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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Help I'm blocked !

    I think the asprin will just add burn to pain and it is an NSAID .........I wouldn't do the asprin
  2. Humming Bird

    Help I'm blocked !

    Oh gosh, I feel your pain ........ I hope you get it up or down and get some relief. When you have a hard stuck episode like this you should stick with cold liquids for at least 24 hours after you get un-stuck. Then proceed with caution through the stages ..... creamy , mushy.... soft ...... I hope you are doing better now
  3. Humming Bird

    Winter ! Ugh! I'm Cold!

    After being banded 2 years I still get so cold. It has gotten better, but I'm not looking forward to a long cold winter. Brrr http://www.utepassca...-24-webcam.html this link has pretty good pics of the area during daylight hours on several webcams.
  4. Humming Bird

    Winter ! Ugh! I'm Cold!

    We ended up getting about 10 inches of snow, then the sun came out and it started melting. I'm not looking forward to the next snow. Many times in the winter we don't see the ground/yard all winter. We are on the shady side of a hill and in think pines. It's beautiful, but the cold gets me now. I was looking out the window when the snow was letting up and saw the most beautiful red fox come out from under my front porch. We did have chipmonks living under there this summer. I'm not sure if it is ok to let the fox stay or do something about it to block where he is going in. I fear what happened to the chipmonks. We have quite a few bears, so I guess I can be glad it's a fox and not a bear.
  5. Humming Bird


    oh, geez....... I had to go back and read .... I thought you said he was your husband ......but, he's your "man" and not a member .................
  6. Humming Bird

    Lazy Day summer 2009

    From the album: Stress Relief

  7. Humming Bird

    Total failure - no weight loss

    Have you gone back in for fills? I know I don't stick to any strict diet and when I'm at my sweet spot I really can't even eat pizza easily. I think the band has worked for me because I found my sweet spot early in the process. At least it's something to consider ...............
  8. I was self-pay and the only thing I had to do pre-op was 2 weeks of Atkins diet for liver shrinking. I'm sure every surgeon has their own pre-op requirements and they may be different for patients depending on health situations. See if the surgeon you are thinking about has a website. He/she should fill you in on everything when you go in for a consult.
  9. Humming Bird


    oh geez , Lyla, just when you deleted I quoted.... want me to delete?
  10. Humming Bird


    So true. When posting in such a large public forum it's tough to know just where that line is that shouldn't be crossed. We are all so different and have different lines.
  11. Humming Bird

    Whole new experience shopping!

    Great NSV (non-scale victory) post ! I am so happy for you. You have done a great job so far. :clap: Keep going all the way to goal!
  12. Humming Bird


    Sometimes. in some situations, those things are trial and error and maybe a conversation that should stay between you and the hubs.....just sayin ..........
  13. Humming Bird

    I can't see it...

    I think even if we are "normal" (whatever that is) and we don't have any type of "disorder", it takes awhile for our brain to catch up with the weightloss. It took me forever to really see any change. Even being at a normal BMI for over a year I still see myself as being at least overweight. I still hate pictures of myself (which is the reason I don't post before/after pics) I can't hold up clothes and even come close to guessing if they fit. I have to try everything on an plan ahead even with things in my own closet. I remember the first time a bought size 12 jeans. I wore them without washing them for the first time and I felt slim. After washing and drying, I pulled them out of the dryer and my heart sank. I thought they shrank up by a couple sizes! I said to myself, "oh, look at the cute tiny little jeans, it's a shame I may never be tiny enough to ever wear them again." I figured I would try them on and see how bad the damage was. I thought I might not even be able to pull them on all the way and knew they would never zip. I put them on and zipped them with zero effort! They fit just like they did before I washed them. It's so strange what our brains do to us. Maybe it is a good thing if my brain never catches up all the way. Maybe it will keep me in check and help me maintain.
  14. Humming Bird

    Winter ! Ugh! I'm Cold!

    I'm near a small town (Woodland Park) in the mountains of Colorado, near the NW side of Pikes Peak, about halfway between Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek. My house is at 8,500ft. It's still snowing I guess today is the day I find out how well my new car does in the snow.
  15. Humming Bird

    why are people SO Mean!

    Hold your head high and enjoy your new size! A thought comes to mind ....... go buy a new pair of jeans and "forget" to remove the sticker on the leg that states the size clearly
  16. Humming Bird

    Advice about gettign stuck

    There were a couple times in the beginning where I got stuck bad and there was no choice..... the vomit came and was out of my control. It sure is a hard lesson and thank goodness that has not happened in a very long time. When I feel like I am stuck just a bit I chew up 3-4 papaya enzime tabs. It helps in just a few minutes and helps prevent the slime thing as well. (walmart in the vit. section)
  17. Humming Bird

    What do you count? Calories/protein/carbs?

    You really have to find what works for you. If you are someone who likes to keep very close track of every gram of everything and every calorie, tracks calories burned, makes lists and such, then stick to that. I think many bandsters stick to very strict calorie counting and Protein tracking in the beginning and then switch to "winging it" after they get in the groove of banded life. In my own personal journey, I have not counted calories or tracked or journaled anything from day one. I just can't live my life that way with 24/7 obcession over my "diet". I do keep some basic guidelines in mind like staying away from high-cal foods and eating protein. I lost 100 pounds in one year doing it that way, so it worked well for me. Many other bandsters on this site give me a hard time about the way I do it, but it is not their journey.
  18. Humming Bird

    Lap Band To Bulimia

    Do you have insurance that would help pay for you to go talk to someone who deals with eating disorders? Even if your throwing up isn't bulimia, it sounds like you have done way too much of it over time. Is your lapband Dr.'s office one that offers any type of support? The constant vomiting can cause so many problems with your stomach, heart, esophagus, teeth ......... the list is long. I hope you can find someone who can help you get it all figured out.
  19. Humming Bird

    Did You Feel This Way?

    Bandster Hell can really suck. This is the time you have to think of all the "dieting" rules you have learned over the years. Remember low cal......bla bla bla.... When you start getting some fills it will be mush easier for you.
  20. Humming Bird

    Vitamin users Chime In Please

    When I was pre-op I was told to take Adult Centrum chewable muli-vits. I started taking them 2 weeks pre-op and still take them over 2 years post-op. I was very worried about hairloss, so I also started taking sublingual Biotin around the same time. I still lost quite a bit of hair and stopped taking biotin 2 weeks ago and switched to hair skin and nails chews from GNC. (my hair did grow back, but I can't give the biotin credit for that) This week I stopped in and spoke to a gal in a lab located in one of the madical buildings where I work. I asked her how much it would cost to have my blood checked to see if I have any dificiencies. I have no insurance. I just wanted to see where I'm lacking, so I won't be taking any vits. I don't need. She told me I would need a request from a Dr. too, but she would give me the cost from the lab. I have to add the cost of a Dr. visit to that total. She put the codes in the computer for the most common ones like vit. D, Iron, B-12 and a few more. OMG it would cost me over $700! I guess I will just keep taking a handfull of vits for now. As I said, I'm over 2 years post-op and here is a list of what I take right now: Adult Chewable Centrum (Walmart) Hair, skin & nails chews (GNC) Calcium chews (GNC) Vit C gummies (Walmart) Vitsfusion brand D-3 gummies (Target) Vitafusion brand Fiber gummies (Target) I love the vitafusion brand gummies because they don't get hard like other gummies I've tried , they taste great and pretty much melt in your mouth.
  21. Humming Bird

    Where are you from?

    We got our first snowflakes today and more are expected over the next 2 days. ugh..... I love living in the Rockies, but don't like winter now that I get so cold!
  22. The good thing about it is that you will stay on top of the situation and get it figured out and resolved. I think it's situations like this that make some bandsters give up and stop going back to the surgeon's office. Then we hear back from them when they say it's been a couple years and they have only lost 40 pounds and the band doesn't work. You will get it resolved. This is just a bump in the road along your journey.
  23. Everyone's lists are great for motivation. I love reading them. I think sometimes we don't even know what to put on our 'skinny list' until it happens. There are things I just lived with and accepted or didn't give much thought. then after the weight comes off and I experience something, it hits me ...... man, I've missed that.
  24. Humming Bird

    *UPDATE* weird fill appt

    That does sound sort of strange. I would think he would have gotten something out or in. How many cc did you think you had in there? It really sounds like he missed the port, but I would think it would have felt different to you. Even if you had a leak there would have been a few drops or something. The part about him not being able to put any fluid in really makes it sound like he missed the port. Keep us updated with what you find out.
  25. Humming Bird

    Seminar to Surgery - How Long?

    When you have insurance it may take longer, but it's well worth it to save you thousands$$. I don't have insurance, did not go to a seminar, did not have any pre-op testing or hoops of any kind. I went to a consult with the surgeon and had the surgery 3 weeks later. I had to do 2 weeks Atkins pre-op diet and schedule time off work or I would have done it 2 weeks after the consult. I also paid $9,995.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
