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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    What's it like where you live?

    .jpg] .jpg] There was a tiny little fawn born in my son's back yard either yesterday or today. He lives a couple miles from me and his yard is full of aspen trees and wild grasses and wild flowers. I attached the pics they emailed me. I don't know how they got close enough to get their hands in the pic. They also have a pic of mama with the baby. Oh Debbie, I wish you could see the pic. The fawn is so tiny and covered with it's little white spots just like bambi.
  2. Humming Bird

    do you chew gum?

    Swallowed gum is easy to break up. If you happened to swallow a piece I think pineapple juice or something will break it up quickly. Helpful hint of the day: When a child gets chewing gum stuck in their hair rub Peanut Butter in it and the gum breaks up instantly. I have used this tip and it works like a charm.
  3. Humming Bird

    do you chew gum?

    I chew sugar-free gum often. I have seen this asked many times here and you will have other bansters tell you it is a "big no-no." That being said....... I chew it all the time.
  4. Christie your weightloss is great. I'm sorry you were too tight. You may have to sneek up on it for your next fill. I may end up being the queen of .1 fills. I go back Friday to get a fill. My restriction kinda sucks since I had that bad stuck thing and had the .8 unfill. I'm glad I did it though.
  5. Humming Bird

    I'm beginning to see the light!

    That's great news Debbie. Your positive attitude is another "sweet spot" and will help you much!
  6. Humming Bird


    :frown: Hi, welcome to LBT. Lots of good info and support here and other people who know just what you are going through. I wish you the best with your journey.
  7. Humming Bird

    fat clothes and guilty indulgences

    I have a huge amount of fat clothes. I plan to take some to a plus size consignment store, give some to goodwill and break out the sewing machine and take some in. (have already taken a few things in) As far as the guilt. Just learn from it and move forward. At this point there is no good that will come from dwelling on it. Just leave yesterday and proceed with today.
  8. Humming Bird

    Caloric Intake, daily

    I don't count calories or anything for that matter. I eat when hungry and try to make wise food choices.
  9. Mine is just a tad bit lower than the red dot. That location has worked well for me. It is much higher than the waitsband of pants (even high waisted ones) and much lower than my bra. I am a stomach sleeper and the position works well for that too. Fills have been no problem.
  10. I'm not offended. I have lost 95 lbs without being a saint or a sheep. We are all different and on a different path. I would encourage the OP to explore the "whys" about some of the rules. The longer you are able to keep the band the more success you will keep.
  11. LOL ! I Love you Bobbie. Your posts always make me smile.
  12. I take adult Centrum chewable vits. I think it is very important. Some days you may be getting everything you need from the tiny amounts of food, but I don't think it happens every day.
  13. Page 212 "Weightloss Surgery For Dummies" Which drinks to avoid Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it makes you urinate. So if you're trying to hydrate, drinking regular coffee or tea is not the best choice. Caffeine can also hurt your stomach if you drink large amounts, so cut back on the caffeine, or if you can, eliminate it. Whether you call them soda or pop, carbonated beverages are a no-no right after surgery, even if they're sugar-free. Here are a few reasons to avoid carbonated drinks: > Carbonation will give you more gas. Even if you let the carbonated beverage sit until it's flat, when you drink it, the heat of your body will release more carbonation, and the gas will come out one way or another. (Your pouch does not expand because of carbonation; this was theory, but it's never been proven.) > Some studies from the 1990s have suggested that the phosphoric acid found in sodas reduces the Calcium in bones. > Some studies indicate that NutraSweet can make you hungrier.
  14. Humming Bird

    How do you feel about tree huggers?

    All this tree hugging position talk reminds me of a great trashy novel I read this past winter. I don't think they were actually "hugging" the tree ..........
  15. I find this info a little strange because I use sweet-n-low and it is saccharine. I think with the band the carbination and sodium play more of a roll. Diet soft drinks bad for your waistline? February 22, 2008 Clark's executive producer Christa recently gave up soft drinks for Lent. She had been drinking about 3 or 4 beverages a day. A recent Purdue University study found that soft drinks with saccharine actually make you gain weight, not lose it. Researchers believe the saccharine alters your appetite and makes you want to eat more. An older study suggested that diet sodas trick your brain and body in a bad way. While they're sweet to your palate, they don't offer any real sugar for the body to metabolize. There's a real disconnect between what your body expects and what it actually gets. That's why some people think drinking even one diet soda a day actually increases your chances of gaining weight. source: google search
  16. Wow Anne, you are up, down, around and all over the place, but you will get this thing done come hell or high water! Good for you!
  17. Humming Bird

    Went 3 days without water

    There would not have been that reason if her lapband doc would have treated her properly
  18. Humming Bird

    Went 3 days without water

    I was stuck over Memorial Day weekend. I was able to drink a little Sat., Sun., Mon., but by Tuesday I could not drink. I called my surgeon's office and they got me in that afternoon. He took out only part of the fill so The swelling would go down and told me to come back in 2 weeks for a fill to get my good restriction back. The staff and the Dr. treated me very well and I do not have the stress about the situation that you are having. I'm sorry to hear you were not treated as well. They should get you in sooner to get your fill level going again. When you go back you should talk to the doc about how you were not treated the way you should have been. My Dr. is in a solo practice and he is the only one who does fills. I do not and will not use the ER in this situation. I think people use the ER for all the wrong reasons and I do not have insurance to foot the bill. The Doc could have seen you during off hours before/after surgeries. It only takes a couple minutes of his time to treat his patient properly.
  19. I do not follow "the rules" to a T and have lost much weight. That being said, I can not encourage you to break the rules. Some of the rules I do follow are the no carbonated drinks rule and no alcohol/ or in moderation rules. Since being banded I have had zero carbonated drinks, not even diet. They bothered my stomach even before being banded, so it was not hard to never drink them again. I am a big iced tea drinker. I use sweet-n-low in my tea. I have had about 4 glasses of wine in the past 11 months, but I was never much of a drinker. Maybe you could find a good replacement for your diet soda. Even diet soda is full of sodium and may keep your blood pressure up and cause you to hold water weight. I do take it easy after fills. I go slow starting with liquids, then mushies, then solid. That being said, I have no choice because my restriction has been very tight. Another rule I do follow is the no swallowing pills rule my surgeon has. I only take things is chewable or liquid form. The band makes me follow many of the rules. I hope you make/ follow some rules for yourself and have great success with the band.
  20. Humming Bird

    Drinking with meals

    I honestly do not drink with meals. I can not drink with meals. There is only room for food or drink, not both.
  21. Humming Bird


    I agree. Well said! I couldn't have said it better myself. I think the OP is overeating by even just one bite. If you slow down and figure out when to just leave that last bite on the plate the slime will stop.
  22. LOL.....I just finished reading that post too. I just can not write anything back to her ......
  23. Humming Bird

    Thank you

    Try this link back to your other post http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f18/got-jitters-113622/
  24. Humming Bird

    OMG, I'm SO sorry!

    I agree with Leigha .... It doesn't sound band related. It sounds food or flu related.
  25. I have been having a very strange feeling ........ I feel like I am wearing someone else's skin and that person wears a bigger size. It is really driving me crazy! (I know, I may have already been halfway there)

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