybe consider a little fill for a jump-start. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
  14. Humming Bird

    Help!! Food Getting Stuck!

    Before I was banded the doc gave me a list of foods that bandsters have trouble with. Breads, bagels, tortillas, pasta, rice, steak ........ are on the list. I can not eat them and don't miss them much.
  15. Humming Bird

    From Meal to Meal

    I time nothing, calculate nothing, weigh nothing, measure nothing ........ I try to choose the right types of food, eat when I am hungry, chew my food well and go on with life. The weight still comes off.
  16. Humming Bird

    EMERGENCY! Need advice!!

    LOL........ but then people would worry that something is wrong with you getting a colonoscopy at such a young age. How about just saying you are trying to stay away from alcohol because it has too many calories and you are trying to take off some weight? or maybe, "I just don't feel like drinking today."
  17. Humming Bird

    Left shoulder pain 1 week post-op?

    I feel for you. Some bandsters never have the left shoulder pain and some only have it for a week or 2. Mine lasted a couple months. It was even my full signal for awhile. I can tell you that it does go away. Mine went away after I dropped some weight and the pressure was no longer on the phrenic nerve. One thing that did help me were equate brand (walmart) menthol pain Patches. They are under $4 and well worth the trip to walmart. I would just put a patch on the tip of my shoulder in the evning and leave it on all night. Here is some info I copied from another banster's post awhile ago: Best explanation of left shoulder pain I've ever found. If you woke up with a pain in your shoulder, you'd probably think something was wrong with your shoulder, right? Maybe you slept on it the wrong way, maybe you're a weekend warrior who threw the football a few too many times. In most cases, your hunch is probably right. Pain in the shoulder usually indicates an injury or disease that affects a structure in your shoulder, such as, say, your subacromial bursa or a rotator cuff tendon. Makes sense, doesn't it? But you might be way off. Sometimes the brain gets confused, making you think that one part of the body hurts, when in fact another part of the body, far removed from the pain, is the real source of trouble. This curious (and clinically important) phenomenon is known as referred pain. For example, it's unlikely but possible that your shoulder pain is a sign of something insidious happening in your liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, lungs, or pericardial sac (the connective tissue bag containing the heart). Yup - conditions as diverse as liver abscesses, gallstones, gastric ulcers, splenic rupture, pneumonia, and pericarditis can all cause shoulder pain. What's up with that? Neuroscientists still don't know precisely which anatomical connections are responsible for referred pain, but the prevailing explanation seems to work pretty well. In a nutshell, referred pain happens when nerve fibers from regions of high sensory input (such as the skin) and nerve fibers from regions of normally low sensory input (such as the internal organs) happen to converge on the same levels of the spinal cord. The best known example is pain experienced during a heart attack. Nerves from damaged heart tissue convey pain signals to spinal cord levels T1-T4 on the left side, which happen to be the same levels that receive sensation from the left side of the chest and part of the left arm. The brain isn't used to receiving such strong signals from the heart, so it interprets them as pain in the chest and left arm. So what about that shoulder pain? All of organs listed above bump up against the diaphragm, the thin, dome-shaped muscle that moves up and down with every breath. The diaphragm is innervated by two phrenic nerves (left and right), which emerge from spinal cord levels C3, C4, and C5 (medical students remember these spinal cord levels using the mnemonic, "C3, 4, 5 keeps the diaphragm alive"). The phrenic nerves carry both motor and sensory impulses, so they make the diaphragm move and they convey sensation from the diaphragm to the central nervous system. Most of the time there isn't any sensation to convey from the diaphragm, at least at the conscious level. But if a nearby organ gets sick, it may irritate the diaphragm, and the sensory fibers of one of the phrenic nerves are flooded with pain signals that travel to the spinal cord (at C3-C5). It turns out that C3 and C4 don't just keep the diaphragm alive; neurons at these two spinal cord levels also receive sensation from the shoulders (via the supraclavicular nerves). So when pain neurons at C3 and C4 sound the alarm, the brain assumes (quite reasonably) that the shoulder is to blame. Usually that's a good assumption, but sometimes it's wrong.
  18. Humming Bird

    EMERGENCY! Need advice!!

    You could always say you drank too much last night and woke up with a hangover, so you are going to skip the drinks.
  19. Humming Bird

    Ready willing and able: Need insight

    When I was having trouble with all types of meat I slowly started trying the softest things I could find. That ended up being crab (real crab) and scallops and ground beef only in chili. Try those and work your way to more solid meat like fish, then chicken. Your first fill may not be very tight after a week or 2.
  20. Leigha, Wait to see what type of restriction you have...... I'm just thinking, if she hit the seam where the soft part of the port meets the hard plastic part she could have caused a leak. I would not jump to that conclusion unless you no longer have the restriction you had before the fill. She should have noted in your record about the mishap even if nothing comes of it. If it were me, I would at least speak to the surgeon about what happened with the needle to make sure it is noted. If I needed a repair or a port replacement, I would fight tooth and nail to make them pay for it. (I was self pay too) I hope it all turns out fine, but it needs to be in your record. If any little mishap happens in the dental office we make a little note just because it is the right thing to do.
  21. Humming Bird

    2010 Challenge

    i added you to the list. I'm sure you will drop some lbs pre-op. When you do, just copy/paste the last post and change your current weight and your "lbs. to go" numbers and post it.
  22. Humming Bird

    2010 Challenge

    Adjua....................347...............337...........240......... ....97 Amy.....................289................264...........160.......... 104 Angie64.................270...............270...........210....... ......60 Astrasmom............254...............254...........170............. .84 Babe....................265...............265...........199.... ..........66 Band_Groupie........172.5.............157.5..........0-148........0-9.5 BetsyB.................226.6.............206.8.........109...... ......97.8 BigMomma............209.................209...........135...........74 Bklynike...............258.................258...........150...........108 BobbieND..............224................207...........150..... .......57 Bree99.................259................238...........155..... .......83 Brigette................198...............198............150.... ........48 Bristlecone............157...............157............130....... .....27 crzytchr................217...............217............180..... ... ...37 Dana36.................233...............229............160....... .....69 daqui26.................274...............274............200....... .....74 destined4thinness..215.5.............215.5..........150............65 5 Diamondgirl81........317...............292.............250............ 42 ericanda1973.........198.5............198.5..........130......... ..68.5 Fourme.................189...............180............145........... ..35 HummingBird..........204...............179............150............. .29 jenibeni.................224...............208............165........ ....43 Jennih...................232...............232.............130.... ......102 KDEE....................240................240.............150...... .....90 kyleegirl01.............245................198.............160...... .....38 Lady LAP...............217................217.............125...... .....95 Lisa65...................174.5............165..............145..... ......20! Liz........................193.4............187..............155...... ......32 lotzasunshine.........247...............245..............175........ ...70 MaggieGT..............238...............236..............208.......... 30 newdicarlo.............187...............174..............135...... . ...39 Northernmist..........289...............265..............175.......... ..90 ol55andahalf..........184...............184..............144...... ......40 Peggy1.................308...............308..............225......... ..83 RandaPanda...........194...............175..............150........ ....25 RAYNE913.............234...............225..............160....... ....65 RobinAnn.............232.4...............217.6..............160...... ....57.6 scoutmama...........270...............270..............180........ ....90 shadst8................333...............304..............217........ ....87 skinny31................261...............249..............182..... .......67 SNDYCNRD.............207...............194.5............150.......... 44.5 sueinne.................220................212.............180.... ........32 Tabithan................244...............234..............190....... .....44 TARASGIRL.............305...............284..............225....... ......59 tdtucker................256...............256...............160...... . ....96 Teacher2010..........192...............183...............150...... . ....33 Tealeaves..............305...............289...............150...... . ...139 TeriLu....................215...............212...............150.. .... ....62 TIGGER71G............224...............224................130....... .....94 unshackled............277...............277................180....... .....97 Valerie.................190................190................150... . .......40
  23. I love everyone's lists! Great motivators.
  24. Go to "Home", click on the forum you want to post in, and in the upper left click on " new thread"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
