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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wordsmyth

  1. Wordsmyth

    I cannot believe this initial loss

    Please feel free to comment or suggest. I'm using this primarily as my record... I started my preop diet 1/5/10, had surgery 1/14, and today is 1/18/10 (Happy Bday, Dr. King). I've lost 16.6 lbs. I guess it's not that amazing when compared to the other losses I see, but for me, it's amazing! I know that the last 20 lbs I put on really seemed to put me over the edge in terms of my health. I discovered that I have severe sleep apnea, had acute GERD (reflux) and other problems. I remember the joy over learning I had sleep apnea, because it meant there was actually a reason and a solution to my constant fatigue. I thought it was just fat. I am sick of the liquid diet, though, and actually concerned that I'm not getting enough calories. I've heard that your metabolism just slows to a crawl if your body thinks food is scarce, but it is hard to increase my calorie count and follow instructions, so I am favoring the latter. My protein drinks (Isopure and Pure Protein) only have about 150 calories for 40 grams of protein, and I am supposed to consume them in small 1-2 oz amounts every 15-30 mins. It's easy to forget. And I am still full of burp bubbles. Ugh. So I am on protein, yogurt, broth, water, s/f jello or pudding, and low-fat creamed soups. It was hard to walk today because we had a powerful rainstorm. No more significant pain, so I'm off the narcotics. Incisions are itchy! I have been very careful about not lifting and not using my abdominal muscles (I'm sure they're buried under there somewhere). I wonder how long that will last. It's a lonnnnnnnng way to food. Sigh. It's only Monday, and I have two weeks. If the loss continues in the way that it has I will be thrilled. There was a "Biggest Loser" marathon on the other day so I watched. Their weight loss is incredible and the show is a good reminder of how much physical activity is an integral part of this process. I don't want to lose momentum. I tried some Muscle Milk light and loved it, so of course when I Googled it there's a controversy about using it. It seems there's andro...something steroid-ish in it. Bummer. It reminded me of the carob drinks I had as a kid (that I can never find now). Well, that's it for now.
  2. Wordsmyth

    Post-0p day 2...the bloat...

    Walking, yes indeed... I seem to have swallowed a balloon. Just pressing lightly on my chest will cause a burp. Walking and squating does seem to help, though. I'm trying to imagine what stage my band is in at this point. My post-op guidelines tell me to consume 1-2 oz of liquids every 15-30 mins. I don't feel hungry, just bloated. I wonder if you can feel saited with liquids? I think the bloat is keeping my hunger at bay (or is that the band?) and my biggest concern is consuming enough vitamins, protein, and water to stay healthy. Anyone just banded I can trade ideas with?
  3. Hi I was banded Thursday too and am experiencing the same thing. I found squatting helps it come out one end. The burping just seems to come on its own for me (I can burp) and is the most troublesome. Hang in there...
  4. Wordsmyth

    Thanksgiving November 2009 (in black)

    You look great! Keep it up and keep us posted!
  5. Wordsmyth

    Thanksgiving November 2009 (in black)

    You look great! Keep it up and keep us posted!
  6. I agree with you! It's counterintuitive to cover the surgery but not the fills, isn't it? I'm in CA too and I just assumed they would cover it, but now I'll have to find out. Does anyone know what fills cost on average?
  7. Wordsmyth

    Cancer strikes again....

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  8. Wordsmyth

    Tough first week

    I was banded Thursday and I'm not hungry at all, but I do miss the ritual of eating. I think I"m not hungry because all of my space is taken up with gas. I am very bloated. My doc's guidelines say 1-2 oz every 15-30 mins, which is definitely a different way of doing things. I'm on a lean protein shake and water now.
  9. Wordsmyth

    Post-0p day 2...the bloat...

    Walking, yes indeed... I seem to have swallowed a balloon. Just pressing lightly on my chest will cause a burp. Walking and squating does seem to help, though. I'm trying to imagine what stage my band is in at this point. My post-op guidelines tell me to consume 1-2 oz of liquids every 15-30 mins. I don't feel hungry, just bloated. I wonder if you can feel saited with liquids? I think the bloat is keeping my hunger at bay (or is that the band?) and my biggest concern is consuming enough vitamins, protein, and water to stay healthy. Anyone just banded I can trade ideas with?
  10. Wordsmyth

    Vlogging, anyone?

    Hey folks, Does anyone have a vlog about their experience? There's a whole banded community on YouTube and I've found their vlogs very inspirational. It would be great if we could do it here rather than YouTube. If you haven't already, checkout BandedWendy and SkyMoon on YouTube. I think they've had great clips and I'm thinking about creating some kind of video diary of sorts. Any thoughts?
  11. Wordsmyth

    Vlogging, anyone?

    Hey folks, Does anyone have a vlog about their experience? There's a whole banded community on YouTube and I've found their vlogs very inspirational. It would be great if we could do it here rather than YouTube. If you haven't already, checkout BandedWendy and SkyMoon on YouTube. I think they've had great clips and I'm thinking about creating some kind of video diary of sorts. Any thoughts?
  12. Wordsmyth

    Vlogging, anyone?

    Hey folks, Does anyone have a vlog about their experience? There's a whole banded community on YouTube and I've found their vlogs very inspirational. It would be great if we could do it here rather than YouTube. If you haven't already, checkout BandedWendy and SkyMoon on YouTube. I think they've had great clips and I'm thinking about creating some kind of video diary of sorts. Any thoughts?
  13. Wordsmyth

    Vlogging, anyone?

    Hey folks, Does anyone have a vlog about their experience? There's a whole banded community on YouTube and I've found their vlogs very inspirational. It would be great if we could do it here rather than YouTube. If you haven't already, checkout BandedWendy and SkyMoon on YouTube. I think they've had great clips and I'm thinking about creating some kind of video diary of sorts. Any thoughts?
  14. Wordsmyth

    Blog enhancement?

    Can anyone share how they posted their picture and other blurbs (like the ticker counter) on their blog? I can't seem to figure it out...
  15. Wordsmyth

    Blog enhancement?

    Thank you. I will try it. I think I've got it on my posts (though at the bottom) and will have to be satisfied with that. For some reason, it won't appear on the upper right of my posts, but at least it's there. Thanks for the help.
  16. Wordsmyth

    Pre-Op Diet

    Thanks, everyone, for your encouragement. It does get easier but I definitely could not survive this for an extended amount of time. I'm looking forward to a smaller stomach so mine will stop growling! :thumbup: Oh...and I've lost 10 lbs so far. I hope my liver has shrunk too.
  17. Wordsmyth

    Pre-Op Diet????

    I'm on a pre-op full liquid diet until surgery. There have been 2 times where I felt ravenous and had solid food, but apart from that I've been okay. I think my initial problem was that I was consuming only 320 calories a day, because I thought I could not have milk products and stuck to Protein shakes (160 cal./35 grams protein each), broth and Water. I just got to a breaking point where I had to have something. Now that I've been told milk products are okay, it's far more manageable. The broth satisfies my craving for non-Protein Drink food and milk products mix it up. I wouldn't like to do this forever, but I have to admit I'm enjoying the "empty" feeling. I noticed after I had food (which had some carbs) I felt bloated. Take care all! Oh, and JustIce, I really need your technology saavy. Very impressive. I'm still having trouble getting everything in place. Arrrgh.
  18. Hi, Did you mean 2010? That's my date.
  19. Wordsmyth

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    Hi everyone, Is this going to be a group? I would love to stay in touch and share stories. I will be banded this Thursday, 1/14/10. I cannot believe it's finally here! Right now I'm on the pre-op diet, so if anyone has tips about that I'd be happy to hear them.
  20. Wordsmyth

    Blog enhancement?

    Can anyone share how they posted their picture and other blurbs (like the ticker counter) on their blog? I can't seem to figure it out...
  21. Wordsmyth

    Here's to Beginnings

    Congrats to you! What a wonderful way to start the new year. I'll be joining you on 1/14/10.
  22. Wordsmyth

    Pre-Op Diet

    Hi All, I am 9 days away from surgery and just started the liquid protein diet. I am starving! Or at least I feel that way. Does anyone have wisdom to share about surviving the liquid diet, pre or post op? I'd appreciate it. I am on 70 grams of protein daily from protein shakes. I can only have clear liquids aside from the shakes. Trader Joe's has a good selection, though, if you have one near you. Any advice? Thanks -
  23. Wordsmyth

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    Hi Everyone, I finally got a surgery date: January 14th, 2010! Boy has this been a long trip. Twenty five days away! I can hardly believe it. The entire process has taken me over a year. Has anyone had to lose weight before surgery? At my last weigh-in I was about 250; I'm worried I've gained. The nurse said "well, don't gain weight, whatever you do." Then comes Halloween, Thanksgiving, and now, Christmas. Ugh. I know I have to start a liquid diet beginning Jan 5. To the questions asked: I am 40, on insurance, and I'm doing this because I need more than a diet group to help me lose 100 lbs. I think we all have similar reasons. If anyone has any pre-op advice for me, I'd be grateful! Take care all -
  24. Wordsmyth

    Short but lighter. Starting weight 327. 250 in this picture.

    WOW! You look amazing! I'm having surgery soon and I hope for your success.
  25. Hi Heather and all, I recently found out that my doctor wants me to have stopped smoking for 8 weeks prior to surgery. I've stopped, but am using nicotine replacement (patches). I suppose that's just as problematic from a testing standpoint? Heather - What happened?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
