Ok, I started my preop diet on Tuesday 10/13 and first couple days WERE HARD. I am past all the cravings and don't feel very hungry any more. We have a get together tonight and there is always drinking. Has anyone drank during preop? If you mix say 1oz of vodka with crystal light that is only 69 calories, no carbs, no sugars. HAS ANYONE EVER DRANK DURING THEIR PRE-OP DIET? If so how did you feel after...besides guilty. Our pre-op consists of 1 Atkins shake for breakfast, 1 Atkins shake for lunch, Dinner is 4oz of protein, 1/2 cup veggies. We are also allowed 2 sugar free popsicles, 2 sugar free jello, and 2 1/2 cup servings of chicken broth each a day inbetween to curb the hunger. I have all that down...(and believe me that was a serious shock to my system) and I dont want to mess anything up but I am wondering if it will hurt anything by drinking 1-2 drinks if I ride the bike a little extra to burn off the calories? Any suggestions other than do not do it? Just wondering if anyone else had drank during this time and how they felt.