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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Totally discouraged

    I've never heard the 2 oz guideline. That is only 1/4 cup at each meal. I have heard everything from 4oz (1/2 cup) to 8oz (1 cup) , but never 2oz. Did they tell you how many calories? How many of these 2oz meals per day? Getting fills will help, but the 2oz thing just doesn't sound right.
  2. Humming Bird

    do papya enzymes really work?

    In a situation where I have been stuck real bad and there is slime involved and throwing up is going to happen ......what I call "stuck hard "...... no, the papya enzymes are not a big help. If I just feel discomfort like I must not have chewed up something well enough, chewing about 3-4 papya enzyme tablets helps quite a bit.
  3. Humming Bird

    Is this normal?

    Not normal at all. It kinda sounds like bulimia.
  4. mine retired too , but I'm guessing I won't need a fill or anything for about 10 months or so.
  5. Cheri, Don't let them take too much out. Don't try to push anything too much this weekend, and Tuesday you will be green!
  6. Humming Bird

    First appt with surgeon - not good

    I financed my surgery through HealthOne and the min. monthly payments were only about $100. Surgery was $9,995 with hospital and everything else included. Do you get a big tax refund every year? Maybe you could pay part of it and finance the rest? .............just trying to come up with ideas.
  7. Welcome to banded life . 2 + years post-op and still have gas. I would bet 95% of us have more gas and the other 5% just lie and say they don't
  8. There is another Dr. taking Dr. K. pts. .....sending you a message ....
  9. Humming Bird

    Throw away those SCALES!

    Mirrors and cameras too ......ugh
  10. Humming Bird

    47 years old and just starting.....

    Try this thread http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/132729-finding-the-green-zone/ It sounds to me like you still need more fill, but I would stop taking large pills before that. Switch to chewable like adult Centrum chewables (walmart).
  11. Humming Bird

    Throw away those SCALES!

    Yes, the numbers on the scale can mess with my head sometimes. I think clothing sizes are more important to me. I feel great when I fit in size 10 jeans and I feel obese when I'm in a 12. It's strange to feel that way because I started this journey in size 22 and 24.
  12. Humming Bird

    excessive vomiting

    I agree with Karen. You need to call the surgeon's office and be very stern. Tell them you have an emergency and you have to be seen TODAY! If they will not do it, ask to speak to their boss (whoever that may be) and tell them it is supervised neglect if they don't get you in. It almost sounds like you need to check and see about getting a new lapband Dr. I hope they don't tell you to go to the emergency room because they don't always know much about the band. If they tell you to go to the ER, ask if they know there will be a Dr. there that knows all about lapband. I would think your surgeon would be more mindful about how his patients are being treated so he doesn't make a bad name for himself.
  13. Humming Bird

    ?? for Self Payers

    I financed the surgery ($9,995) and then paid it off in about 18 months I think. At this point, if I need another surgery I will do it the same way. I don't see health insurance in my future any time soon. My min. monthly payment was about $100, but I paid it off ASAP.
  14. Humming Bird

    which multi-vitamin do you take?

    My multi is Adult Centrum chewable. I also take a few other vits.
  15. Humming Bird

    Struggling to keep weight off

    First .... Welcome to LBT! Read, post, learn, and jump back on the bandwagon! I'm glad you are going back to see a lapband Dr. You have the band in you, now it's time to put it back to use.
  16. Humming Bird

    Oblivious or intentional

    Sometimes weight is one of those things people are not sure what is ok to say. It's like commenting on an older woman's age ..... you just avoid it. Sometimes people are thinking all sorts of things, but the words never come out of their mouths. Some bandsters who have been here at LBT for a couple years may remember I had posted about my husband not saying anything about my weightloss. I had lost 40 pounds .... then 50.....and so on. He said nothing. I was hurt at first, then I was pissed, then went past that point and didn't care if he said anything at all. I waited..... and waited....... finally after I lost a whopping 91 pounds he said something ..... geesh...... To tell you the truth, he's lucky he didn't say anything when I was at the pissed stage When he got around to saying something, I calmly said, "I didn't think you noticed. This is the first time you said something." He said. "oh, I noticed."
  17. It's from pressure on your phrenic nerve. Mine was pretty bad for many months and even became my "full signal". The pressure eased up after I dropped about 45 pounds.
  18. Humming Bird


    I would think they should know what it takes to get the proper things turned in ..... bummer they have not done it. Sorry, I have no insurance so can't help you on that one. Someone will jump in and give you the tips you need. Maybe the third time's a charm ..... keeping my fingers crossed for you. Maybe you could call your insurance provider and ask them exactly what is wrong with the paperwork.
  19. Humming Bird

    People Are Watching Your WL Journey

    Great post Dave and great job on your road to weightloss success! :clap:
  20. Humming Bird

    For the millionth time people

    I read what you posted and it was not nice at all ..... glad you got rid of it . This one isn't much better "shallow minds" and "badger" tisk tisk . and YOU claimed to be a medical professional in another thread .....
  21. If you are going to have loose skin, you are going to have it if you lose 2 pounds a week or 4 pounds a week. Our skin issues will all be a bit different depending on things like age, sun exposure, where we carry weight, number of babies we had ..........many men carry weight in the middle just like being pregnant. In my own case, I lost 100 pounds in one year and now at 2+ years post-op, my skin isn't too bad. I have a great deal of sun damage from many years of tanning when I was younger. I'm almost 47 years old. I carried my weight all over. I only had one baby in my teens and only gained 19 pounds, so my tummy does not need any tucking. I think my arms and thighs are the worst with excess skin, but am not sure I will ever have surgery to fix them. I'm just happy being at a normal BMI. At my age, I'm not concerned with wearing a bathing suit or mini skirt .
  22. Humming Bird


    Is your surgeon's office submitting the documents?
  23. Humming Bird

    weird pains

    Yes, this is what being stuck feels like. Learn from it. I have learned as I had fills along the way there are some foods I get stuck on no matter how much I chew. I no longer even try to eat those foods. There are other times i've learned this hard lesson with just simply not chewing the food I can tolerate enough. The band is a very crude tool when it comes to learning some of the basics.
  24. Humming Bird

    my crack

    quote] So true. I can see it in my mind already. Can I keep smoking crack while I have the band? lol bet before long that might happen. You are another one that I always feel like I have read an honest, down to earth answer from. Cheri Thanks Cheri LOL, with the title of "My Crack", I was thinking about someone posting about their crack .... like an issue with saggy butt skin , a rash or something. :ciappa: Or even plumber's crack issues with all the low rise jeans out there now days.

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