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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Before Thanksgiving 2009

  2. Humming Bird

    Before Thanksgiving 2009

    From the album: Stress Relief

  3. Humming Bird

    How to attach a picture in a post?

    Hey !!! That time it worked!
  4. Humming Bird

    How to attach a picture in a post?

    ok....that doesn't work
  5. Humming Bird

    How to add pictures...

    I asked the same question in this thread http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/121660-how-to-attach-a-picture-in-a-post/page__p__1550854__fromsearch__1#entry1550854 but have not tried it yet
  6. Morning all! Today is my day off too and I was going to sleep in. The last few weeks have been so crazy at work I now have a killer headache. It's so bad it woke me up. I know it is much worse than liquid tylenol will help so I crushed 2 aleve and then disolved them in a bit of warm water. I hope they kick in soon. I'm tired and I wanted to sleep in darn it. Oh well, maybe a nap later.
  7. Humming Bird

    1 year band-aversary

    That's great! Now it's time to get yourself a little 1 year band-aversary gift!
  8. Humming Bird

    1 week after surgery

    When do you go back to get a post-op check? If it is soon, talk to the surgeon about the fever. If it is not soon, call the surgeon's office.
  9. Humming Bird

    Still hate my band

    I have not had to "work" at it. I have lost 109 pounds with very little effort on my part. But, I am one of the lucky ones that the band works for like it should. This is the easiest weightloss of my life. Over the years I have tried every diet you can think of and they were all much more "work" than this has been for me. I don't have hunger issues. The problem is that you really don't know if you will be one of the lucky ones that does not have to put in a great deal of work until you get the band and follow up with adjustments/fills. The sleeve is pretty drastic too. They do remove most of your stomach.
  10. Humming Bird

    here of of sheer frustration

    As I understand it, the fluid does not lessen over time. You are correct, it's a closed system. The only way it would lessen is if there is a leak. The band can loosen over time as you lose weight. They include some fat between the band and the stomach tissue to prevent erosion. If you shrink that fat, the band will get loose and you may need another fill.
  11. Humming Bird

    here of of sheer frustration

    I also think it is a good idea to keep returning here to LBT for info and support. Even if you just do some reading of what other bandsters post.
  12. Humming Bird

    here of of sheer frustration

    Here's my 2 cents, for what it's worth. It is none of the doc's business what your life is like. It is not his choice how many children you have or how busy you are. Many mothers find ways to make life work and it is something he will never understand or even needs to understand. I think you need to go back to him and put your foot down about that. From my own experience, there is no way I could put back all my weight when I have proper restriction. Bottom line is you need a fill. I don't take any extra time out of my day to make this band work properly. I don't write down anything. I don't count or track anything. I keep a few simple "rules" in mind and go on about my day. The key is that I have proper restriction. Please go back in for a fill and set the doc straight about what his place is and what yours is or find a new doc that will give you a fill and give you proper support.
  13. Humming Bird

    A very long battle...

    Yes, it is a very long battle, but well worth it. It does not sound like you need another fill if you stay full or are not hungry for several hours. Your body might be taking a little break, but you might be able to kick it back in to weightloss mode. Sometimes all it takes is something to mix it up a bit. We tend to get in a rut with eating patterns. Change things around a bit by doing something like drinking a couple extra Protein shakes or drinking more Water than you normally do. Look at the "what do you eat" threads to get different food ideas.
  14. It really depends on so many things and we will all be different. In my own case, I have lost 109 pounds am 46 years old and I have loose skin. In many areas I'm the only one who would know the skin is looser. I did quite a bit of tanning over the years and I'm sure all that sun exposure has not helped my situation. My stomach is not really bad at all, but I was only pg one time in my life and that was when I was only 16/17 years old. I have chicken/turkey neck now, but it is still better than all the fat that used to be there. My butt and thighs are a bit droopy, but they don't bother me too bad. The worst area for me is my underarms. The excess skin there is really bad. Even in my armpit area I have large bags of skin hanging. I don't know if I will ever have plastic surgery to fix my arms because most of the pictures I have seen make the scars look just as bad as the baggy skin. My boobs are sagging, but they were already sagging. I went from big saggy boobs to smaller saggy boobs and found that a good bra does the trick.
  15. Humming Bird

    Papaya Enzyme = Drano

    Walmart in the vit. section.
  16. Humming Bird

    How often do you eat?

    It really depends on the day for me like many others. Sometimes I eat 3 "meals" sometimes I eat 4-6 "meals". (the word "meal" really bothers me still. I have not eaten a "meal" in 19 months.)
  17. ckeely, How long have you been banded? How much weight have you lost? How many fills have you had?
  18. Thanks. The senior discount offer that day just kinda shot my mood. She was just an idiot, but it still works on the mental part.
  19. Humming Bird

    Papaya Enzyme = Drano

    I have used them and they don't work like draino for me. They work for me if I'm just feeling "kinda stuck" to help that feeling go away. If I'm stuck bad they don't help. Thank goodness It only took me a few episodes to learn my lesson. To stay regular I eat a fiber gummie every day.
  20. My phrenic nerve pain was real bad for months. It then became my full signal for awhile. It stopped being as severe after I lost about 45-50 pounds. At 19 months post-op it still comes back now and then. I found that putting a cheap OTC menthol pain patch on my shoulder helps. They have them at walmart for about $4 a package.
  21. Humming Bird

    Slider Foods

    I think much of it depends on the person and how tight their band is in most cases. For me, no matter how much I chew and no matter how tight my band is, some things are off my food list. I can try to chew the heck out of things like steak, porkchops, bread and Pasta, but after I swallow them I'm in pain. Not all sliders are bad in my book. Yogurt, Protein shakes, Soup, oatmeal .... all slide through, but these are things I eat all the time. Icecream is a slider I have to be mindful of.
  22. Humming Bird

    arms getting floppy...

    Oh man, my arms are the worst ! I had quite a bit of underarm fat and now I have big bags of sloppy floppy skin there. Short of plastic surgery, there is nothing that can be done about the skin. I think loose skin looks better draped over muscles, but the skin is not going to change. I'm not sure if I will ever do any plastic surgery. I'm just glad I lost so much weight at this point.
  23. Humming Bird

    One year out movie I made...

    I Love Love Love this video !!! It made me tear up! You have done so well!!!! :youcandothis: :clap:
  24. Humming Bird

    Niagara Falls 008.JPG

    Wow Phyl, you are looking great!!!
  25. Humming Bird

    Desperate for some answers

    Oh my gosh....... I agree with everything Cleo's mom just said. You should ALWAYS be able to drink fluids. Of course right after the surgery it will be sipping, but the way it is going for you could have been very dangerous. What do they mean by throwing up and regurgitation are different????? Um, No, They are the same in my book and it is not normal. That is so lame. Is there any way you can go to someone else for follow up? You are not getting the follow up and care you need.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
