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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Some of this almost sounds like the flu. I would stick with liquids and see how it goes. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad on a Holiday.
  2. Good Morning! I finished the quilt 2 days ago and am so happy with how it turned out. I will post pics if I can figure out how to do that. I'm down another pound and now just 6 lbs away from my original goal. I can't believe it. Weightloss around the holidays? I'll take it! I have been on a couple shopping sprees while the Christmas sales are going on. One was my "Happy Birthday to Me Spree" and the other was my "Merry Christmas to Me" spree. Yesterday I was very shocked to fit in many size 10 jeans! Now I just need to find a style that fits well.
  3. Humming Bird

    OMG I saw a 1

    Welcome to Onederland!!! Look at your BMI. You are very close to another milestone as well ...... "normal". Good for you ! Go buy yourself a Onederland gift !
  4. Humming Bird

    Emotional wreck...

    It is very normal to be emotional and worried about surgery and about the big changes that will come. I know it's easier said than done, but try to focus on the positive. Your husband seems very nice to say that is what he is there for. Focus on his good traits and how much you love him. The great thing about surgery is that one minute they knock you out and the next minute you wake up and it's done. Keep your eye on the prize. Think about how great you will look and feel one year from now.
  5. Humming Bird

    Bored with Food!!

    Part of the "magic" of the band for me is that food just doesn't sound good sometimes. Over time I have stopped obcessing about food. The head hunger even gets much better. I don't miss things like I thought I would. Sometimes I am just bored with food in general and that can be a good thing. It's the ol eat to live vs. live to eat thing.
  6. Humming Bird

    My first mistake

    Not all the stuff at Starbucks is "bad". I enjoy Starbucks often. A tall skinny vanilla latte is 90 cal and zero fat.
  7. Humming Bird

    Finally!! 100 pounds gone.

    What a great feeling!!! Now you need to reward yourself !!! (non-food reward) What will it be? clothes? something for the house? shoes? night out?
  8. Humming Bird

    Servere Dry Lips

    Just a tip about lip products. If you are putting things on your lips that contain petroleum it will only make them more dry.
  9. Humming Bird

    i need help to eat right

    When were you banded? How many fills have you had? we need more info........... I am guessing you do not have proper restriction yet and need another fill.
  10. for all the ipad lovers ...... check out the iband
  11. Hi all, I've been very busy and going to holiday dinners with my jobs. I'm still working the 3 part-time jobs, but may be down to 2 very soon. Monday night we had our Christmas dinner with my Monday job and I had some very yummy soup, but my problem was the 2 glasses of wine. .....lesson learned. Last night my husband and I went to the holiday dinner for another office. I had some sort of lobster soup and it was very good. I had one glass of wine. Everyone I work with knows I'm banded, so there was no explaining about the small amount of food I eat. I fear the scale with all this holiday party stuff going on, but was very happy this morning when it showed I've stayed at the same weight. I play around with one pound up and down, so can't complain. I almost have the quilt done! I hope my son likes it because that is what he is getting for Christmas.
  12. Humming Bird

    Do you...wing it, calorie count or 3/2 it?

    I pretty much wing it. I do not journal or count anything. I keep some basics in mind like drinking a Protein shake daily because I am not able to eat enough protein. I take my vits. and eat a Fiber gummie every day. I listen to my full signal and stop eating even if there is a bite or 2 left on the plate. It has worked well for me.
  13. Humming Bird

    **Warning** TMI

    I'm a fan of the fiber gummies too. Vitafusion brand from Target. I just eat one gummie a day and it works great.
  14. Going on Atkins for those 2 weeks pre-op shrinks the liver. It's a carbs thing.
  15. Jackie, Wooo Hooo on the 6 lbs ! Hey, the dancing bananas are back
  16. Humming Bird

    Port question

    I can't feel it with that much detail. The port is hard plastic with a soft rubber type area in the center where the needle goes in. All I feel is a big flat hard lump.
  17. Humming Bird

    Too Tight?

    You don't sound too tight to me. When I got the fill that put me at my sweet spot it took me a good 2 weeks of very slowly adding solids back in. As far as the beef goes, you may never be able to eat it after you have proper restriction. PB = Productive Burp. IMHO many bandsters use the term wrong. They say that they PB when they really are throwing up. I think the 2 are very different. PB is that stuck burpy feeling you may get when you don't chew well enough or eat one bite too many. After you burp and maybe even get a little acid reflux, or feel chunks of food come up in your throat a little, you feel better ..... to me, that is PBing. Throwing up is when stuff comes up and ends up in the toilet or trash.
  18. Humming Bird

    Undecided and Nervous

    My life seems more "normal" now that I have taken off 107 pounds. I used to avoid social situations because I felt so fat and so bad about the way I looked. I can do simple things now that I had much trouble with before ..... getting in my husband's truck, cutting/painting my toenails, going up/down stairs, wearing normal size clothes........... My stomach is very sensitive to many of the foods that give bandsters trouble, but it has been so worth it. I thought I would miss some foods much more than I do. I loved pizza and all other types of fast food. Now that stuff just doesn't even sound good. I really do not miss it. I do not throw up or get sick in any way very often. There have been a few times, but I learned my lesson quickly and avoid the foods or situations that cause problems.
  19. Humming Bird

    Help! Why no Ibuprofin?

    One reason that I've heard is that NSAIDS can cause ulcers when they sit in the upper pouch. Sometimes the tylenol doesn't cut it for me and I take a double dose of Jr. strength ibuprophen or disolve Aleve in a teaspoon of warm water (burns going down). I don't use it often, but sometimes it's the only way to kick the pain. Of course check with your surgeon to see what his/her thoughts are.
  20. For me counting calories is a thing of the past. I don't count them....ever. Just having the band has been all I have needed. I do try to eat food that is good for me most of the time, but don't count anything.
  21. Denise, So strange you mention your eye twitch. My left eyelid has been twitching for about a week and is driving me crazy! Several months ago I went and had my eyes checked because I have been having trouble reading small print. I used to be able to read the fine print on anything and now I can't. They said I do not need glasses. They told me to go get the weakest strength of "readers" and put them on whenever I need to read fine print, then take them off. Well, I have been using them when I work on this quilt I'm trying to finish. It gives me a headache and I think that is what is making my eye twitch. We may be getting health insurance (includes vision) through my husband's job, so I think I will get my eyes checked when we get cards.
  22. Leigha you are a good neighbor. If the same thing happened at my house I would hope someone would be so nice. I've been trying to finish a quilt in time for Christmas. At least it's keeping me busy so I don't go shopping and spending too much money and it keeps me away from grazing.
  23. Humming Bird

    New Lap/Band Program in Dallas

    This site does not offer free advertisements for you. If you want to use it for that you should contact the site and pay for your ad.
  24. Fills are a very important part of my success. My surgeon did put in 2.7cc at surgery........he is the expert and made that decision. I reached my sweet spot at the 2nd fill and canceled the 3rd fill. With proper restriction I really didn't need to do all that hard work people talk about. Proper restriction made it so easy to take off 100 pounds in one year. With proper fills my band has done it's job and I reep the rewards. The only hard work I have had to deal with in this is paying for the surgery. I almost have it paid off.
  25. Humming Bird

    Holiday Blues?

    Sometimes the holidays can be rough for me too. My mom died around Thanksgiving. Christmas was her favorite holiday. We were very close and I miss her so much. She was my Christmas shopping buddy. Now I can't eat for the holidays, so that also makes it rough. This used to be my favorite time of year. First Thanksgiving ..... all the family and food. Then December.......All the shopping!! Then My birthday, Christmas & Newyears eve...........It used to be a big party month for me. Now all the party is gone and I'm just another darn year older. I find it helpful to go see some type of Holiday production or show. It really helps me get in the spirit a bit.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
