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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Ciao for now!

    I think it's a little strange that someone would send you a PM telling you it is ok to be nasty to people who are not doing all they can to lose weight. That really crosses the line or something. Just put that person on your ignore list and stick around here at LBT. The world is full of all types and we all have different views.
  2. Humming Bird

    Can I get a Gastric bypass after a lap band

    Great learning thread. Thanks for the great read guys/gals.
  3. Humming Bird

    Banded on the 6th...I have no energy!

    For me the fatigue lasted months, but I expected fatigue as I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The nice thing is that it does get better. Hang in there.
  4. Humming Bird

    Thoughts of others

    I agree, this is for YOU. It is very nice when others around you give full support, but not a requirement in the end. Good luck with your journey!
  5. Humming Bird

    First Fill Tomorrow - I Have a Quick Question

    It depends on the time of day for the fill. I usually get a late morning appt. I drink a protein shake in the morning and by the time I get a fill my stomach is empty.
  6. Humming Bird

    Starting to regret getting Lap Band

    Jessica, Don't give up on the band yet. I remember when you first started posting and were so excited. This is a bump in the road for you. I agree with Milissannde and Betsy. I think they took out a bit too much when you were too tight and you need to talk with the Dr. and work out what is going on. It really sounds like they do need to give you another fill. Go back in and get this problem resolved so you can get your excitement back and enjoy success with the band. Look at your ticker. You are halfway there!
  7. I do tend to agree with Bob (the OP) and others who think all the bitching and whining is not good, but I also appriciate most of the other side's posts. I think many of you did a nice job explaining why you want to hear the good and the bad. I understand how it makes it more "real" for you. BUT, throwing stones? holier than thou? pontificate? wallow in your successes? Then you accuse Bob of having a smug, superior, insulting and offensive attitude? Geez Cleo's, Your posts would have been much more convincing to me if you weren't so smug, superior, insulting, offensive and holier than thou. You bring up some very good points, but must you be so mean and nasty about it? Isn't that a bit pot/kettle?
  8. Humming Bird

    One Year Later

    First, GREAT JOB! Woo Hoo! This is a very long road sometimes and you are doing great making your way. I think sometimes we tend to eat the same stuff over and over. Try to change it up a bit. Try drinking a few extra Protein shakes. Drink extra Water for a couple days. If you eat salad every day for lunch switch to chili for a couple days. Sometimes just mixing up the diet breaks a plateau.
  9. I made it through the day yesterday dragging my saggy butt through. I'm glad I had easy patients and a few open appointments. I went to bed a little early last night and joked with my husband about trying to avoid urges to get up in the middle of the night to shower and do laundry. I do not think there is a cure for some of my dim-wit moments and there is no warning before they happen. I think I have just learned to accept them and move on. It does help that I can laugh at myself. It helped when my long time patients told me how great I'm looking. I've had some great NSV moments lately. On Tuesday I ran into my old neighbor. He lived across the street from me for about 15 years before we built our new house and moved. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't know who I was for a moment. We stood and talked for a bit. I could tell by the way he was looking at me that he was noticing I looked very different. I told him how much weight I've lost. He said, " OMG, I wasn't going to bring it up unless you did, but I didn't recognize you at first, then I knew who you were." Yesterday I had a very dear long time older patient. I think she is in her late 70s. She told me the weightloss is very attractive on me. It is these little NSVs that really help my spirit stay boosted...... saggy skin and all.
  10. Humming Bird

    Affraid of Infection

    Why would you want to hear all the bad stories when they may never happen to you? You may cause yourself more stress than you need. Stress and worry can cause you to gain weight and have other issues. I have had the band since July 2009 and have had no infection issues.
  11. You have youth on your side and that is a very good thing. I think you have your mind in the right place and will do very well. Sometimes you just have to let the chips fall where they may. You can do everything in your power to make sure you do it right and still end up with some skin issues. Creams and lotions are a good thing and if you keep your skin hydrated it may help you in the wrinkle department as you get older, but loose skin from major weightloss is a different thing. Loose skin with young toned muscle under it has to look better than loose skin without the toned muscles. You and I can not compare. I am 45 years old. Right now I am a 161 pound woman wearing the skin of a 264 pound woman. Yes, I'm a little loose and saggy.
  12. Humming Bird

    101 pounds lost forever!

    You have done so well! Happy dance time! Of course it is also time to go get yourself a gift! What will it be?
  13. Today is going to be a rough one. My alarm went off and I started my morning ,,,, went to the bathroom, got in the shower...... I was really feeling VERY sick in the shower, so I turned the temp of the water down a bit. I started the dryer to fluff up some clothes I had put in last night then blow dried my hair. I was still feeling very sick. I took the clothes out of the dryer and as I was folding a few things I glanced at the clock on the bathroom counter. It said 1:30. The thing must need batteries. Then I glanced at a clock on the wall. It said 1:30. OMG! It is 1:30am and I already took my shower, dried my hair and did laundry! Duh! That is why I feel so damn sick! My alarm clock was somehow set more than 3 hours ahead of time. I went back to bed, but of course had a hard time getting back to sleep. It's going to be a very long day. I guess I can't blame this one on the band.
  14. I agree with Elfie. 300 calories isn't bad at all. You got the salad and had some protein. You are going to do fine. Don't beat yourself up while you travel down this long road.
  15. Humming Bird

    Help Sweet spot or not

    I think sometimes it is very hard to decide about the sweet spot. For many months I was very tight, but not hungry between meals. This was a good sweet spot for me during most of my weightloss. Right now I am hungry between meals, but dread being any tighter so I'm putting off getting even a tiny fill. I toss around the idea of a fill all the time. For now this tossing around the idea has become my green zone. I have found that no matter how tight I am there are many things I just can not eat. eggs are one of those things. My stomach is very sensitive and I have just learned how to deal with it. We are all so different in that way. I think you have to dance around that sweet spot very carefully sometimes. Sometimes it does get passed up and you end up in the red zone of being too tight and have to go back for a tiny unfill to get it right. One key point to keep in mind is throwing up is never good. You have to figure out why you are throwing up and take care of the problem ASAP. Too tight? Not chewing enough? Eating things your stomach can't tolerate? Only you can figure this one out. I never chew my solid food to the point where it is liquified and grossing me out. I just make sure every bite is well chewed.
  16. Humming Bird

    After you have reached your goal....

    Not at goal here, but I don't go every month either. They all do it different.
  17. I don't get it all in, but do my best to stay hydrated.
  18. OMG! Did you see Christie's and Betsy's new Avatar pics?! You two are just getting too darn cute for your own good! :laugh:
  19. Humming Bird

    Perspectives after one year.

    Jaffa, I am sorry the band did not work the way you wanted it to and I'm sorry you had a leak, but please don't be so bitter to those of us who have the band and are not having complications.
  20. Christie, woo hoo! Happy Birthday Denise! My new hobby for when the weather turns cold was going to be quilting, but after the trouble I've been having on a simple table runner, we'll see how long it lasts.
  21. Do your best to stay hydrated between "meals". You will get to the point where it is just habit to drink at the right times. After reaching good restriction and everything healed well, I can drink until just before my first bite of food. After I take that first bite of food there is no more drinking.
  22. Humming Bird


    I did not see the post where someone told you to quit whining about a slipped band. I agree it is a big deal. I think I would do some whining myself over a slipped band. I'm glad they were able to fix the problem. This is more reason to get a flu shot and hope it covers the type of flu that is going around. Even without the band I get a flu shot every year because the last time I had the flu my PCP wanted to admit me to the hospital, but I have no insurance. Even the flu can be a big deal all on it's own.
  23. Humming Bird

    fills, restriction, and water.

    I canceled my 3rd fill and rode with where I was for many months. That is where all my weight dropped off steady. If you get very hungry between "meals" maybe a tiny fill is in order. My sweet spot is someplace around 5.3cc in a 10cc band.
  24. The band is sorta crude sometimes. Hard lesson. Over time you will naturally eat the proper way with the band. You learn how to put the fork down even if a bite is already loaded. You learn when you can and should drink liquids. If you have proper restriction, chew everything well, and learn the foods to avoid, stuck episodes become less of an issue.
  25. Humming Bird

    Slow Weight Loss

    I don't track anything, but think I have to stay between 800-1000 calories for weight to drop. I agree with tossing the Lean Cuisines. It sounds like time to mix up the diet a bit. To get my Protein up where it should be I have to drink the shakes. (note to self: you have been slacking here) Try some chili with cheese on it. yum Yogurt and smoothies. yum Cottage cheese with fruit. yum chunky style Soups

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
