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Everything posted by bdbmamaw

  1. bdbmamaw

    Back at home a little tighter

    Wow. That's really interesting about feeling the upper / lower stomach separation. I was suppose to have my first fill today but they cancelled it, as I am still losing .2 - .6 lbs a day. But I love reading all the experiences to help prepare for my first fill, whenever that comes. Thanks for sharing. Listening to all your experiences, I'm not dreading it anymore. Glad the pain wasn't bad.
  2. bdbmamaw

    Need suggestions please

    I 100% agree with Cathy! You need to get your 64oz of water daily! I ended up in the ER with bad dehydration and in a LOT of pain because of it. I keep a bottle with me at all times and I drink with a straw. It goes in a lot quicker and easier that way. And it's true... once you get use to drinking it (about a week for me), you'll crave it when you don't get it. I don't use any flavoring, as my tastes have changed, so I just drink plain water, but flavors are fine. Good luck, girl!
  3. This was a tough one for me. I ended up in a LOT of pain because I neglected this rule. I now drink 4 16oz bottles of water a day. One in the morning before brkfst, one before lunch, one before dinner and 1 before bed. I use a straw which helps a great deal. At first I felt like I sloshed every time I walked. But now if I miss a bottle, I crave it. It has gotten much easier over time. So hang in ther and it should become 2nd nature before long. Good luck!
  4. bdbmamaw

    Horror Stories

    About 1 1/2 wks after my surgery I started feeling intense pain every time I was in an upright position. The pain would vanish instantly whenever I laid down. I thought maybe a stitch was caught on something and it pulled when I sat up. Doctor sent me in for a CT Scan at the ER. Everything looked perfect. They took a urine sample and found out I was really dehydrated. They pumped me full of liquids and sent me home. The next day I felt wonderful. No pain at all. Found out that the pain was caused by the dehydration. I drink 64 ozs of water a day now and feel on top of the world. Have lost 23 lbs in 4 weeks, no hunger, no need for my first fill at this point and doing great! I love this thing! I don't even know it's there. Just make sure you get your water!!!! It was hard to drink that much at first, but now I crave it, if I don't get the required amount in. If you choose to go ahead with it, just plan on being really strict with yourself and follow the rules. :biggrin:
  5. I'm 4 week post and I have no hunger at all. I eat because I know I have to. I was scheduled for a fill on Wednesday, but I called and talked to the dr and was told to cancel since I am still losing a pound every 3 days. It's a good rate for me and since I don't have any hunger, it's easier to choose good foods. He said that if that changes, to call and re-schedule. I drink tons of Water between meals, so that might help with my non-hunger state. So I would call you doctor and see what he says.
  6. bdbmamaw

    Got my first fill today!

    Great post! I have my first fill Wed of next week and was wondering what it would feel like. Thanks for sharing. Anxious to see how you do now that you have some restriction. I am not hungry, but I know there is no restriction, so I am going on will power right now. I like that you felt that 'full' feeling, because I want it too! Keep us posted and let us know how you do the next couple of weeks. Congrats on your successful weight loss!:biggrin:
  7. So worth it! But if you had asked me during the two weeks after surgery (8/25), I would have said, "Run for your life!" But I feel great. Diabetes is already in remission. I have more energy than I can believe. I feel WONDERFUL! I've dropped 22 lbs and will have my first fill next week. So hang in there, girl. It is definitely worth it!:biggrin:
  8. bdbmamaw

    had 2nd fill today didn't follow diet

    Good info guys! I get my first fill next week and want to do it right. OP - You must have been really scared. I got distracted once while eating and swallowed something that I didn't feel was chewed enough, but luckily it went on through. I was scared though right after I realized what I had done. I know now to concentrate on my chewing and block out everything else until it becomes habit. Good post.
  9. bdbmamaw

    protein shakes

    EAS Protein shake mix at Sam's. Big purple bag. High in protein, low carbs, low calories and comes in vanilla flavor. You can doctor it up with whatever flavors you want. Do not get the EAS at Walmart, as these have twice the calories and twice the carbs! The big bag at Sam's runs about $29.00 and I just put it in the freezer to keep it fresh. Good luck on your banding!
  10. bdbmamaw

    Banana Pudding Shake

    Sounds yummy. How much vanilla extract do you use? ...just to give me a starting point. Thanks!
  11. bdbmamaw

    9/2/2009 Status Report for August Bandits!

    I am 9 days out and feeling pretty good! I have lost a total of 18 lbs! I go on solids (soft solids) today. I'm craving some baked fish really bad! Funny how each doctor is different when it comes to our pre and post diets... Even though he's going to let me start solids this evening, I am really going to take it easy and not go overboard. Plus I want to keep losing...:biggrin:
  12. bdbmamaw

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    I'm in!!! I put my info in the spreadsheet and froze the first two rows so you could scroll down the spreadsheet and still see the column headings. Hope you don't mind. :blushing: Good luck everyone!
  13. I'd like to know too. I start my solids this coming Thursday and could sure use some advise...
  14. Hi Maggie,

    I woke up this morning feeling a lot better. Had a melt down yesterday evening. I was telling my husband how weak I felt and whether I had made the right decision and then just broke down. (Go figure...) Anyway, he just held me and told me that I was going to do great and let me know that he would be with me the whole way. Wow! I did hit the jackpot when I married him! Are you married? Children? We have four. All grown with lives of their own. 2 nurses, a cop and an assistant principal.


    We recently had a police officer shot and killed just recently. Was really scared until I heard from our son that it wasn't him. Then I just got mad! The weird thing is my son is one of the officers that has to sit outside the shooters door at the hospital (the shooter was also shot) on guard duty. OMG! He says it's the hardest assignment he's ever had.

    Sheesh... didn't mean to rattle on. Sorry! Anyway, I hope you have a great day. And a strong one :)

  15. Hey MaggieGT. Glad you are doing well. The only thing that I am having a problem with is getting my strength back. Are you experiencing this? I have gone on short errands with my hubby, but can't do too much. I just got back from visiting his grandmother and then hubby wanted to know if I could make it to Walmart, but I just couldn't. I'm about to go lay down again for a little while. Are you still weak? Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I love having the grits and malt-o-meal too. I made some potato soup also, and then just made it really creamy with no chunks. That's reall good and filling also. Stay in touch! Brenda

  16. I am feeling so much better. Pain from the gas is almost gone. I weighed this morning and have lost 5 lbs. since my surgery. Had I checked during the first couple of days, I probably would have seen a gain with all the fluids they pump into you. I am only taking liquid tylenol for any pain and have only used it once today! Yippee! Actually got out of the house today, but was pretty weak so we didn't go far. But it was nice seeing some new scenery besides the inside of my house. I am on solid liquids (non-clear), grits and Malt-O-Meal. And I still drink two protein shakes a day. I used only 4 ozs of skim milk, but still use the same amount of protein shake mix. I am eating every 2.5 - 3 hrs each day. Still not hungry. Really looking forward to those solid foods, though!! Trying to decide what I'll eat first...hmmmm... Well, I'm glad to hear you are doing well. And keep me posted!

  17. I too was not expecting the soreness being this bad. I was told it was gas pain from the gas they use to blow you up during surgery, so it can rest anywhere inside and hurt. Maybe that's it. Mine is stuck under my diaphram so it feels like heartburn. I was told to walk to get rid of it, so I'm up walking at least once an hour. And it should get better by the weekend. I have no hunger at all, so I am forcing myself to eat the things I was told to eat. How about you? I was thinking about you yesterday... looking at the clock and wondering if you were in surgery and when you got out. Keep in touch and let me know how you're doing.

  18. Hey Guys! I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster at the highest point about to start down! I have butterflies in my stomach! I just want to thank those who have already been banded for all their support and testimonies. You have helped an incredible amount, so I can look at tomorrow with a positive outlook. So think about me tomorrow! I have to be there at 6:30. Yikes!:biggrin: ...:ohmy:
  19. My surgery is Tuesday. I'm feeling ok right now. The nervousness has disappeared for now. Don't know what I'll be like tomorrow night and then the next morning. My mother-in-law made me some wonderful homemade chicken broth and my hubby has been making Soups that I can use for clear, non-clear, mushy and then the solid stages. I really appreciate all the posts you 'banded' bandits have been posting. It's helped me when I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I'll post as soon as I can after the surgery.
  20. I'll be on line tomorrow, so I'll check in with you then. If I can't get online for some reason, be good for the doctors and I'll be thinking of you too.

  21. Hmmm... what am I looking forward to the most??? How do you choose? I was recently diagnosed with diabetes, so that going into remission is going to be exciting. I want to go country western dancing with my hubby and him being able to put his arms comfortably around me. Having the energy to run with my grandkids is another. Just feeling good in how I feel and how I look is a biggy!


    Like you I'm nervous, but excited about this coming Tuesday, and I definitely feel like I'm doing the right thing to get the weight off. 3 of our grandkids are coming to spend the night tonight. That will keep me busy this evening and tomorrow so I don't have to think about the upcoming surgery every minute of the day...lol. Let's definitely touch base Monday and wish each other the best!

  22. bdbmamaw

    "You weren't that big?!?!"

    So glad to see this thread. I, too, am 5'7" and 225. I carry my weight well because I am so tall, but it still takes a toll on how I feel. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and that's what 'woke' me up to what I was doing to myself. My banding in Aug 25th (bundle of nerves here). But your posts have certainly laid a lot of my fears to rest. I am really looking forward to my diabetes going into remission. I already feel better by being on the pre-op diet. I'm having to eat healthy and am have no problem with the shakes. I actually have more energy! Can't wait to drop the pounds! I have told all my family (my dtrs are nurses) and the people I work with. Everyone is so supportive. I have heard the "you're not big enough" comment on a few occasions. I just ask them how big I need to get to get acceptance for banding? They usually don't have an answer. Anyway, I love this site and am really glad I ran into you guys. You are definitely what I needed!
  23. No, I thing SummerAgain it the nail on the head! I'm still crying from laughing so hard!
  24. bdbmamaw

    Yes i am officially banded!!!!

    Thanks for the update. I am eating all this info up. (Gotta eat something!) I am so less nervous just reading everyone's posts. I had a partial hysterectomy when I was in my 20's so I can't use the 'period' excuse to keep my undies on. But just think what the doctor feels like when he's banding a male and looks down to see 'Jim Bob and the Twins'... That would be disconcerting to say the least. Wouldn't want to be the doctor then...
  25. bdbmamaw

    Ummm? Bathroom Question

    OMG Band75! I have so much to look forward to! What a toot! ... I mean hoot!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
