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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    New, scared, have an insane amount to lose!

    Dave, I'm glad you posted here at LBT and I'm glad you are getting banded! At this stage in my journey I have nothing but good things to say about the band. I think you will have dramatic weightloss in the first year and you will start really feeling it in the first few months. You may even find it much easier than people on this site suggest. I know I do. Best of luck to you on your journey and with a new life!
  2. Humming Bird

    Should I wait an extra 2 weeks for my first fill?

    I would wait too. I think 6 weeks is the most common anyway. At this stage in the journey it is about healing well and learning to "diet" the bandster way. I think you will be better off with your own surgeon doing all your fills.
  3. Humming Bird

    Ready For A New Me

    :seeya: Hello, I just wanted to say welcome to LBT. This is a great place to learn details and get support. I wish you the best on your journey.
  4. Humming Bird

    White flour?

    I have issues with most things made with white flour. I try to stay clear of the stuff. Some people can tolerate a little, but for me it's just not worth the discomfort it causes.
  5. Humming Bird

    Traveling with lap band

    The band has no metal. It shouldn't be a problem.
  6. Humming Bird

    sparkling water

    I tried some because I didn't realize that is what I put in my shopping cart. It's a no go for me. Anything carbonated just doesn't feel good and I can't drink enough of it to quench my thirst.
  7. Humming Bird

    Filled with regret....

    You are only one week post-op and the healing takes time. Hang in there because things do get so much better. Just follow the instructions your surgeon gives you and each day will be better. Just think, one year from now you will be posting how you have lost so much weight and how much you would do it all over again! Get in as much Fluid as you can each day and hang on because the journey can be a fun ride! Keep your eye on the prize
  8. Humming Bird

    18 months Post-Op - A SUCCESS!

    You have done so well! :clap: Thanks for posting and keep up the good work. Most of all enjoy your life!:woot:
  9. Humming Bird

    Great restriction without fill

    It does sound better than the sleeve. Maybe they should try this instead of gastric bypass on those they say are too obese for the band.
  10. LMAO! You gals crack me up! As I am going through the closet I notice I am still "droopy dwarf". Oh well, at least most of the clothes cover up the droop. I have tons of sun dresses that I don't think will get much use with my arms looking the way they do now.
  11. I have the day off because my boss took a little vacation. I too have a wedding to attend very soon, so I figured it was a good time to go through my closet. What a chore! I think I may have found a few things that might work. I have a closet downstairs to go through too......ugh. It's so hard to know what to keep and what to get rid of. Of course the thought of something going south with my band is in the back of my mind, so I tend to want to keep some of the stuff that is just a bit too large on me right now. I may take off more weight, so I may want to keep things that seem a bit too small. I did have a few laughs when I tried on stuff that looks so "80s". It's cool I can fit in the stuff again, but would I ever go out of the house in it? LOL, why am I wasting closet space on some of this stuff!
  12. Humming Bird

    Great restriction without fill

    I just watched a video about plication here: http://gastricplication.org/2010/12/3d-surgery-diagram-video/ My question is, why do plication and the band? It seems very much like the sleeve.
  13. Howdy all, just checking in. I can't wait for my fill on the 6th. I have kept my band pretty tight the entire time so this hunger so fast after I eat is driving me crazy. I've gained 6 pounds, but figure it will come back off after I get a little tweak fill. I have wedding ring issues too. I had them sized up years ago after I had gained weight and figured I would never be that small again. Then I gained more weight, refused to have them sized up again, so stopped wearing them. Now they are too loose and spin on my finger. I don't know if they fit my middle finger. I guess I should check it out. I've been reading again. I go through phases when I read book after book and then don't read again for months. It doesn't burn many calories does it? Oh well. I read Nora Roberts "The Search" and loved it. Then I read Lori Foster "When You Dare." I couldn't put that one down! Very Good! I love Lori Foster books.
  14. Humming Bird

    Whats going on?

    My band DOES stop me from eating. When you are very close to the green zone it is amazing how even .1 or .2 cc can make the difference. If it were me, I would go back and get a tiny fill.
  15. Humming Bird

    Attended seminar, what's next?

    Every surgeon and every ins company will be different. I went to a consult with the surgeon (one-on-one , no seminar), then went on Atkins for 2 weeks pre-op diet, then had surgery.
  16. Humming Bird

    Medical Necessity?

    With a BMI of 40 or more we/you are morbidly obese and that alone makes it a medical necessity. It sounds like all they need is a short letter stating that from your PCP. If your PCP is not on board with that, find one that is. Good luck to you
  17. Humming Bird


    One of my biggest fears was hairloss. I have baby fine stick straight hair and could not afford to lose any. I watched my protein like a hawk and started taking boitin even before surgery. I still lost about 40% of my hair between months 3-8. I tried everything, and I do mean everything, to make it stop or slow down. I tried the vits., shampoos, rogain, ... I think it was all a waste of money. The good news is my hair did grow back in.
  18. Humming Bird


    Well, I hope all goes well and they figure it out for you. Go get the Vitafusion brand fiber gummies at Target and eat 2 every day. At least it's a tasty way to stay regular at the other end
  19. Humming Bird


    No, I've never had all those related to each other. If you have reflux when you are sleeping it's a sure sign of being too tight. Other than that, you may be eating food you can no longer tolerate or not chewing enough. If you have already tried staying away from the foods known to give many bandsters trouble and you are sure you are not eating too much and chewing well, you may just be too tight. Make sure you know your full signal and stop eating when you get the signal even if there is only one bite left on the plate. The constipation may just be making your entire digestive system more sensitive to everything. If it were me I would treat it as 2 problems. Get the constipation under control because for most/many bandsters it will always be an issue. This is true if you are too tight or even at your sweet spot.
  20. Humming Bird


    Taking Vitafusion fiber gummies daily has been the solution for me. (Target)
  21. After 145 pound loss and 20 months It could be ketosis, but I doubt it. That is why I encourage you to see the dentist/hygienist to check out other causes. Breath Rx and Listerine are good choices for mouthwash, but do not cure some of the things that could be causing the problem.
  22. Humming Bird

    Is this normal?

    It sounds to me like you can no longer tolerate french fries and that would be a good thing French fries are one of the worst foods you can eat (all fried foods really). I have a french fry story of my own that I have told before, but will tell again for you. After my 2nd fill, early in my journey, I had not eaten much that day and it was already time to go pick up my grandchild from school. On my way to the school I drove thru at McDonalds and got a small coffee and a small french fry. I pulled up in the 'flow lane' in front of the school where a line of parents wait for the bell to ring and kids to start pouring out the doors. I liked to get there early to get a good spot right in front. I sat there and drank most of the coffee. I have no problem drinking before there is any food in my pouch. I figured I could eat maybe 1/2 the small order of fries with no problem. I ate about 4 small fries and made sure I chewed them very well. All of a sudden it hit me! Slime! OMG! I knew the fries were going to come back up! There I was sitting in the flow lane which was now full and there were many other people standing around in front of the school. All I could do was hunch down and grab the McDonalds bag to throw up in. That was my frist time throwing up after being banded. At this point I don't even miss french fries.
  23. Humming Bird

    Acid Reflux

    I have not had this problem except right after a fill. It's strange that it's happening 6 months after a fill. Normally reflux at night is a sure sign of being too tight. Maybe try not eating after 7pm? Try eating tums before bed? Maybe you have developed a tiny hiatal hernia? I hope it stops soon.
  24. I agree with this. Do you see your dental hygienist every 6 months? This may have nothing to do with the weightloss.
  25. If your BMI is over 40 you should qualify even without any comorbid conditions. Double check the guidelines and you may find you are stressing over nothing. Best of luck to you

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