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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Throwing Up And Often

    Eggs are on the top of my list of things I can no longer tolerate. I tried them 3 times in the first 18 months post-op, made 3 different ways, and threw up every time.
  2. Humming Bird

    Lapband Surgery Prices

    I had my surgery with Dr. K., but he retired in Oct 2011. I am now going to use Dr. Weaver in Lonetree (south Denver). I'll find you the link with his info and come back to post the link.... Dr. Weaver info.... try this thread: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/139401-considering-dr-john-weaver-in-colorado-for-lap-band-surgery/page__p__1702014__hl__considering%20dr%20weaver__fromsearch__1#entry1702014
  3. Humming Bird


    I did not go to a seminar. I went straight to the surgeon for a consult and then had surgery 3 weeks later. No pre-op hoops or testing.
  4. Humming Bird

    Meds For Lap Banders

    At my pre-op consult my surgeon told me about a case where the patient had to have a stuck pill removed with a surgical procedure. That was enough to convince me not to take any pills whole. I was lucky enough to not be taking any Rx meds. and still don't. I have not swallowed a pill whole in 2 1/2 years. Here is what I take now: Centrum adult chewable (Walmart) hair skin and nails chews (GNC) calcium chews (GNC) Vitafusion Fiber gummies (Target) Vit. D3 gummies I also have issues with pain from fibromyalgia and headaches. For those I take a double dose of Jr. strength ibuprophen. When the pain gets to be more than what that will kick, I crush and disolve Aleve in a bit of warm Water. It burns on the way down, but kicks the pain and there are no nasty little bits left from crussing alone.
  5. Humming Bird

    "old Lady" Thighs

    I have considered plastic surgery to get rid of my old lady thighs and old lady arms, but have pretty much accepted them. I don't wear shorts or swimming suits in public, so it really isn't a big deal to me. If I had lost 200 pounds or something, my thinking may be different. Right now a nice pair of jeans do the trick. Other people don't know I have such ugly thighs.
  6. My skeletal remains would be larger than a size 6!
  7. Humming Bird

    Total failure - no weight loss

    I'm so glad you are getting things worked out. Now you can start using the band the way it is intended! A big part of it is your fill level and I'm glad you switched to someone that would give you a fill so you can at least know the band is there and helping you. You are on your way now!
  8. Humming Bird

    Unrealistic Weight Goal ??

    I went to a basic BMI calculator and put in your hight and goal weight. It said that it was 22.1. That can be done if that is what you want. It is in the "normal" range. You will just have to see how you feel when you get close. It is "realistic". That guy has no idea what it is like to be a 5' 3" woman. I tend to like my BMI a bit higher, like 23-24 because when I go below that I look a bit sick. Could I get to a BMI of 22? Yes, with ease at this stage in the game. If I would exercise and only eat healthy foods it wouldn't take me long at all.
  9. Humming Bird

    How Much Can You Eat At 4Cc Fill?

    We will all be different because the amount/thickness of tissue and fat inside the stoma varies with all of us. I could never eat as much as you listed from day one and I reached my sweet spot and stayed there for about a year at 5.3cc. Other people don't reach it until they are around 7cc. You just have to play around with fills until you get to that place where you are satisfied for a few hours on a small amount of food. I could never eat bread, sandwiches, rice. It is rare when I am able to eat pizza, and that would be one small slice and only part of the crust.
  10. Humming Bird

    You Say The Band Didn't Work

    Myabe she's following what her mama told her....... If you don't have anything nice to say ......
  11. You will also need some follow up visits ..... fills and such. There are many lapband docs here in the US that offer deep discounts for self-pay patients. Dr. Weaver in Denver is less than $9,000 and I have heard of some others as well. I would look into more options here ...... there is some info on this thread: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/139401-considering-dr-john-weaver-in-colorado-for-lap-band-surgery/page__p__1691254__hl__considering%20weaver__fromsearch__1#entry1691254
  12. Humming Bird

    Losing Weight "naturally" - A Rant

    Did I pack on all the weight "naturally"? With all the fast food and chemicals and who knows what goes in the food we eat now ....... ehhh....I'm with B-52, frankly, I don't give a damn. The lap band is what made over 100 pounds drop off my body and I could care less if it is natural or easy or hard or drastic ........ It is the only thing that has worked for me and I am so very happy! That is what really matters.
  13. Humming Bird


    I don't know, but it sure is worth waiting to see if the weightloss helps. I was thinking I needed surgery. My bladder had tipped and that was what was causing my issue. My PCP said it is very common in women who had hysterectomy at a young age. I am so glad The weightloss cured it. I was so tired of dealing with it for 5 years.
  14. The sooner you go in and get a couple more fills the better you will do with the band. Things are going to get so much better for you! Go in with a good attitude and jump back in the process
  15. Humming Bird

    Mental Health And Weight

    I'm no longer at that BMI .... mine was 43 ...now 24 ! I hope your study goes well as I know weight does effect us mentally.
  16. Humming Bird

    Band To Sleeve???

    lilmissdiva would be a great person to talk with about this http://www.lapbandtalk.com/user/224357-lilmissdiva/
  17. Humming Bird


    Too funny ....I'm sitting here eating a taco salad and I clicked on your post to read .... I agree
  18. Humming Bird

    Research Stage

    Hi Jack and welcome to LBT You will find by reading here that we all have a little bit different experience with the band. Some people work very hard with counting calories, exercising, and all the other things that go along with weightloss. Some people never count calories or exercise and the weight falls off effortlessly. Some people can no longer eat steak or bread. Some people can eat everything, but smaller portions. If you go with the band, you will not know which one of these types you will be until you are already banded. You have to be willing to be any of them for the band to work properly and the weight to come off. You are male and don't have 200 pounds to take off, so that is in your favor.
  19. Humming Bird


    We are all so different when it comes to this stuff. I chose a place that did not require me to go in all the time. That is the way I wanted it. No pre-op hoops were required either. I went in for a consult and had the surgery 3 weeks later. I went back for 2 fills and then didn't go back for another 11 months. I did fine and lost over 100 pounds. I do understand when people want the frequent follow ups and kinda want the office to hold their hand through the journey. The vomiting so often is not a good thing and can cause some major damage. It sounds like you may be a tiny bit too tight. I have no regrets at all. ( Maybe that I didn't do it sooner) I've had great success with very little effort. I would do it over again in a heartbeat.
  20. Humming Bird

    Weight Loss Normal Or Not?

    You will find that everywhere. Remember that YOU know more about the band than all these other people you will encounter. Rely on your own lapband doc and staff. (and LBT is helpful as well) Several months into my journey I went to a GNC store looking for some Protein powder. I told the guy what I was looking for and why (lapband). He was very much a weight lifter and went on and on ..."oh, I can tell you how to lose weight, you need to eat this and do that ......." wrong ....I'm already banded dude, just show me where the zero carb/high protein/low cal powder is.
  21. Humming Bird

    Weight Loss Normal Or Not?

    It sounds like you are right on track to me. If you don't mind me asking, why did you go to a urologist? The reason I ask is because if you are having the same problem I had, the massive weightloss cured my problem of stress incontinence.
  22. It sounds to me like the OP had a fill during surgery as I did. I also had hiatal hernia repair. As for the constipation, this can be easily resolved in a very pleasant and effective way without use of laxitives. I eat a vitafusion brand Fiber gummie every day and it has been a life saver as far as constipation issues go. The vitafusion brand seems better to me than other gummies because they are so soft and easy to chew.....taste great too. I also have trouble with dense meats, so I have found other ways ....... chili (both red and green) I order Soup when I go out. Crab legs, scallops, cheese, cottage cheese I have had a few fills, but I am also 2 1/2 years post-op
  23. Humming Bird


    I felt the same way for awhile. Make sure you are doing your best with your Dr.'s rules, get in your water and protein.....yadda, yadda.... it will get better
  24. Humming Bird

    Intro And Questions!

    I don't know where they come up with all those stats we hear so often. They tend to be different depending on who tells you about them. All I can speak about is my personal experience. From my experience, I think those numbers are hogwash ! I lost 100 pounds in the first year after lapband surgery with a couple fills and zero exercise. When you reach a BMI of 25 it means you have lost 100% of your excess weight. I have a BMI of around 24, so I have lost more than 100% of my excess weight. With my experience with the band, I don't understand how someone could not take off most or all of what they need to. The band , with proper adjustments, has made it imposible for me to overeat. I know many others may disagree, but I can't grasp it any other way. My band has worked properly, so that is all I can base anything on.
  25. Humming Bird


    There was a time I felt very malnurished and like I was wasteing away. I knew it couldn't be healthy, but it really was short . It does get better as the process goes along. I started feeling better as my body adjusted. Now I feel "normal" as the way I eat now as a banded person has become my norm.

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