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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    Struggling, Help

    When you say you were at an eight and now you are at a six are you talking fills/ cc? It sounds to me like you need to go get a fill and get back to the green zone (if you were ever there).
  2. Too funny, I read it this morning and had a good laugh. I think she likes your after pic.
  3. Humming Bird


    I have not been able to eat a sandwich or wrap from day one (2 1/2 years). The good news is that you can get creative and find things that help satisfy the crave. I can eat a few reduced fat wheat thins with my sandwich stuff on them (chew, chew, chew), or wrap the stuff in a piece of lettuce. or roll up a thin slice of lunchmeat with things inside .......
  4. Humming Bird

    Nectar Protein Powder-Just Discovered These!!!

    I like the roadside lemonade in the summer. They disolve pretty good, but even do better if you put them in a water jug with ice/water and shake a bit, then let it sit a bit, then shake again.
  5. Humming Bird

    Is The Band Frequently On Your Mind?

    At first (the first year or so) the band and all that goes with it were on my mind 24/7. Over time it has been getting much better for me. I now don't obcess over it. A few years before I got the band I mastered keeping my stress level low. Of course life happens and the stress comes, but in general, I try to keep stress out of my life. This is why I do not count calories or track anything else with the band. I keep a good fill level and accept banded life for what it is.
  6. Humming Bird

    Life In The Green Zone!

    Adjusting the band and finding the green zone early in the journey is great. It makes everything so much easier. I've found that after some fat shrinkage between the band and stomach I needed a tiny fill to stay in the green zone. After that some of the fill does go away (osmosis or something) and I need a tiny fill every 10-12 months or so. Not much effort at all is needed after that. Just live life
  7. Humming Bird

    Normal Fill Or Not?

    I was at 5.3cc by my 2nd fill. It did bring me to my green zone/sweet spot early in the process. I didn't need another fill for 10 months after that and now I just go in about every 10 months or so for a very tiny tweek fill to maintain. At 2 1/2 yrs post-op I'm at 5.7cc. I am so glad I didn't have to go in as many times as other bandsters do for teeny tiny fills to reach restriction. I really do beileve it has been the key to my success. Just follow the rules after a fill ..... liquids, then muchies .......
  8. Humming Bird

    <~~~~~~~~ She's Happy

    Don't eat before you go for a fill. Sometimes they forget to tell you that.
  9. You may find much better support and info right here ar LBT. I would not go back to that negative group. If you want to meet with banded people face to face, maybe you can look up members of LBT that live near you and set up a coffee group or something. For me. lapband has been so very easy, magic, and a quick fix! I love the band and would have never been able to take off all this weight without it.
  10. Humming Bird

    Old Age With Band

    I reached my goal quite some time ago and would not want to ever have an unfill. That would make be head back toward obesity.
  11. Humming Bird

    My Lap Band Doctor Sucks!!!!!!!

    Now this person from the Dr.'s office tried to delete their posts because they broke the law. They do not understand how the site works. They changed their name twice too. Anonyous1 and nomnomnom , YOU are not too bright. We all got emails with the content of the posts...like this email : ************************************************************************** Humming Bird, nomnomnom has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "My Lap Band Doctor Sucks!!!!!!!". GB2011 - as in ***** ***** right? Well, here's my 2 cents on the whole deal. You came in the office with already an attitude. You want to lose weight, but don't want to work the program. You want the the lap band to basically do everything for you. Well news for you, it's just a tool to help you lose weight. You still have to count your calories, diet, and exercise. I also love how graceful and poise you were when you STORMED OUT OF THE OFFICE AND SAID, "KISS MY ASS b***h"! Very lady-like... I'm sure you will make a wonderful gf/wife to any man not from this world. I hope that your next visit with another doctor, you will treat them with respect. Cause honey if you do that again, no one wants to help you lose weight. They will definitely just want you to be fat and have to live like that forever... and this email: ***************************************************** Humming Bird, nomnomnom has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "My Lap Band Doctor Sucks!!!!!!!". By the way, you can bash Dr. Carter all you want but reality is... does it solve anything? Does it make you lose more weight? Does it make you become a better human being? Nope not at all, I think it makes you become belittled.
  12. oh yes, the slime It does sound like you need a tiny bit taken out.
  13. Humming Bird

    How Can I Help My Band Shrink Up?

    That is how it feels after the first few fills sometimes. That is why we sometimes need several fills to reach the green zone. After you reach the proper restriction level you can go many months, maybe a year, before you will need another tiny little fill to maintain your sweet spot.
  14. Humming Bird

    Old Age With Band

    If I didn't get the band I don't think I would have ever reached old age. I still may not, but my chances are better now without over 100 pounds of extra weight taking me down.
  15. Humming Bird

    My Lap Band Doctor Sucks!!!!!!!

    Have you heard of HIPPA ? You do NOT speak about a patient this way in a public forum. You do not use the name. If I were your boss, you would no longer have a job. In fact, your boss does not have to do a thing. The state will take your job and more if they find out you have broken these HIPPA laws that protect patients.
  16. Humming Bird

    How Can I Help My Band Shrink Up?

    If you are able to eat full size portions, you do not have restriction. 40 pounds in 4 months is on track, but you may need more restriction to stay with that rate.
  17. Humming Bird

    How Can I Help My Band Shrink Up?

    Do you have a large 14cc or a standard 10cc band?
  18. Humming Bird

    Getting Cold Feet?!

    Many of us go through those same thoughts and feelings. Many of us also have a stage just after being banded where we think, "OMG, what have I done to myself?!" You are going through the "normal" mental process. It will be ok. Keep your eye on the prize! It is so worth it! This is something you are doing good for yourself.
  19. Addiction, volume eating, carb lovers, whatever, it still brings my mind back to the fact that we need food to stay alive. We don't need crack, so if a crack addict kicked the addiction, they could still "live" without it. My experience with the band has been a good one and I will always believe it is all (or mostly) about restriction. I am no longer able to eat a stack or bag of Cookies. I can no longer eat a bag of chips. I can no longer eat a burger and fries. My band is tight enough to stop me. No matter how much my addiction, or bad habits, or brain tell me I want large amounts of junk, I physically can not eat it. I could set myself up for failure by telling my Dr. I'm too tight and getting some fill taken out. This is what I think of when we see those posts about people wanting an unfill to go on vacation. They are setting themselves up for failure. Is it the food addiction taking over? Maybe.
  20. Good thread. It sure does give me thoughts. Everyone has made some great points. After reading here at LBT for a couple years I do believe failure CAN be the fault of the bandster in some cases. Maybe it is the "addiction" that makes them do it to themselves. I've heard people say they never went in for fills or they had a complete unfill. I think they maybe can't handle the tiny portions and feel deprived. They say the band doesn't work and stay obese or gain the weight back and would rather "blame the band" instead of using it properly. I can understand the emotional connection to food and the comfort it provides some people. I think food can provide a "high" for some people just like other addictions. I wish the band worked 100% for everyone. To have any type of weightloss surgery is taking a very drastic step.
  21. My fills have never hurt. It's just like getting a shot and once it's in the port you don't really feel it because it's insite plastic. I don't understand why they feel the need to numb the area .... that's a shot too. It may just be a mental thing to make the patient feel better about the fill, but it's not really needed. Oh, by the way .....it's Lidocaine (I use it daily at work)
  22. Humming Bird

    Those Who Have Lost 100+

    See, you will find we all do it a little different. You just have to find "your way" and stick with it if it's working. kudos to all who exercise like crazy! One day I'll start ......
  23. Humming Bird

    Confusing Web Site...

    Omar, stick around and keep using the site. It does get easier as you get used to it. This is a really great site to get info and support. LOL..... I believe in Alex
  24. Humming Bird

    Those Who Have Lost 100+

    I started at 264#. I lost 100 pounds in the first year. Getting to my green zone/sweet spot early in the process was key for me. I have never had a daily regimen really. I just followed the very basics of the lapband rules....... take very tiny bites, chew well, no fried foods, try to get in Protein...... From day one I have not counted, measured, tracked, or journaled anything. When the band is adjusted properly, there is no need to spend my time obcessing over every calorie and gram.

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