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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by travelbunny

  1. 4weeks from today :) I will be getting banded :)

  2. AWWW ... thank you :) You have stood out from the begining .. I logged on in July and when I look at the pics I always look at yours .. I was just talking about you to some friends I met in my support group. You are fabulous.

  3. Did you get your fill? How are you doing?

  4. did you get your fill? How are you doing?

  5. GOOD LUCK!!! You are going to do GREAT!! My surgery is scheduled for Jan.25

  6. Hi :) I hope all is well .... I am down 48 pounds as of today :) YEAH!!!! I have not had a fill yet. I might be getting one on May 5th. I have been working out with a trainer :) How ae you doing? Did you have another fill?

  7. Hi :) I was banded a week ago :) so far so good .. I see the doctor tomorrow ... I have been on protein shakes for 3 weeks ,,, I am soooo tired of them .. I get to eat next week. I have lost 21 pounds in 3 weeks .. doing good .. how are u after your 3rd fill?

  8. Hi :) I was banded on Jan. 25th 2010 ... I am down 48 pounds :)

  9. Hi :) I'm glad to hear your doing good :) You look GREAT!!!

  10. Hi :) My name is Amy .. I just got approved for the lapband :) my surgery is scheduled for Jan25. I just quit smoking a week ago. I think you look AMAZING!!!! You are an inspiration.

  11. Hi :) My name is Amy and I was approved for the lapband :) I am secheduled to have surgery on Jan.25th

  12. Hi :) Thank you for the compliment :) I am very EXCITED for my surgery. How are you doing?

  13. Hi :) Thank you. I am new to this and very excited to start my journey.

  14. Hi :) Yes, I'm getting very excited!!! Nervous also, but ready for a change. I will keep you posted :)

  15. you look AMAZING!!!

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