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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Nsaids ?

    OMG, I tried that with the liquid gels ....... IT BURNED MY TONGUE AND THROAT SOOOO BAD!!!!!! :smile2: Disolving the tablet form in about a teaspoon of warm Water didn't burn as bad.
  2. Hello restriction! You are back my old friend! Since my re-fill on Friday I have played it pretty safe with yogurt, oatmeal, tomotoe bisque ....... I had a couple reduced fat wheat thins with cheese earlier today. Tonight I heated up some chili (my old stand-by protein food) and didn't even eat as much as I thought would be a serving. I got that full signal and took one more bite of maybe 2 beans. My nose started running and I had a sneeze attack. That is my you-took-one-bite-too-many signal.
  3. clhendrix2, I hope you are feeling better now. I hope the steak finally passed through (or you got it out throwing up....ugh) This is why I do not eat solid meats like pork chops or steak.
  4. After a couple bites of any 6" sub it would be slime city for me.:smile2: It might even be worse than slime city.
  5. I would folow the surgeon's advise and/or the NUT that is in-house. They are specialists when it comes to this. Is it only one week you can't have what you are wanting? To tell you the truth, I could only stand ice cold clear liquids the first week post-op anyway due to swelling. For me the rules were 1 week clear liquids, 1 week full liquids, then on to very soft foods like yogurt. It worked well because that is the only way I could have physically done it anyway.
  6. Hi SavvyCat, Look at what you started ! LOL :smile2: I hope the passion that all the posters on this thread have doesn't make you shy away from LBT. Stick around. Jump in on other threads. Post a blog. Just stick around. It is really a helpful site.
  7. Humming Bird


    The lump is the port. I think you will be ok with the creamed soups. Yes it does get better. Hang in there.
  8. Yes, I do think of it as a fast food joint, but I don't think that is saying something bad about it. I don't go there anymore because bread is not my friend. I do visit Wendy's at least one time every week for a small chili. Now that is a fast food joint.:smile2: ( I visit starbucks too, fat and sugar free, of course)
  9. Humming Bird

    just keeping track of fills

    Just keeping track of fills 7/9/09 at surgery 2.7cc (felt restriction 4 weeks) 8/28/09 1st fill +1.2cc = 3.9cc (restriction 3 wks) 09/25/09 2nd fill +1.4cc = 5.3cc (very tight 15 days...then good restriction) Sweet spot 4/2/10 3rd fill .1cc = 5.4cc 5/17/10 4th fill .1cc = 5.5cc 6/01/10 unfill .8cc = 4.7cc 6/18/10 5th fill (re-fill) .6cc = 5.3cc 5/6/11 3rd true fill = Dr. checked fluid = had 4.6cc, added .6cc = total fill amount = 5.2cc 8/30/11 Dr. K. checked fluid level + had 5.2cc, added .5cc = total fill amount=5.7cc Had a .4 fill 2012 .4 fill 5/13/13
  10. yep, it's official now. Welcome! I can not eat those real solid meats either..... bummer. After something like that happens to me I just take it slow for the next day or so ...... yogurt and stuff like that.
  11. We just spent the day out on the lake .........beautiful day!:smile2: I have a feeling there will be more days just like this one this summer. We caught 3 nice big trout and I need tasty ideas/recipes for how to cook it.
  12. OMG! I NEED SOME OF THAT HAIR!!! It's beautiful. I have hair envy.
  13. I can see the changes Christie. I'm impressed with you too:thumbup:
  14. Bobbie, throwing up so often is not good at all. You have to do something..... are you eating the wrong stuff or too fast and then you throw up? or is it that you are just too tight? I'm worried about you. BOB! OMG! There is a big change in those pics! Wooo! Hooo! for you!!! (Love the smiley shirt ...lol ..... fashion statement?) Denise, I went through all that family stuff and end of life stuff ..... not fun. We had 4 deaths in less than 2 years . My dad (never really in my life), then my mom (I was devistated and had "family issues"), My uncle (I was devistated as he was my father figure), then my grandmother (age 97, I was heartbroken, but she was 97 and ready). I was with my mom and my grandma when they died. (I realized I had put on tons of weight after the dust settled) Not an easy time with family issues. Just try to stay calm and be supportive. I already can tell you are good at that. I made the drive to Denver to get some fill put back. I ended up with .6cc. That is where I was before my last two .1 fills. We'll see how it goes. I want to get that last 20 lbs off darn it.
  15. Humming Bird

    An Honest Question....

    Maybe you are over thinking a little bit ..... I don't know. I like to think of it in very simple terms. It's all about portion control. I have not been able to eat a full plate of food in almost a year and because of that simple fact I have dropped 95 pounds. For me calorie counting is pointless, so I don't do it. This was a post from a LAP-BAND® Dr. in a thread some time ago. I saved it because I really like how he explains things. Here is a link to that thread : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/i-dont-understand-110373/ All weight loss comes from calorie deficit (burning more calories than you consume). Burning more and consuming less is what causes weight loss. The band will not force you to burn calories. The band helps with the consuming less part. It helps with this in three major ways: 1. Reduced appetite - some surgeons argue that the band is an appetite reduction operation. It has been shown to reduce appetite hormones. Patients say they don't feel hungry - they don't feel like they are on a diet. The band reduces true physical hunger. Some of us struggle with emotional hunger, phantom hunger which is not cured by the band but reducing physical hunger is very helpful at combatting head hunger. Emotional hunger comes from deep rooted emotional pain causing negative emotion that is unfortunately temporarily cured by food. 2. Fullness on small portions - the amount of stomach above the band is small. You will feel full on a much smaller portion of food if the band is properly adjusted. The fullness feeling is not a "pat your lower belly" kind of fullness. Band fullness is a very high sensation - in the chest - the feeling that the last bite of food is somewhere near the base of the tongue and another crumb will not be physically allowed. 3. The impossible nature of overeating - let's say you feel full and not hungry but you decide that you will overeat anyway. A properly adjusted band simply will not allow this. A point will be reached where the system will reject anything more. The esophagus (swallowing tube) is a transport organ; not a storage organ. The esophagus has two buttons: down and up. It will try down first. If that doesn't work, it switches to up and you get to see the food again. We've been banding for eight years and we see three groups of patients in our practice: Group 1 - gold medal superstar patients who lose easily and steadily after band surgery and send us Christmas cards that will bring tears to your eyes. Group 2 - patients who acheive the same ultimate results as Group 1 but it takes longer with more office visits and more education and slower weight loss but we still get there. The race car crosses the finish line but it's on fire and badly damaged. Group 3 - patients that will be three years out from band surgery and only down 20 or 30 pounds. The three biggest reasons patients are in this group are: 1.) unsolved emotional eating 2.) zero calorie burning 3.) Quit, give up, stop coming to the practice for band adjustments, education, etc One of the best books I've seen on emotional eating is: "Shrink Yourself" by Dr. Gould. Many patients have told me this helps. The secret to curing emotional eating is to identify the root cause of this negative emotional pain and work through it. This is the most difficult aspect of successful weight loss.
  16. Humming Bird

    The good thing about TOM...

    The best thing about TOM is that he has not visited me for 20 years! and I have not had a visit from Aunt Flo in the same amount of time!
  17. Humming Bird

    A Concern

    It would be worth calling the surgeon's office about.
  18. Humming Bird

    I am now "just" obese!

    You're obese!!!! Good for you!!!! time to do the happy dance !!! Great milestone ...... leave that morbid stuff in your dust!
  19. Awwww, that is nice. See, you really are not that much of a snob ..... just human.
  20. Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.
  21. Humming Bird

    Nsaids ?

    I believe the issue with NSAIDS is if they sit in the same spot in your pouch they could cause an ulcer. I have issues when I have to use NSAIDS. I have taken double dose of Jr. strength ibuprophen ..... it works. There have also been 2 times when I needed something stronger, so I disolved an Aleve in a very tiny bit of warm Water and chugged it quick. It burns the throat like hell, but not for long. I have mentioned the Ibuprophen to my surgeon and he has not said anything. He just doesn't want me taking anything in pill form. I don't take it all the time. They do make adult strength liquid Tylenol, but it just does not have the anti-inflamitory like NSAIDS.
  22. Whooo Hooo! Big milestone for you! Keep up the good work. You should be doing the happy dance!!
  23. Humming Bird

    What size Band do U have?

    That does seem like a very large band for such a small person, but what do I know? I am 5'7", started at 264 lbs. I have a 10cc band.
  24. Clearnce rack at walmart. Plus size consignment shops....... Look in the back of your own dresser drawers for that bra you grew out of..........
  25. The entire thread is redundant. There are several just like it. Like this: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/spelling-error-108537/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
