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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. This just sounds so wrong to me. You should be able to sip/drink water during the fill and after the fill . I think if I were in your shoes I would go back first thing in the morning and get at least a small unfill. The throwing up could make it so you need a complete unfill and have to start all over. That would be such a drag. I would be there waiting when they open. I hope it works out well for you. Let us know how it goes.
  2. Humming Bird

    Swapping Vices?

    Good Thread. It really makes you think. As I read what others have said, I'm thinking about if I will feel the need to replace my food. I have never been much of a alchol drinker, but maybe there will be danger in other things.
  3. I am about 6 months post-op and sometimes I do feel like the band is catching on or at least touching my lowest left rib. I also feel it sometimes when I lay on that spot to sleep. It's very strange.
  4. Humming Bird

    New Year 2010 Challenge!

    oh well , when you fall off the wagon, get up brush yourself off, and jump back on for the rest of the ride !
  5. no, it is not you who is immature. Cheeky ? hmm, not so sure on that one. I like you btrieger ! I really do :thumbup:
  6. Oh MY ! 500-600 LEVEL Wooooeee. you er gettin' yerself a good education girl! What you are lackin' is life experience and maturity. re: "let me educate you." and then quoting yer little text book to teach what you just learned. But I won't hold that against you. It is just one of several "journies" yer on ! Life's journey. yer little classes aren't teachin' u how to treat people very well, but you'll learn after about 20 more years of real life.
  7. I must admit, I had a good chuckle to myself at work today after reading this thread this morning. Oh so many replys came to mind! btrieger, I'm glad you are enjoying it too! I didn't think you added the "other" choice literally for those with dual equipment and such. I figured you were just trying to keep things light-hearted. This morning I was thinking you left out a couple choices. A. Men B. Women C. Boys D. Girls
  8. Humming Bird

    Whats up with the hiccups?

    This is one of the things my surgeon talked about at my consult. He said it is a "full signal." I started paying attention even before my surgery, and yep, sometimes when I was full I had a hiccup. Now post-op, The hiccup comes way too late for it to be my full signal.
  9. Humming Bird

    2010 Challenge

    updating my weight Name***********Starting******Current********Goal******ToGo Astrasmom.............254...............254.................170............84 Babe.....................265...............265.................199.... .........66 BetsyB..................226.6.............226.6..............109...... ......117.6 BobbieND..............224...............224.................175..... .........49 Brigette.................198...............198.................150.... .........48 crzytchr.................217...............217.................180.... ... ......37 DANA36.................233...............233.................160...... .......73 ericanda1973..........198.5............198.5..............130......... .....68.5 HummingBird..........204...............202.................150........ .....52 Jennih...................232................232................130.... .........102 Lisa65...................174.5............174.5...............145..... .........29.5 lotzasunshine.........247...............246.4..............175........ ......71.4 newdicarlo.............187...............187.................135...... . ......52 RandaPanda...........194...............194.................150........ ......44 scoutmama............270................270................180........ ......90 SNDYCNRD.............207...............207................140......... ......67 TARASGIRL.............305...............305................225........ .......80 TeriLu....................250...............215.................150.. .... ......65 TIGGER71G.............224...............224.................130....... ......94
  10. LOL, is someone taking an anatomy class? AP201? oh, now I see, It's a feminist course
  11. lol ... OH, I gotta hear this !
  12. Humming Bird

    Ready 2 give up

    awww, don't give up. Think of these feelings as just a little bump in the road on your way to being thin. In most cases, I think when people post here or reply to threads, they are trying to be helpful and participate. Sometimes we use the wrong words that offend, but that is usually not the intent. You will find what works for you. For me, I hate weighing, counting and measuring. It drives me crazy and I don't do it often. My band measures stuff for me. As far as counting, I don't write anything down. I know I have a hard time getting in Protein, so I just think about it on a daily basis. I know I have not had enough protein today .... looking back on what I've had ..... so I mix up a Protein Drink and sip on it while I'm here looking at LBT. When the sun comes up, it's a new day and I just try to focus on that day and try to stick to the lapband rules the best I can. Some days it works pretty good and some days it doesn't.
  13. It seems to me that you will find out what you have already figured out. There are very few men here, but I hope you stick around. I hope you can put up with how women are and look at it in a positive way.
  14. Humming Bird

    Question on fills??

    Your sweet spot is where you can eat 3 tiny meals a day and not feel hungry between those meals .... and are dropping weight. You will hear many different things as far as how large the meals should be. My doc says 1/2 cup. I have heard others say 1 cup. That is where I think everyone is different. I think it depends on where on your stomach the band is located and how big your pouch ends up being. The meals at your sweet spot should consist of solid well chewed food. I think I am a little bit tighter than my sweet spot at this point. There is no way I could ever eat an entire cup of solid food no matter how much I chew it. Sometimes, if the food is real solid, I can't even eat 1/2 cup. I am considering getting a tiny unfil to get to a better sweet spot. I fear my weight loss will stop. I was told that they include some fat under the band. When you lose that fat the band will loosen up some.
  15. Humming Bird


    Right now I can eat things like yogurt, cottage cheese, Soups, chili, cereals, fruits, vegies, Protein shakes ...... I am considering getting a tiny un-fill, but not sure.
  16. Humming Bird

    Question on fills??

    I am close to my 6 month date and have had 2 fills. It really depends on so many things. You can't really go by what others have had. How much your doc puts in at each fill ...... How much of your own stomach tissue is inside the band .....
  17. Humming Bird

    Return of Left Shoulder Pain after a fill?

    I had the left shoulder pain for several months. It was also my full signal for a long time. Even though it is a nerve trick and not truly a shoulder thing, I found that equate brand (walmart) pain patches helped quite a bit. In the evening I would just put one on the tip of my shoulder and leave it on all night. They even work well if you cut one in half. They are only about $4 I think and can be found by the ben-gay and icy-hot type creams. I remember someone else saying they used the sports creams.
  18. I didn't have any of these, but I would have jumped through any hoops required. I was so happy that I didn't have to jump thru any. I was selfpay and that, I'm sure had a lot to do with it. I had to do Atkins for 2 weeks pre-op and a phone consult with NUT
  19. Humming Bird


    well, whether egg mcmuffins are health food or not, I can't eat bread. I can't eat meat. I can't eat eggs. So that leaves me with the slice of cheese. No point in ordering the egg mcmuffin for me !!
  20. Humming Bird

    Hello from under the sea!

    I love the tail ! and your hair ! Beautiful
  21. Hello and welcome to LBT. I really like reading and learning here. Sometimes we bansters offend each other, but it is still a great place to get support and talk with others going through the same stuff. It is also a great place to get inspiration and share your own success.
  22. Humming Bird


    wow. this thread went a little crazy. dowhatitdo, are u there? are u getting all this ?
  23. you may just still have some swelling going on and they may have put a little Fluid in the band at surgery. Did they tell you cold liquids only for the first week? It took me awhile too and I did have discomfort like you. Is your lapband surgeon available for a phone call. If you call the office number they usually have a service who can contact the doc. and he/she can call you back. Emergency rooms usually are not that much help in this case and the bill is sometimes not worth it. If you have insurance that will pay for the ER, I guess it's ok, but I think they know very little about band issues.
  24. Humming Bird


    I looked up the nutritional info on a couple of sites. The egg mcmuffin is in no way a healthy choice. The numbers were a little different on each site, but niether site gave a "healthy food" rating. 300 calories 12g fat 820 sodium! 260 mg cholesterol ! 30 carbs! by all means, eat what you think is right, and what your Dr. tells you to eat, but please at least re-think the egg mcmuffin thing. Lord knows, I myself am not the queen of nutrition and sometimes do not eat proper. I just can not fathom a NUT or a Dr. telling someone to eat an egg mcmuffin for breakfast.
  25. Humming Bird


    have you been back to a lapband surgeon lately? If the band is in good condition, could you get a fill to get some restriction and take something to stop the acid reflux? Maybe you developed a hiatial hernia that needs repair?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
