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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Is this Normal

    I tried eggs 3 times in 11 months and had VERY BAD results every time. I now accept the fact that I will NEVER eat another egg. Hard boiled, scrambled, fried, omlet.....they are all VERY EVIL!
  2. irregardless isn't a word ???? .... hmmm ....ya learn sompin' new every day! I never use it because I think I may spell it wrong Hey, At least irregardless is in The American Heritage Dictionary. The word prolly is not.
  3. Humming Bird

    Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?

    I'm sure you could find a surgeon to do it, BUT would it be the right thing to do? The more thought I give to your question, the more I'm thinking NO. Of course I don't know your boys, but 99.9% of the boys I've known at that age do not have the maturity level that would be needed.Maybe you could check other options. Some sort of education for them. Fatcamp, personal trainer .......
  4. Humming Bird

    Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?

    Hi Patty, I kinda agree with BT on this one, but if they are morbidly obese, I may lean more toward the idea of getting lapband. There are many teens that get lapband. I found a website one time about it. I think the teen years are very rough to get through and overeating may be a way to cope. If the boys are already morbidly obese I think they may need some sort of therapy, but the weight may be just too much for them to take off and keep off. It would be worth figuring out BMI numbers and such and speaking with a very good lapband Doc.
  5. I think they usually do it pretty quick so you don't look around the OR and see all the surgical instruments and stuff. I have had 4 surgeries and they have put me under very quickly every time. For this one I transfered over from the gurney to the operating table. I was not even laying down all the way yet when the anesthesioligist told me he already put something in my I.V. All I had time to say was "sneaky" and I was out.
  6. Humming Bird

    Spanks and Other Under Garments

    I was going to get some spanks, but looked at the price tag and did not get them. OMG! They are how much?!
  7. The timeline is not what matters most. It's the feeling of hunger between meals. If you are hungry shortly after a "meal" you should think about getting a fill. Here are my fills, but you can't go by other's fills because our anatomy is so different among other things. 7/9/09 at surgery 2.7cc (felt restriction 4 weeks) 8/28/09 1st fill +1.2cc = 3.9cc (restriction 3 wks) 09/25/09 2nd fill +1.4cc = 5.3cc (very tight 15 days...then good restriction) Sweet spot 4/2/10 3rd fill .1cc = 5.4cc 5/17/10 4th fill .1cc = 5.5cc 6/01/10 unfill .8cc = 4.7cc 6/18/10 5th fill (re-fill) .6cc = 5.3cc
  8. Humming Bird

    Insurance won't pay, now what??

    Where do you live? Have you checked around with surgeons in the area for self-pay prices? I financed my surgery with HealthOne. I went to Denver for surgery ($9,950) www.lapbandrockies.com
  9. The bad spelling doesn't bother me. I'm sure I'm guilty of bad spelling. For some reason the use of the word prolly is getting on my nerves. It isn't a word. Many use it in place of the word probably.
  10. Humming Bird

    Tomorrow's My Day

    You have your head in the right place Hal. Good luck to you. I hope your surgery goes well. See ya on the other side!
  11. Humming Bird

    what cant u eat anymore????

    Bread Pasta Rice eggs Steak / roast Pork hamburgers french fries pizza anything fried or breaded my list is long, I'm sure there are more things that just don't come to mind.
  12. Humming Bird

    chew and spit?

    I agree with Betsy. 100%
  13. Humming Bird

    Question about legal action against manufacturer

    I'm not sure what advise to give. It's worth giving thought to. They are a very large company and will have good lawyers.
  14. Humming Bird

    Is this normal?

    It takes at least a week for the swelling to go down. It helps to drink ice cold liquids to reduce swelling. It is normal to have that feeling like you need to burp and can't. That feeling does go away and you will be able to burp. Hang in there, go very slow, and give yourself time to heal.
  15. Elfie, Great to hear from you again. I read your update post. It sounds like you are in a good place right now and moving forward with "banded life." How is the garden? The trip sounds like great motivation for you.
  16. If you can eat chicken & potato salad, I would say no unfill. I would go with what you have for a bit.
  17. Welcome to my world. (for the majority of the past 12 months)
  18. :smile: LOL !!!:thumbup: I'm a complete failure too! I have not changed my ticker in a long time. I admit I don't exercise much and don't think the rules apply to me, but I'm stressed!
  19. yea, BT that sounds pretty tight for you. Mine loosened up a bit when that happened with my 2nd fill, but I did get to the point I could easily eat things like yogurt.
  20. Dottie, This will just be a bump in the road to you feeling better and getting around better. You will do great with the recovery. You are still very young compared to many who have knee replacements. Be sure to keep us all posted when you can. I'll be thinking of you ....... good thoughts, of course.
  21. Humming Bird

    I am shocked...

    I would think the surgeon should have explained to you why the other band was used.
  22. Humming Bird

    Some perspective

    For some reason the change in sizes only make me feel fatter in my mind. That's not good.
  23. because she is posting under 2 screen names on this very thread .......... trolling .......
  24. I think everyone will be different on this one. I was pretty much done with surgical menopause by the time I got banded. I sometimes still had night sweats. Those have decreased since the major weightloss. ( 20 years since hysterectomy, 10 years since ovariectomy)

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