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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    mouth ulcers

    I hope the apthus ulcers are getting better today. If they continue to be a problem you should see your dentist. They do have a good OTC rinse that you can get at Walmart and I can not think of the name. It comes in green envelope type packages. I think it is called Rinsenol.
  2. I'm sorry you are feeling so crummy. Try drinking/sipping some liquid jello. Don't drink it hot, but in it's liquid form. It helps get rid of the nausea. Keep trying with the protein. You will be able to drink it soon.
  3. Humming Bird

    sinus and/or headache pain

    I think it is true that ibuprophen and other NSAIDS are against most lapband doc's rules, but sometimes I have to use them. Sometimes I take a double dose of liquid or chewable Jr. Strength ibuprophen. Most of the time it does the trick or at least it takes the edge off.
  4. There are some foods that I just can not tolerate no matter how tight I am. My stomach is very sensitive to some foods. I think this may be something you should consider.
  5. You have had a bump in your road to success, that's all. I hope now that your band is repaired things will go better for you and you will feel better about the whole journey. As for thinking this is a "diet", no, not a diet for me. If it is a diet, it is the easiest diet I've ever been on (& I've been on ALL of them over the years) You have to find what works for you. Some people really need to obcess over every calorie, every gram of Protein or carb, every calorie burned, every oz. of Fluid intake ...... If that is how they reach their goal, then what a great thing! For me personally, I write down nothing, count nothing, weigh/measure nothing. I follow some very simple rules. I chew my food well, take my vits. every day, try to eat food that is good for me, try to keep my protein up by drinking a shake a day ......... It has worked well for me for the first 95 lbs. It is just now that I may need to start tracking or "dieting" to take off that last 19 lbs. My way may not work for other people. I have a feeling that things will start getting better for you. Hang in there. Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to give it a try.
  6. " it was probably a thank you or an apology" LOL!!! I'm sure it was one of those!
  7. Betsy, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how the stress level goes up and you just have to hold it together. Hang in there.
  8. Christie, It really sounds like you got something stuck. When it happened to me over Memorial day weekend the doc told me he thought I had something stuck for awhile and it made my stoma area swell. I think that something was still stuck and swear I felt it drop the moment I had the unfill and took a drink of water. It took about a week of baby steps and I was ready to have a fill fix.
  9. I called and canceled my 3rd fill because I was so tight after my 2nd. Then I didn't go back for something like 9 months. I am self-pay. Many Docs who take insurance want to see you anyway ..... even if they don't do a fill.
  10. Friday is my one year bandiversary and I really wanted to hit the 100lbs lost mark by then. I finally took off the couple pounds I had put on during my unfill, so at least my ticker is correct :thumbup: 95 or 96 lbs lost in 1 year will have to do because there is no way I will hit that 100 mark by Friday. I came damn close though. I feel like I have learned how to maintain my weightloss about 20 lbs early. Looking back over this year, I think things have gone pretty smooth in general. I feel so much better than I did last summer. This has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself and I hope I never have any reason for the band to be removed in the future.
  11. Humming Bird

    Grr.. Noo! Need advice.

    It may seem harsh, but it is not up to you to do anything. You can try to tell her how you feel about it, but she is an adult. Even if you are very right with what you think about the situation, she may not take advise from you like she would others. It is sometimes a bad thing to reverse roles mother/child. Of course I don't know the relationship between the two of you. I can only go from my own experience. If you are close and open enough to talk about it that is great, but it really is her own choice. I don't agree with the above poster about calling her surgeon and telling on her. That is stepping over a line.
  12. my ticker link doesn't work like other's either try this: go to user CP, go to update signature, right click on the ticker that is inside the signature dialog box and choose open in new tab. You can update that way. The new changed weight will show up on your next post.
  13. Humming Bird

    Everything has changed.

    LapNYC, your post made me smile. Many things have changed for me as well. I'll try to think of them, but may need to add to my list later. Just trying to come up with a list of changes helps the esteem. 1. I've survived this journey for almost 1 year without much mental damage! 2. was size 24 (yikes!) am now size 12 or 14! 3. saggy, saggy, saggy............my arms are a sad situation & I still think it's better than obese arms! 4. I could always cross my legs, but now it feels and looks so much better! 5. I feel Lanky! That's right, L A N K Y! I've missed that feeling. 6. I can wear my pretty rings again! 7. I look better in clothes and can fit in my smaller sizes of clothes I saved for that someday when I'd diet back in to them. 8. My hair re-growth is getting some length to it finally! The hairloss was a very big bad change, but I'm on the other side of that hill now. 9. People treat me better in general.
  14. Dottie, so good to hear from you! Do what that mean ol' PT tells you. You will get better every day.
  15. Humming Bird

    Everything has changed.

    Just like a dream come true! See, there is a little magic in that band. :thumbup:
  16. Humming Bird

    Day One Need Help

    The first few days or even weeks you will not meet all the requirements.....like 50-100 grams of protein. The swelling needs to go down and healing needs to start. Follow the instructions the surgeon gave you. Mine was one week of ice cold clear liquids, one week full liquids, then on to the stage where I could have things like cream of wheat.
  17. Humming Bird

    Right or Wrong

    I think you did fine. They are the ones who changed the appt. in the first place. If there was an opening sooner you should get it. Just be very nice when you go in and all will be fine. Make sure you set your next fill appt. while you are there. I would say don't make it any longer than 4 weeks from this one. If you do have good restriction you can always call and move it out a few weeks. I had very tight restriction for 9 months after my 2nd fill and that is when all my weight came off.
  18. Humming Bird

    Skin Control

    The pics on post #15 & #25 & #39 of this thread : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f12/super-excited-about-my-plastic-surgery-77591/index2.html
  19. Humming Bird

    Skin Control

    I really don't think a spandex body suit would have done a thing for me. Let's face it, the skin of a 264 pound woman does not fit a 169 pound woman tight. My goal is 150 pounds and I will still be wearing the skin of that 264 pound woman. No amount of exercise will shrink skin. It will make nice defined muscles under the hanging skin. I accept all that and am just happy to get rid of that extra person I was hauling around.
  20. Humming Bird

    Skin Control

    Looking good in the clothes is great! It's the parts that sag when not in clothes that are a problem....lol. The skin does not snap back at my age. After a loss of 95 lbs. I feel like I am wearing someone else's skin. My arms drive me crazy! Looking at some after pics of someone that had the excess skin removed from her arms freaked me out, so I may just live with the skin of a 100 year old on the under side of my arms. There is little that will help with the skin issues.
  21. Humming Bird

    Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?

    Some very tall boys finish growing early. My son was 6'2" in the 8th grade and is still 6'2" (or maybe6'3") at age 28. Usually it's the girls that get tall early and then stop. I too stopped in the 8th grade. I was 5'7" at age 14 and still am. I was also very mature and could have easily handled the band at age 14. I did not weigh 350 pounds though ..... Patty, have your boys expressed interest in weightloss or the band? Are they mature? Do they get summer jobs? I just think 350 lbs is a very bad place for them to be at such a young age. Are they close? Could they become workout buddies? just some thoughts.....
  22. It's nice to hear from you Jacki. It sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up and keep enjoying your summer and your life! That is what is so great about the band sometimes. Weightloss can be so uplifting!
  23. That is great news Stacie. I know that takes a load off your mind to know that what they could see was normal.
  24. Humming Bird

    a question I could ONLY ask here...

    Are you eating yogurt and still getting yeast infections? Are you sure they are yeast infections?
  25. Humming Bird

    Gyno TMI - but have no one else to ask

    Your port is not that low. It makes me think there is something else tender. The only reason it makes me think that is because I had the same thing happen many years ago (not banded & not obese at the time) and the stupid PA that did the exam acted like I was crazy saying it hurt. Well, shortly after that I found out my ovaries had become very large cystomas. The largest one was the size of a soccer ball. At that appointment I also complained of swollen ankles, which I never had before. She told me "that's what happens when we get older." I was 35 at the time. Anyway, back to the pain with the pelvic exam...... your port is not that low. I would maybe get checked out in a few weeks. It just doesn't sound right to me. Oh geez....just noticed this OP was back in March...... how are you now?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
