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Humming Bird

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Humming Bird

  1. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    In the case of the beautiful young woman that BJean told us about, I would not have considered that an abortion in my mind. I know it would be technically, but it just seems so different to me. There are those who don't use birth control methods, or the methods they use fail. They get pregnant. Some choose to abort the pregnancy early on when all you have to do is take an oral Rx and it induces a sort of period. ( I agree and support in this case) There are those who have later term abortions ....... I may not agree with some of those. But in the case of this young couple who were expecting twins, I think the husband/daddy made the wrong choice. With the choice he made, he chose death of 3.
  2. Humming Bird

    The Magic Wand

    I agree with you to a point. But ....... The band and the fills have been pretty magical for me. I have dropped over 60 lbs with this magic wand that I never would have dropped without it. Of course I don't live on ice cream and cookies, but that isn't really "work". It's a magic measuring cup for me. I don't measure anything. I can not drink and make solid food push through my band. I have had my problems with it, but overall it's pretty magical to me and I love it !
  3. I have one incision that is 1 inch long in the center of my torso about 1 1/2" below the bottom of my sternum. My port is located just below and a little to the left of that incision. The other 4 incisions are just puncture spots. None of them are anywhere close to my belly button. All are fading well.
  4. Humming Bird

    What do you all do?

    I am a Dental Hygienist. (my 2nd career) love it!
  5. Humming Bird

    Fat = Low Self Esteem?!?!?!

    yes, I guess being fat has taken a toll on my self esteem, but not a real big toll. In general it makes me feel bad about the way I look. It does not make me feel bad about the person I am.
  6. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    Thank You Patty. btw .... I'm still pro choice :tt1:
  7. Humming Bird

    Why are you losing weight?

    It is just one piece of my mid-life crisis ! :tt1:
  8. Humming Bird

    Close our borders now!

    The snow usually sticks around all winter at my house
  9. I really think it depends on how large your pouch ends up being and how tight you are. I am pretty tight right now and I think my pouch must be small. I can only eat 1/2 cup at a time. If I am eating very thin soup or something I could eat more than 1/2 cup. Solids, like meat and vegies, no way can I eat more than 1/2 c.
  10. Humming Bird

    50 Pounds

    From what I've been told 10 lbs a month is perfect. Just don't beat yourself up if it slows down for a bit sometimes. Congrats on the first 50 lbs ! That is great weight loss and a big milestone !
  11. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    Patty, you really twist things sometimes. Please do not talk down to me by telling me to look up words and saying "Duh!" . I did go to college for a very long time and have a degree. I took many biology classes including embryology. I know exactly what a fetus is and what an abortion is. I know what an analogy is. I'm am 45 years old and have a grown son and a grandson. I live in the real world and have real experience with many issues like this one. Please don't dumb it down. I actually agree with you on many or your rants and raves on other issues. I was raised Christian and to have good marals and values. I am a registered republican. I did not vote for Obama. You are out to cut down and fight everyone so much that you are biting off your own foot sometimes. I am not as heavily involved in politics or religion as you and do not quote the bible. I comment on this issue of pro choice/pro life as a woman. Don't talk down to me please.
  12. Humming Bird

    Hello all

    Hi John and welcome to LBT. You will find great info here and get some good support. It is nice you have a family member that has been banded. I hope you have close contact with your aunt. She could be a great resource for you. I know for me it has been really great. One nice thing about it is I am not always hungry like I was on all the other diets. And I think the very best thing will be after I reach my goal weight. I really do believe the band will help me keep it off. I wish you the best in trying to figure out if the band is what you want and/or need.
  13. Right after surgery and the following couple days an ice pack and very cold liquids helped me so much. Ice helps the swelling go down, not heat.
  14. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    Yes, I know what an analogy is. That was a poor example of one if that was what you were trying to do.
  15. Humming Bird

    Why are you losing weight?

    I want to look good too ! I admit, looking good is very important to me. I do not have to be model beautiful, but darn it, I wanna look my personal best, and obese does not cut it. Of course the other 2 options are good too, just not the one I picked as number one at this time. I'm sure I could come up with several OTHER reasons too.
  16. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    Who said anything about legalizing drugs ???? you get off on tangents that have nothing to do with pro choice/pro life. OH BROTHER! I guess you could start a thread about drugs if you want, and then I would put in my 2 cents about that issue.
  17. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    We don't have anything to say about the women who kill their babies. and then you go on to say things about them? They just don't get it that its murdering a life. We certainly do understand that they are in a dilemma if they didn't want to have a baby, but once they are pregnant, and the life has begun, what are you gonna do? Have a baby. Oh, well. So, you have it and support it or choose to put it up for a doption. If abortion were not a choice, there would be soooooo many more women who would be careful with their sex lives and not throw it around like it wasn't a way to pro-create. and there would be more young girls doing things to make themselves lose the baby and going over the border to have abortions and more young people abusing and shaking babies that they never wanted and were not ready for and leaving their babies in dumpsters There would be alot more women using rubbers rubbers and calculating do not always prevent pregnancy or calculating when they ovulate. Maybe they'd even wait till they were married you don't think married women get abortions? wrongo and ready to have a family. Who knows? But to say that because we don't want babies murdered, we don't give a hoot about pregnant women who don't want to be pregnant is bogus. We just are more concerned for the one of the two with the worser problem at hand. The baby whose about to be killed. The mother?, well, she just has no, she doesn't HAVE to do anything. That is what is so great about choice ! to carry and deliver a baby she doesn't want. the baby? well, he's facing execution. For pro lifers, that trumps her dilemma. So, it may seem to you that we don't care about the women here, but that's not true, we just focus our concern on the one whose facing the death sentence over the one whose facing a 9 month term.
  18. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    the lives of the millions of babies sucked out with a vacuum and some of them have even been heard screaming, makes me sick!!!!!! This is NOT the way the abortions I know of happened. you have made it over dramatic. There was no vaccum and no screaming. Do you know someone who has had an abortion? is this what they told you happened when they had it?
  19. Humming Bird

    i think i'm starting to hate my band.

    It really sounds like you should not hate the band, but you should hate the allergies and sinus issues. Is there anything you can do to get those under control ?
  20. Humming Bird

    Can I do this??

    Awwww, I'm so sorry. That would have been a good concert. But, I know there is no way I could have done it. I didn't have problems with pain and only took the pain meds that first night, but I sure did feel like crap from the general anesthesia. I hope Shania comes to your area next year. Just think how much more you will enjoy it when you are feeling up to it and wearing skinny jeans!
  21. Humming Bird

    who supports right to choose

    I am in the pro-choice camp and always will be. I am so glad that girls and women have choices on this!! Abortion is only one of those choices. All of the choices are equally important. I have only been pregnant one time and I was aware of all the choices available at that time. I gave them all thought at the time and I CHOSE to carry my baby and make a commitment to raise that child to the best of my ability. I love my son dearly. I also made a CHOICE to not have more children. I Chose to use birth control pills. Over the years I have known (and still know) quite a few girls and women who chose abortion. I support all of them with this and was even willing to drive them to appointments. Each of them had their own personal reasons to have an abortion and I think they were very good reasons. I do not think any less of them for making this very difficult choice. Another choice is adoption. Any girl/woman who gets pregnant can choose to carry a baby and give it up for adoption. Or, like many do, they can carry the baby and get themselves in situations where the baby is taken away from them and it then becomes the responsibility of the tax payers. This country and others have plenty of these abused or unwanted children. In many cities, there are not enough good fosterhomes for these children. There are a couple of my own friends and family who have been foster parents and who have adopted children from this country and others, so I have seen it first hand. I think that all the pro-life people should step up and adopt these children. They are already born. They are a life. Many of our big cities have plenty of abused, neglected, drug addicted.... babies. I don't see how they can preach abortion is murder and yet let these children stay in the situations I have seen firsthand. If they CHOOSE to let the little crack babies stay in bad situations, that means they are also pro-choice.
  22. Humming Bird

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    I have a really great NSV today. I wore size Large scrubs to work and they fit great. They were not even tight! I have gone from a size 2X tight scrubs .... then 1X ..... now Large ................on my way to MEDIUM !!!
  23. I'm sorry, it's my own fault. I shouldn't have encouraged it in the first place. The response is not at all what I expected. I guess it's a good example of 'be careful what you ask for.' I'm very sorry for my part in messing up the thread/poll.
  24. I wish I would have known that I could have been banded when I was at a lower starting BMI. In that case, I would have had it done a few years earlier.
  25. I did buy an eliptical that I am having a very hard time using. I'll see what I can do to get it and a TV in the same room and join you. There is no way I can do the eliptical during the entire show, but it's a good idea.

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