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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Emotional issues

    I can't help you much with the emotional issues, but in my experience it has little to do with the band. I think she should go talk to someone about those things and you should as well. The reflux, vomiting, swallowing peoblems, and other things you mention do not sound normal at all. When was the last time she had her band checked out? Some of these sound like her band may have slipped.
  2. Humming Bird

    Still hate my band

    I am the same way with some foods. Some things I thought I would really miss don't even sound good now. When I was newly banded it was worse, but as time passed some things just don't sound good enough to eat anymore. In my lifetime I was the queen of fried food. I can fry anything! Now I don't even crave fried stuff. It's a very strange benifit of my band, but I'll take it! Fried foods and fast food is half the reason I got obese. I still give the other half to genetics.
  3. Humming Bird

    100 pounds lost !!!!!!!!!!

    That's GREAT!!! 100# is your big milestone so do something for yourself! (non-food related of course)
  4. Humming Bird

    Why so rude?

    I don't think it's been too bad really. Of course there are a few posts with people getting on each other's nerves, but there was much more rudeness here in 2009.
  5. Humming Bird

    Still hate my band

    I think sometimes people may not realize they are doing some self sabotage. In that case, no matter how nice we are with trying to help, it won't work. It's is as much a mind thing as a matter thing. Like I said before, it's the attitude sometimes. I could look at the band as a blessing or a curse and make either one come true. Is it a curse because I can no longer eat fried food (which I loved) or is it a blessing I can no longer eat fried food? I say blessing. The OP says curse. We all have different things that are important to us. For some, cheeseburgers. french fries, cake, fried food, and pizza top the list. For some health tops the list. For some, like me, wearing smaller clothes and feeling great wearing them is very close to the top. If I had a choice between a cheesburger and a size 10 pair of jeans I choose the size 10.
  6. when other threads get me down I know where to come Irish setter :smilielol5:
  7. Welcome Jan and Stephanie! Hey you other newbies to the thread who joined not too long ago, Jump on in! Hey Karen ..... where the heck have you been? We miss you on the thread! There are other missing thread members too. Jump back in!!!! would love to hear from you. I'm back to piecing a quilt ...........It's going together pretty fast and keeping my mind off food!!
  8. Humming Bird

    Still hate my band

    After some thought.......... just wanted to add in 2 more cents worth Before I was banded I , like many others, was under the impression I could pretty much eat most of the same foods I did pre-band but in very small portions. I was wrong for thinking that way. Some people's stomachs become very sensitive to some foods after being banded no matter the restriction level. We don't know exactly how things will be untill after we have the band in place and the healing is done. For me mindset and attitude about it all has played a very large role. I could be very mad that I can't even eat one piece of pizza. I could be mad I can not eat 1/2 a hamburger and 1/2 a small french fry. I *choose* to look at it as a blessing that I can no longer eat those things. They are not good for me anyway. That is where the band does the *work* for me in many ways. The first time I tried french fries I ate about 5 tiny fries and ended up throwing up in a semi-public place. In that situation the band did it's job and I am now happy about it because I now have a normal BMI and look great in jeans. Thanks to my band I can no longer eat french fries ...... see, it's a lot about how you look at it ......half empty/half full kinda thing.
  9. Humming Bird

    Frozen dinners?

    I found that I just can't eat them. It seems like they all have some sort of pasta or rice and those are 2 things my band does not tolerate. They also just don't taste good to me anymore.
  10. Humming Bird


    Sometimes the NSVs feel so much better than the numbers on the scale. Great NSV!!!! What a great feeling when you can zip up a smaller size of jeans!!
  11. Some people have to eat more often. I know the general rule is 3 meals, but many bandsters have to eat a little something between. Something like a protein shake or cheese stick works good for me. Many days I need something like that. If I got even a tiny fill more I would be way too tight. You just have to personalize it sometimes.
  12. Sometimes the band is very crude with letting us know we ate the wrong thing. Sometimes when that happens it comes back up.....ewwwww. It is a good idea to keep papya enzyme on hand for these times when it isn't coming back up, but just feels like it isn't going down well.
  13. # 1 Many people suffer from hairloss with the band. #2 and this is just my personal experience.........This is much easier than I thought it would be. I know many bandsters have to *work* at it, but I really don't. I never really thought I would ever get to a normal BMI.
  14. Humming Bird

    Still hate my band

    It sounds like your band/port/tubing has a leak or they miss the port when they do your fills. How much are they putting in at each fill? The reason I am thinking this is because I reached my sweet spot at fill number 2 and was very tight at that point. 14 just seems very strange to me. What are they doing putting in a drop at a time? I really think you should ask to be checked for a leak.
  15. Humming Bird

    Still hate my band

    I am sorry it's not working for you. I know it's a big let down. I hope your surgeon can figure out the reason things are not going as planned. I wish you could find a couple of band buddies you could hang out with in person and see how they do it. It is so hard to see the reality of details with people online. I'm not sure about the details of what you can and can not eat, but in my case I can not eat baked chicken at all. There are plenty of other things I can eat and at this point I don't miss the stuff I can't. I hope you get it figured out because the emotional stuff can cause you even more problems. The let down, the disappointment.......
  16. Humming Bird

    weight loss with limited excersise?

    If you still have a lot of weight to lose your numbers in a month should be higher. As you get closer to a normal BMI the weightloss slows down. I think the number I have heard the most is 2 pounds per week. It doesn't sound like fast loss but remember that is 104 pounds in one year.
  17. Humming Bird

    Shakes make me ill

    I like the Crystal Sky too, but I like the roadside lemonaid even better. You can get a sample pack and try all the nectar flavs. The Cherry wasn't too bad. The apple tasted just like green apple jolly ranchers to me. They are a nice change from the milky type stuff. When at home where I can use the blender I like to toss in some yogurt, about 4 frozen strawberries, vanilla Protein powder, some ice and 2 sweet-n-lows. I used to drink an Atkins shake every morning, but they changed the flavors to make them "new and improved" and they now taste very bad to me.
  18. aww , gee thanks Bobbie. Melody, that feeling of being tired of weight related stuff is when, in the past, my diet ends and my weight creeps back on. That is why I'm happy to have the band now. At least it makes my chances better with keeping the weight off. The last 2 weeks have been so crazy that I just may not leave the house at all today. I might shower, but put my PJs back on and putter around the house all day. I have quite a bit to catch up on and my house work is never done, but I'm not sure I want to put in enough effort to get much of it done. I started a new quilt, so may put the most time in that. This one is for me. It will be what I call wine counrty colors or tuscan colors.
  19. Humming Bird

    Self Pay Fills

    Denver. At my surgeon's office. He also does all the fills himself. No rookies.
  20. Humming Bird

    WoW....I feel Good

    Great thread idea. Things have improved for me as well. Of course I don't want my entire life to change because I was already blessed with some very good things in life. The band has only made life better than it already was. I am 5'7" started at 264 lbs. I think my BMI was 41.3. I really felt like crap mentally and physically. I now weigh 155 with a bmi of 24.3 and I feel so much better in every way. 109 pounds gone forever! I no longer shop in the plus size stores and sections! I look great in cute clothes! I can wear real jeans again! I can move easier! I can get in/out of cars easier! (Getting up in my husband's truck took real effort.) I can paint my toenails! I can look in the mirror without disgust! I can cross my legs with comfort! I can wipe my bum easier! My too big boobs no longer get in the way! I no longer snore like a train! My ass no longer starts at my waist! My belly looks flat in jeans! I have a trim waist! I feel "lanky"! My tripple chin is gone! I'm no longer the biggest person in the room! I feel better having sex! Oh my gosh, I could go on and on with my list! The band has worked so well for me and I'm so happy with the results. Let's hear some from all you other bandsters.
  21. I would think 10 days post-op the pain should not as bad as what you are having. Your age should be helping as well. I think you should call your surgeon's office and explain what is going on. He/she is the best one to help you in this case. The bedside manner doesn't matter and it may be different every time, This is still the best person to help you.
  22. Humming Bird

    Tightness and Can't Burp

    The tightness and not being able to burp is pretty normal. It all gets better with time. Hang in there and go slow.
  23. Of course that fear is always there, but I can't let it rule me or my thoughts. Just keep your eye on the prize and continue to move forward. So far it sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the good work and keep looking forward in a positive way.
  24. Humming Bird

    Toe in the water

    I know the site seems huge, but after you are around awhile it's not so bad. It sounds like you are well on your way with the band. Everything gets easier as you go. The drinking vs. eating thing gets better as you get yourself trained. Now I don't even have to give it any thought. Stick around here at LBT and keep posting. You will see some of the same people posting and make some bandster friends. It helps when you know people that are going through the process with you.
  25. Hey, I just figured out how to quote again........ I'm slow

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