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LAP-BAND Patients
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About nhakim

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/07/1952

About Me

  • Interests
    travelling, Reading books
  • Occupation
    Business Consultant
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  1. Happy 61st Birthday nhakim!

  2. Happy 60th Birthday nhakim!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary nhakim!

  4. nhakim

    I feel hungry all the time

    I was bnanded on Oct 27. I have lost 10 lb the 1st week. The following weeks I have gained 8 lb back. I don't feel any restriction and hungry all the time. My 1st fill is on Jan 4th. I am very frustrated and especially when most of the posts indicate that there is 10-30 lb weight lost in the 1st 4-6 weeks.
  5. nhakim

    I feel hungry all the time

    I was bnanded on Oct 27. I have lost 10 lb the 1st week. The following weeks I have gained 8 lb back. I don't feel any restriction and hungry all the time. My 1st fill is on Jan 4th. I am very frustrated and especially when most of the posts indicate that there is 10-30 lb weight lost in the 1st 4-6 weeks.
  6. I was bnanded on Oct 27. I have lost 10 lb the 1st week. The following weeks I have gained 8 lb back. I don't feel any restriction and hungry all the time. My 1st fill is on Jan 4th. I am very frustrated and especially when most of the posts indicate that there is 10-30 lb weight lost in the 1st 4-6 weeks.

  7. I was banded last Tuesday 10/27/09. I feel like my stiches are going to burst along with great amount of pain when I sneeze, bend down, or using the toilet . Is this normal. Has anyone had this experience before?


  8. I was banded last Tuesday 10/27/09. I feel like my stiches are going to burst along with great amount of pain when I sneeze, bend down, or using the toilet . Is this normal. Has anyone had this experience before?

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