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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    For the millionth time people

    Just because I paid my surgeon to do my surgery and pay him to do my fills does not mean he should be on call 24/7 to take my calls about acid reflux. We all know we are not talking to surgeons on this site.
  2. I can't think of any new NSVs for me lately. Many of the same old ones keep happening and I don't think I'll ever get tired of them. I do love reading everyone else's NSVs though. It helps me stay motivated and makes me happy for everyone.
  3. Humming Bird

    my crack

    LOL....every time I see this thread topic come up I think of the other "crack." You never know with this forum
  4. Humming Bird

    Band isn't working for me

    No, I do not agree with you at all. When I'm full, I'm full. If I eat even one more bite it goes in my esophagus and causes vomiting. My esophagus can not tolerate food in it. When my pouch is full I have to stop eating.
  5. Humming Bird

    Band isn't working for me

    I agree with B-52. With proper restriction the band DOES stop the amount of food intake for me.
  6. Humming Bird

    For the millionth time people

    It's not like we all have that kind of money to pay the Dr.s for every little ache or pain.
  7. Humming Bird

    Help Me! ....eating After A Lap Band Fill

    No, I don't think you're too tight. I think you have never reached the green zone. The number of fills doesn't matter much. It's the total amount that makes it in the band. You can't even count the fills that missed the port. It sounds like someone is making quite a bit of money off so many tiny fills. I would say you are past the point of getting large fills now anyway. As you get closer to the green zone a large fill could put you in the red zone. One more of those tiny 1/2 cc fills may just get you there.... I hope it does and you can experience how the band really does work.
  8. For me soup *is* the meal and I do eat soup and chili often. There can be tons of nutrition in a crock pot full. I'm not talking about opening a can.
  9. The 2nd letter said that guy will honor the $25 fills from Dr. K.'s patients .......Dr. Weaver I think
  10. They sell Protein bullets at walmart that taste like very strong gatorade/koolade. They come in a big test tube looking thing and are by all the other protein and diet stuff in the store. You can add more Water to them or just drink them as they are. I also like nectar brand lemonade. You can get samples of the Nectar brand flavs (look online). They have many fruity flavs. like cherry, green apple (tastes like jolly ranchers) ..... I'm not sure if this offer is still good. I got the samples this way in 2009. I got the info off someone's post from another site: Syntrax is offering samples of all 11 of the nectar flavors to everyone for only 4.99 and 5.00 shipping! Thats only 9.99 for the eleven samples to see if ya like any of them. Call 866-333-7403 and speak with customer service If that offer doesn't work, I'm sure there is a way to get samples.
  11. Humming Bird

    Bandster *Must Have/Favorite* Products!

    The one product I continue to use after all this time is Vitafusion brand Fiber gummies (Target). Many bandsters seem to have trouble with regularity and these are what I have found to work the best for me. I still use Protein powders when I don't feel I'm getting in enough protein. The nectar brand roadside lemonaide is great when I don't feel like something milky. (order online to find lowest price)
  12. Humming Bird

    Question for those who like their band TIGHT!!

    I like my band tight, but keep in mind there is a very fine line between "tight" and "too tight." When I reached my sweet spot it took about 2 weeks of liquids, then mushies, sliders, and so on, before I knew I was at just the right fill level for me. At first I thought I may have been too tight, but after those 2 weeks I didn't need a fill for almost a year. The weight flew off. I do have a long list of foods I can no longer tolerate, but also have a long list of NSVs, smaller size clothes and happy times. For me, "tight" means not being able to tolerate things like bread, Pasta, dense meats ........... For me, "too tight" means reflux at night that is not explained by eating too late or wrong food issues. Vomiting (including what some people call PBing and "spitting up"). Living on liquids only. Living on icecream and such. ......... What foods do I eat? I do eat a variety of foods. It is more of a texture thing with me I guess. The foods that come to mind that I eat often: Chili (green and red) Chunky Soups (not canned) oatmeal yogurt smoothies Lattes :tea: Salads (no iceburg, cucumbers or tomotoes) cheese and reduced fat wheat thins crab scallops there are many more things I eat, but those are what comes to mind
  13. Humming Bird

    Senior in Dallas with high BMI just beginning

    Kate, There are several people here at LBT who have done lapband with plication and it sounds pretty good. It's worth asking the Dr. about. As for the lapband and my experience with it, I do believe you can take off 200 pounds! I'm glad I didn't have anyone tell me I would only take off 50% of my excess weight with the band. That would have been so discouraging and it simply isn't true. With a high BMI, your chances of dropping 150 pounds in the first year are great. After the first year the weightloss will slow down, but I do believe you can take off the last 50 pounds in that time. When I started I figured I had about 114 pounds to take off. I lost 100 in the first year with very little effort on my part. If I can do that, I have no reason to believe you can't. As for the office staff, maybe try the "killing them with kindness" thing.
  14. This post was the only thing I ever saw about it.
  15. Yesterday ....... there was no real invite ....I don't think anyway
  16. Humming Bird

    Post op at home help

    The hospital where I had my out-patient surgery made my husband swear he would not leave me alone for the first 24 hours. I didn't really need him to "do" anything. I was able to get up, go to the bathroom, get something to drink .......
  17. Humming Bird

    Pouch Stretching Information

    I pretty much feel this way too ... ditto I also believe some people may not feel the pain/discomfort I feel and can use their esophagus as part of their pouch. I think this is how the esophagus can be damaged. If I even eat one bite too much, because solid food does stay in my pouch for quite some time due to my level of restriction, it causes pain and other bad things .....
  18. Humming Bird

    Pouch Stretching Information

    When was your last fill? It may be something as simple as getting a small fill to get things going again for you.
  19. Humming Bird

    Is it possible???

    I don't care what the scale says as long as I can wear a size 10 jeans without a muffin top :biggrin3:
  20. Humming Bird

    Is this a crazy thing to do?

    If the things you buy are too small now, try them on often. I ended up shrinking out of a few things before I could wear them. Don't just hold an item up or compare to other clothes you are already wearing. Remember it takes time for your brain to catch up. There have been many times I have gone closet shopping and I think it won't be long before I can wear those jeans, then I try them on and they fit or are even too big.
  21. Humming Bird

    Sweet Spot/Green Zone

    Yes, the sweet spot and green zone are the same thing. Try this thread : http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/132729-finding-the-green-zone/
  22. Humming Bird

    Snacking all day long.....

    A whole meal? I forgot what a "whole meal" is like ...... You know me and the word "meal". I have not had a "meal" since july 2009. I eat 3-6 snacks a day ..... no meals
  23. I'm 100 % happy with the band and 100% successful. Keep in mind that many thousands of banded people who are happy / successful do not post online about it. They are too busy living their new skinny lives. People tend to post more if they want input and advise from other bandsters and sometimes they may seem like they have a big problem but it passes or they get it figured out.
  24. Humming Bird

    Snacking all day long.....

    I wish you the best with your surgery! It's the first day of your new life! As for how I did it, the band has worked well and done it's job for me. I think the key for me was reaching my green zone early in the process. In the beginning it sure was a learning process figuring out what types of food give me problems (there are quite a few / sensitive stomach). I think the band works well if you follow some very basic guidelines and don't make it harder than it has to be. By basic guidelines I mean, learn what your full signal is and stop eating even if you have to throw food in the trash, take your vits., drink Protein shakes, stay away from candy bars , chew every bite well (when you get on solids). I just stuck to some very basic stuff like that.
  25. Humming Bird

    Snacking all day long.....

    You might be able to do the 3 meals a day after you have had a few fills. Make sure your Snacks are Protein. Go with a cheese stick instead of crackers maybe. I don't stick to 3 meals per day, but I'm 2+ years post-op ..............(have never been able to stick to 3 a day, but lost over 100 lbs)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
