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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    4oz's does not equal 1/2 cup!

    My pouch does all the measuring. I'll check my doc's site and see what it says about volume.
  2. Humming Bird

    people love failure

    LOL . that's funny! I agree. I have heard all the stories about someone's second cousin's friend who knew someone that put back on all the weight ........ I usually just say, "oh, that's too bad." or "something must have gone wrong."
  3. Humming Bird


    Carmen, When they put in a fill during surgery they don't put in much to allow for swelling. I say yes, get the fill when you go. Of course talk it over with your Dr. when you are there.
  4. Humming Bird

    Do I need a lawyer?

    I don't understand why they would have to clean a room for you in the first place. I went to some sort of pre-op room with just drapes between patients, then to surgery, then back to the area with the drapes to recover, then home. (surgery 1:00pm, outta there at 4:30) I also don't understand why the Dr. would do a liver biopsy on everyone. Isn't that what you said? Strange. Very strange. I guess they all do things different.
  5. Humming Bird

    Okay ladies lets talk clothes

    There is a plus size consignment shop in a town not too far from where I live. I got a few things there and plan to sell a closet full. I am no longer in plus sizes, so need to visit the other consignment shops.
  6. The general rule is 1-2 pounds per week. There are so many things that could make the weightloss go faster or slower. For example not having proper restriction, drinking alchol and eating high cal foods will make it go slow.
  7. Humming Bird

    Do you think this will work

    I think it would be better for you to eat 3 small low cal meals and drink the shakes between meals. You don't want to send your body in to starvation mode. BTW, I don't count anything.
  8. Humming Bird

    Slider Foods

    Slider foods are foods that go right through the band and don't keep you full for very long. IMHO all slider foods are not "bad" and different people have different sliders. I would guess milkshakes would be a slider to most of us. For some bandsters popcorn is a slider. It doesn't stay in the pouch long enough to get that full signal.
  9. Humming Bird

    funny feeling in my belly

    If it is just a light fluttering feeling it may just be fluid moving through the stoma after you change positions. Does it feel like percolation?
  10. Humming Bird


    skinnybyobsession, take a look at the date of this thread. The OP started this thread in Jan. 2008.
  11. Humming Bird


    If the liquids are going, but a little slow, I think you need to wait a bit before thinking you are too tight. Sometimes a fill can cause a bit of swelling. Stick with ice cold liquids for a couple days. Cold helps swelling go down. Slowly move to thicker liquids like yogurt smoothies or ice cold protein shakes. If you can slowly move on to soft food you may be in the "green zone" for awhile.
  12. Humming Bird

    need help being assertive

    Your post reminds me of Karen Carpenter. She was so beautiful and had such a fantastic voice. She ended up killing herself through eating disorders trying to stay thin. I think I read something that said it all started from someone's comment about her being "chubby".
  13. Humming Bird

    Lets do this for thye FINAL time.

    One of the issues I had was left shoulder pain from pressure on my phrenic nerve. It lasted a couple months and drove me crazy. The good news is that it stopped after I dropped some weight. Another issue was that I suffered from severe fatigue for months. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, so I'm sure this played a part. The good news is it got better. Another issue I had was hairloss. I tried everything to avoid it, but still lost a great amount of hair. The good news is that it grew back. The issue I deal with now is loose skin on my arms. Yes, overall I'm satisfied with the band.
  14. I think if I were shorter I could easily become the 8th dwarf ...."Droopy" My saggy arm and neck skin is getting to me. I am tossing around the idea of going back for a tiny fill. I get hungry very shortly after I eat. I am so close to goal and I have always had so much trouble with all the "no no foods". I don't want to be too tight, but the hungries are hitting me so soon. I have not called in for an appointment, but tossing the idea around. My goal weight is 150 and I don't really want to go any lower than that. The skin will only get worse.
  15. Humming Bird

    Lets do this for thye FINAL time.

    Hello and welcome to LBT! People just don't understand sometimes. When you have morbid obese numbers to drop you really do need something like the band. I am so glad you are doing it at a young age. You have so much life ahead of you and you need to be able to enjoy your kids. In my own experience, the band has worked so great! There have been a couple bumps in the road, but for the most part I am so happy with the band.
  16. Humming Bird


    Hi, Welcome to LBT! Jump in and post any time. Best wishes on your journey.
  17. Humming Bird

    Hi I'm new at this

    Hi Welcome to LBT ! A "thread" is what you just started. Then, I reply with a "post" and it adds to your thread. Play around with the site and you will get it all figured out in no time.
  18. Humming Bird

    need help being assertive

    Your comment to them may have made them think when they left. I'm so sorry your feelings were hurt. I know it cuts deep sometimes. Keep your head up and continue on your journey.
  19. I think it is a good idea to wait at least a year after you reach your goal to judge where your skin issues are. If there is going to be any bouncing back it needs time.Cherie don't get yourself too worried about things that may not happen with you. You are going toward this with a great attitude and learning all you can. You will do very well and I am so happy for you! I would just like to add something about sun damage. I come from a generation where tanning was a big deal. We used to lay in the sun with baby oil on. I was very tan every summer for many years. Now we know better about sun damage. I still have it in my brain that I look better tan, but I have changed my ways. Better late than never, but the damage is done.
  20. Humming Bird

    jay robb

    A Banded friend of mine loves that brand. I have not tried them yet, but want to. I was just thinking earlier today I needed to find a new brand. I'm avoiding my old brands because I'm tired of them. I really need to drink at least one shake a day because that is the only way I even get close to enough Protein. Where do you get Jay Robb ? Does GNC have that brand?
  21. It sounds a bit like Snow White. Were you singing when the animals come? Cute armadillo.
  22. For me it isn't "feeling" the restriction. When I have good restriction I don't get hungry for several hours after I eat. Like Leigha, I have learned to stop before that feeling of pain and one bite too much feeling. Sometimes it is a hard lesson to learn. I am tossing around the idea of going in for a tiny fill because the hungries are sneeking up on me way too soon after I eat.
  23. It could be a scratch that bacteria got in. That will make it white. I'm in the dental biz and we tell people to rinse with salt water. Most injuries in the mouth will heal in 7-10 days. If it does not, a trip to the dentist might be a good idea. They deal with the mouth more than any medical Dr. I hope it feels better soon.
  24. I have been on every diet I have ever heard of including the ones that are not healthy ways to take off weight. The weight always came back plus some. I was the classic yo-yo. Just like someone else said, I had given up and accepted the fact that I was going to live as a fat/obese person. The band has changed all that for me.
  25. Humming Bird

    Home sweet home

    Congrats! This is where the old saying comes in.... Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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